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My family, especially Dallas and Odell, weren't that happy to find out that I'd allowed Nick back into Jellybean's life, but thankfully they all managed to trust my decision. At the end of the day, it is my choice and I will have to live with the consequences if it all goes wrong. I'll probably get an 'I told you so' but I need to at least try and give Nick a chance, he might prove everyone wrong, he might turn out to be a good Dad.

I'd always dreamt of going to my senior prom but since I left school because of the pregnancy, I've not really had the same desire to go. All over Instagram were posts from my old classmates. To see them all looking so happy has actually made me a little jealous. It's a Friday evening and I'm sat in bed, caressing my belly as my little Jellybean wriggles around inside me whilst everyone I went to school with are getting ready for prom. I shut my phone off after a while, fed up of all the posts and I trudged downstairs.

"You okay, Baby?" I flashed my Mom a light smile as I stepped into the kitchen. She slid her hand along my bump. "Hi Beautiful" my smile widened as she softly spoke to my belly as baby continued to flutter around. I'm so lucky to have such supportive parents. Their support honestly means the world.

"Everyone's off to prom."

"You could have gone, Demi" I shook my head as I headed to the refrigerator, searching in it until I found a jar of pickles. "I'm about to make dinner, Honey" I shrugged as I took a seat at the island counter.

"I'm 25 weeks pregnant, I can eat dinner too" she rolled her eyes as I smirked. I unfastened the jar of pickles, taking a bite out of one just as Dallas stepped into the kitchen.

"Look who I found on the porch" she stepped out of the way as Odell, who was wearing a tux, stepped into the kitchen.

"Wow, doesn't someone look handsome" my Mom commented. My cheeks flushed because it suddenly hit that I'm thinking the exact same thing. I glanced down at the jar of pickles, trying to stop my cheeks from burning so hard. "You on your way to prom, Odell?" he must have nodded because Mom continued. "You can't convince this one to go, can you?" I rolled my eyes as I glared up at her.

"Mom, I'm not bothered about prom, and anyway, I don't have anything to wear even if I wanted to go."

"I may have something you could wear" my eyes shot to Dallas who was stood beside Odell, a light smile on her face. "It isn't anything too fancy but it's a dress" my eyes moved to Odell who stood beside her trying to look innocent.

"Did y'all plan this or something? Am I gonna go upstairs and find this grand princess dress?" they all laughed as I pushed myself off the stool, admitting defeat. I do want to go to my senior prom, there's no point denying it anymore. "I'm gonna get stared at though, Odell. I'm probably gonna get laughed at too" he shook his head as he stepped up to me.

"Ignore them, D. You deserve to be at prom, as much as every person who's there. It'll be Jellybean's first dance" my lips twitched at the corners as I glanced down at my stomach. His eyes were pleading with me, and he says I have a puppy look.

"Okay, you've won."

"Knew I would" I rolled my eyes making him laugh. I lightly pushed him out the way and I followed Dallas upstairs. In her room, hanging in her closet was a beautiful burgundy maxi dress. Dallas helped me into it and I smiled as I caught my reflection in the mirror. It wasn't until I put it on that I realised Odell's tie was the same colour, my cheeks burnt at the realisation. I slid my hand over my belly, making it a little more prominent under the dress. Dallas combed her fingers through my hair that she was preparing to lightly curl.

"You look beautiful, Demi" I met her gaze through the mirror as I turned to face it.

"I look huge when I do this" I tucked the dress under my bump. Dallas rolled her eyes as she reached for her curling iron and she began to curl the ends of my hair.

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