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Dallas spoke about a gender reveal party and I ended up agreeing to it. Knowing the gender of my baby won't change my love for them, whether I find out now or when I give birth. Dr Hendricks wrote the baby's gender on an ultrasound and placed it into an envelope which she handed to Dallas. Everything at the appointment was perfect and my little Jellybean was growing as they should. It made me emotional to see all their little features on the screen.

"So, you wanna make a final guess?" I glanced at Odell through my mirror as I sat at my vanity.

"A boy."

"I could teach him to play football" I rapidly began to shake my head as a smile took over his face. "Why not, D?"

"My baby ain't playing football. That shits aggressive" he laughed as he sat up on my bed. "I don't wanna watch him get hurt. Anyway, baby could be a girl."

"They could, they could also wanna play football" I just shook my head in reply. "I think baby's a girl, and they're gonna be identical to their Momma" a smile spread across my face as I glanced down at my bump. "Either way Jellybean's gonna be loved. Ya know that, right?" I met his gaze as I nodded.

I finished up getting ready, deciding to wear just a plain white summer dress that falls perfectly over my baby bump. It's still a little chilly outside so I also threw on a denim jacket. Odell was behind me as I headed downstairs and out into the backyard where almost everyone was. We're still waiting on Nick's parents. The fact that they were late made me question whether they were going to come or not.

"It's their loss, Dem" I flashed Dallas a light smile as I caressed my belly. I continued to observe everyone that was here. Odell was stood with Eddie by the grill. My Mom and Heather were sat together with my Mimaw and Aunt Kathy on the couches that sat on the porch by the backdoor and then, Madison was playing with our cousins, Jasmine and Holly on her climbing frame. I glanced down at my bump and lightly smiled. I will make sure that my little Jellybean is loved, whether Nick's family are involved or not, they will be loved. "Demi?" I jumped as Dallas gently nudged me in the side. "Nick's parents are here" my eyes moved to the back gate as Denise and Paul stepped into the backyard, closely followed by Nick and Frankie. "What the fuck's he doing here? He wasn't invited" I began towards them, plastering my most convincing smile onto my face as Denise noticed me.

"Honey, you're glowing" she wrapped her arms around me. I welcomed the hug, meeting Nick's gaze over her shoulder. He rolled his eyes as he glanced away. "You look beautiful, Demi" my smile turned more genuine as I met her gaze.

"Thanks, Denise" I glanced briefly to Nick but he refused to look at me. "Erm, thank you for coming too."

"They're our grandchild, of course we'd be here" she spoke a little louder as she glanced to Nick who just rolled his eyes. "I'm gonna say hi to your Mom" I nodded, turning to Nick once Denise and Paul had left us alone.

"What are you doing here?"

"Didn't have a fucking choice, Demi. I'm not here of my own free will" I crossed my arms over my chest, pissed off already with his sudden attitude. Why does he get to have an attitude? I'm not forcing him to be here. He can leave.

"Don't try to make out that this is my fault. You weren't invited, Nick. I'm perfectly happy raising this baby without you. I came to terms with the fact that you're a deadbeat" I watched as his jaw clenched. "Don't deny it. You are, Nick" his eyes narrowed in on something over my shoulder. I turned to find Odell who was watching us as he remained stood by the grill. Paul was now conversing with Eddie.

"He's still hanging around, huh?"

"He's my best friend, Nick" he just rolled his eyes and went to speak but I cut him off. "Stop. You don't get to make comments anymore. We're finished."

"I don't want him around the..."

"You don't get to care, Nick. You made it perfectly clear that you wanted nothing to do with this baby" I jumped as an arm slid around my neck, it was obvious who it belonged to. The anger in Nick's eyes confirmed my suspicions but it also confused me. He's dating Jasmine, he was probably fucking Jasmine whilst we were still together, he doesn't get to act like he's jealous or angry right now. He threw our entire relationship away, he told me to abort our baby, he doesn't get to control any aspect of my life especially not my friendships.

"You okay, D?" I glanced up at Odell who was staring at Nick, his eyes slightly narrowed.

"Been better" Nick rolled his eyes, pushing himself past Odell. "I don't get why he thinks he can act all possessive over me and Jellybean" Odell's lips twitched into a smile at my use of the nickname. It's a nickname I think I'm going to keep for baby. I glanced briefly at Nick's back and released a breath.

"You do what you want, D. Like you said, he doesn't control you" I leant up to peck his cheek. "You ready to find out if baby's a boy or girl?" my lips twitched into a wide smile as I nodded, my stomach filling with butterflies.

"I will love them whatever, but I'm so ready" he lightly laughed as he led me towards Dallas. She squealed her excitement and skipped off into the house. Odell remained at my side as everyone started to crowd around. Nick stayed away, stood by the porch with his arms over his chest and a look of pure annoyance on his face. Dallas reappeared only a moment later, carrying a large white balloon that had 'Boy or Girl?' written on it. I bit down on my lip as she placed the balloon down on the floor beside me. Odell went to step away but I took a hold of his shirt, lightly shaking my head as I glanced to him. His eyes moved over to Nick but I just turned my attention back to the balloon. Nick doesn't get to ruin this moment for me. Odell's hand settled on my back as I took the pin from Dallas. "10" I giggled at the groan that came from almost everyone. My smile widened as the countdown grew nearer to one and I moved the pin closer to the balloon. My hand flew to cover my mouth as pink confetti fluttered to the floor. "A girl" my eyes welled up with tears as I turned to Odell. "Baby's a girl" he laughed as I threw myself at him, my arms wrapping tightly around his neck as I began to softly cry. Everyone else celebrating along with me.

The excitement continued for the rest of the afternoon, baby girl and I were completely doted on by everyone. I kept catching Nick's eyes on me but I never got the chance to question him before he left. As much as I hate him, I do kind of want my daughter to have her father around. I want her to have a relationship with her biological father because I didn't have much of a relationship with mine.


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