Twenty Nine

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"Hi Jellybean" Riley squealed as she began to kick her legs. "I missed you. Were you a good girl for Auntie Dallas?" I pressed a kiss to her cheek as I cradled her against my side. I glanced to Dallas after a moment with no reply. "Dal?" her eyes narrowed in on my neck and then moved to meet mine.

"What's that on your neck?" her lips twitched into a smirk.

"What?" I stepped into her apartment, finding the mirror hung on the wall and I groaned at the hickey. "Fuck, I thought I'd covered it. Dammit" I grumbled, adjusting my sweater slightly as I turned back to Dallas. "Please, don't judge me."

"Why would I judge you?" she spoke through a laugh. I shrugged, glancing to Riley as I felt my cheeks burn. "Demi, you're old enough to make your own decisions and he is your boyfriend. Why would I care?" Riley giggled as I kissed her nose. "You're being safe, right?" I nodded.

"I-I'm on the pill and he used a condom. As much as I love Riley, I don't want another baby just yet" Riley pressed her hand to my mouth and giggled. "I love you, Beautiful" she squealed as I kissed the palm of her hand.

"Just keep being safe, please, because as much as I also love Riley..." I nodded, understanding where she was going as she raised her eyebrows at me and cut herself off.

"I know, and I promise. I really don't want another baby yet" she pressed a soft kiss to my cheek as she walked past me, grabbing the diaper bag off the couch. "Thank you for watching her. I hope she wasn't any trouble."

"She was an angel" she draped the bag over the handles of Riley's stroller. "I'll see you soon, Ry" Riley nuzzled her face into my neck after Dallas kissed her cheek. "Message if you need me, okay?" I nodded, wrapping my arm around her.

"I promise. Love you" she pressed a kiss to my cheek. I pulled away from the hug and then got Riley strapped into her stroller. She ended up dropping to sleep on the walk home. Dallas moved out just over a month ago into her own apartment that's thankfully only a 10 minute walk from mine. It's a nice little walk through a park that has a play area which hopefully Riley will play on one day. I didn't have any plans for the rest of the day so I just spent it with Riley. We cuddled, had tummy time, she surprised me by pushing up onto her hands and knees. I cried and she found it funny as she giggled. My baby is growing up far too quickly.

The next week, I saw Jace a handful of times and most of those times ended with us having sex.

"Jace, I feel like all we do at the minute is have sex" I lightly pushed at his chest as he leant over me.

"There ain't anything wrong with that, Baby" his eyes flashed with what I'd say was confusion as his eyebrows scrunched together. "Your pussy's good, Baby Girl."

"My pussy's good?" I raised my eyebrows at him.

"Mmm" he licked his lip. "You're good too, Babe. I like it with you. It makes me happy. I know it makes you happy too" he pressed his lips to mine as if to silence any argument I'd have. He hooked his fingers around my jeans that he'd already managed to unfasten. He slowly tugged them down my legs. It took me a moment to register that I could hear Riley's cries.

"Jace" I mumbled, pushing at his chest. "Jace, stop. Riley's crying" he grumbled as he moved away from me, dropping back against the couch. He adjusted himself in his pants and for some reason, I felt bad. "Let me just settle her" I pushed myself off the couch. "I'll be back and we can continue" I pressed a soft kiss to his cheek as his lips twitched into a smirk. I buttoned my jeans as I headed into Riley's nursery. "What's up, Jellybean?" I lifted her against my chest, pressing a soft kiss to her temple as her cries thankfully quietened. "You're safe, Baby" I lightly caressed the back of head. "You're gonna see Daddy again tomorrow. You gotta get your beauty sleep" she babbled back a reply. "I love you" I adjusted her in my arms so her head rest against my chest. She stared up at me, her beautiful brown eyes swimming with tears. "Go to sleep, Baby" I settled on the rocking chair in her nursery. I softly sung to her until she settled to sleep. I managed to lower her into her crib without her waking back up. "Sleep tight, Baby" I pressed a final kiss to her forehead and then left her nursery.

"You left me hanging there, Baby."

"I'm sorry but I gotta settle Riley otherwise my neighbours will report me" he released a laugh.

"Take off your jeans and panties" I bit down on my lip, keeping my eyes on him as I removed them. He reached to grab my hand and then tugged me to straddle his lap.

"Do you not think we've been having sex a bit too much?" he instantly began to kiss my neck, quickly finding my sweet spot. It was difficult trying to suppress my moans.

"You can never have too much sex, Baby. Anyway, we're in a relationship, why should it matter?" he cupped my chin in his hand and forced me to meet his gaze.

"I guess it shouldn't" he flashed me a wide smile and than brought my lips down to meet his.

He stayed over that night, sleeping soundly even when Riley woke screaming. She always settled back to sleep pretty quickly but once she woke at 5am, I just stayed awake with her. I struggled to even sleep last night. I couldn't stop thinking about the way Jace and I's relationship is going. It isn't how my relationship with Nick was. There's something about him that doesn't sit right with me and I can't quite put my finger on what it is.

Jace had to leave for his college class around noon which gave me time to freshen up before I had to meet Nick. He has a few days off college so he's come home. I like that he's making more of an effort with Riley. I think she's actually starting to understand that he's her Daddy. I'm meeting him at his parents and was thankfully able to grab a ride from Dallas who was heading in that direction for work. She hasn't worked at the bookstore for a couple of weeks, she's now an assistant for some fashion designer.

"Henry's looking for a model. I didn't know whether you'd be interested" she flashed me a brief smirk as she stopped at a red light. I laughed as I scrunched my eyebrows together.

"I'm not a model, Dallas, and anyway, I have Riley. I ain't exactly got the figure for a model."

"That's kinda what he wants. Someone who isn't stick thin" I raised my eyebrows at her. "He also kinda saw a photo of you and he thought you'd be a good fit."

"That's a little creepy, don't you think?" she shrugged.

"You are on my desk, Demi. It's not like he went searching for it" I bit on my lip as I took a glance out the window. "You can't stay at a book store forever and anyway, you used to love doing pageants and dressing up. You used to make your own little runway at home. It's good pay for the shoot."

"What would I be wearing?"

"You considering it?" I rolled my eyes at her smirk.

"I might consider it more if you tell me what I'd be wearing" she focused back on the road as she pulled into Nick's neighbourhood. I took a glance back at Riley who was fast asleep in her car seat.

"It's kinda lingerie."

"Dallas!" she flashed me an innocent smile. "I don't know. Find out how much it pays and I might consider it."

"I will do. Have fun with your baby daddy" I rolled my eyes as I climbed from the car. Taking Riley from her car seat was a complete mistake because the moment she moved the tiniest inch, she woke up and started to scream.


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