Forty Eight

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I don't know how I managed to escape Odell's apartment without waking him, but I did. It was 1:30pm when I left. I told my Mom the day before that I'd collect Riley at 1pm as I know that she has to be at work for half past.

"I'm so sorry" she flashed me a light smile, stepping out of the way so I could enter the house. "I-I didn't set an alarm and my phone died so I couldn't have..."

"It's fine, Honey. I managed to push my start time to 3."

"I'm sorry" she softly laughed as she shook her head.

"Did you have a fun night?"

"I did. Now, where's my baby?" Mom pointed towards the kitchen. A smile formed on my face as I stepped into the kitchen to find Riley colouring. "What are you doing, Jellybean?" she squealed which instantly made me wince. "Don't squeal too loud, Baby" she slid off the chair and ran straight at me. I instantly locked my arms around her.

"Hi Mommy" I combed my fingers through her curls.

"Hi Riley" her arms remained tight around my neck. "Did you have fun, Beautiful?" she pulled away from me, eagerly nodding as I lightly twirled one of her curls around my finger.

"Yeah, made cookies."

"You made cookies?" she nodded with a giggle and then ran off to the kitchen counter.

"You wanna give Momma a cookie, Ry?" she glanced to my Mom and nodded, pointing at the tray of cookies on the counter that she was trying to reach on tippy toes. "Which one do you want to give her, Baby?" Mom lifted her onto her hip as Riley pointed at a cookie. Mom passed it to Riley and then lowered her back down onto the floor. My heart burst as Riley carefully walked towards me with the cookie in her hand.

"Here go, Momma" my lips tugged into a wide smile.

"Thank you so much, Beautiful Girl" I puckered my lips which she leant to kiss.

"You wanna stay for a bit, Demi? You can catch me up on your night" I smiled up at my Mom and nodded. My cheeks instantly began to burn. I'm not telling her everything.

"Do you have some Tylenol too?" her eyebrows raised and her lips twitched into a smirk as she stared at me. I rolled my eyes causing her to softly laugh.

"Of course I do" I turned my attention then to Riley who had gone back to her drawing.

"What are you colouring then, Baby?"

I spent about an hour at my Mom's until she had to leave for work. I got Riley fed, bathed and then into bed. It was as I headed downstairs that there was a knock on my front door. I released a breath as I headed to unlock it.

"Odell..." I breathed out, trying to ignore the sudden pounding of my heart as Odell stood on my doorstep. Memories of last night made butterflies erupt in my stomach.

"What was that?" my eyebrows raised slightly.

"What was what?"

"Last night. This morning" I glanced down at the floor, trying to ignore the way my body felt from his presence. "You just left, Demi. You-You never even..." he shook his head and cut himself off. "Why'd you just leave?"

"I-I didn't think you'd want me to stick around, we-we were both drunk. I-I had to-to get Riley. I thought it-it was..." a mistake. Odell doesn't do relationships. He's been sleeping around for over a year. Why would last night change that?

"Demi..." he released a breath, running his fingers through his curls as he glanced away from me. There was a nervous sort of gleam in his eyes. "We need to talk" a lump instantly formed in my throat. I didn't reply, I just stepped out of the way so he could enter. I closed and locked the door and then turned to Odell who was staring down at the floor. A silence quickly settled around us that I very quickly found awkward. I glanced down at my hands as I nervously played with my fingers. "Last night..." I jumped at his voice. He stopped himself, softly laughing from my reaction. "Last night probably shouldn't have happened" I bit down on my lip as my heart froze in my chest. This is going to be the rejection I was so fearful of. "But-But that doesn't mean I regret it" my eyebrows raised slightly as I remained quiet. "Fuck D! I didn't think this would be so hard" he released a breath, running his fingers through his curls. He sounded frustrated with himself. "Demi, I like you and I-I mean as more than just a friend" I wanted to smile and tell him that I felt the same way but I was in shock. That was the last thing I expected to come out of his mouth. I convinced myself that he wouldn't feel the same. The butterflies in my stomach had suddenly doubled. "I-I guess it was the alcohol that gave me the courage to tell you, and those guys staring at your ass definitely had me a little jealous" my lips tugged into a smile at his quiet confession.

"H-How long?"

"Don't know. Think I've been in denial about it for a while" he shrugged, shoving his hands in his pant pockets. "I just know that you make me nervous and..." my lips tugged into a wide smile as he rolled his eyes. I've never seen Odell so soft, other than when he's with Riley. "I love spending time with you, and Riley. Demi, I really fucking like you" my heart began to pound against my chest once again. "Are you gonna reply or just leave me hanging?" I stepped up to him, caressed his face in my hands, flashed him a smile and then crashed my lips to his. He removed his hands from his pockets and settled them on my hips. I giggled against his lips as his tongue slid along my lip. "Now what's this mean?" he questioned as I detached our lips, his hands instantly moved to squeeze my ass.

"It means that I like you too" I bit down on my lip, playing with the curls at the back of his neck as I stared into his eyes. "I have for longer than I'd like to admit."

"So we gonna do this?"

"As long as you promise that we'll always be friends, no matter what happens because I can't lose that" he lightly caressed my jaw with his thumb as he nodded.

"I promise."

"And Riley will always come first" his lips twitched into a smile as he nodded, leaning to press his lips to mine.

"As she should. Riley is more important" he mumbled against my mouth. He went to deepen the kiss but grumbled when I pulled away. "What?" I laughed at his groan.

"I think we should go slow" his eyebrows raised so I continued. "No more sex until at least the 5th date" my lips twitched into a smirk as his jaw dropped.

"5th date?" I bit down on my lip and nodded. He released a breath, removing his hand that still remained on my ass. "If I stay for a movie can we class that as a first date?" I softly laughed, beginning to play with the bottom of his shirt.

"If we order Chinese because I haven't eaten yet."

"Deal" I giggled as he held his hand out for me to shake. "I can still kiss you, right?" I nodded, smiling up at him as he cupped my face in his hands and he leant down to kiss me.


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