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Odell and I were thankfully just given a warning and then sent off to second period. I had Math and Odell had English so we had to go our separate ways. I didn't see Nick until lunch which meant I very briefly forgot about the baby growing inside me. He slid his arm around my waist and pressed a very brief peck to my lips before resuming his conversation with Jason. I caught sight of Odell who had Jasmine sat on his lap as he picked at his fries on the table.

"You okay?" he mouthed. I nodded in reply, flashing him a very light smile. I glanced back up at Nick, sliding the tip of my finger along his jaw until he glanced down at me.

"You alright, Babe?"

"Yeah, just wanted your attention" he slid his hand along my arm and then intertwined our fingers. He tugged me towards a seat. He sat down first and then tugged me onto his lap. "It okay if I come over tonight?" I questioned, sliding my fingers through his very light curls as he caressed my hip.

"Of course" his lips twitched into a smirk.

"It won't involve that, Nick" I rolled my eyes making him laugh. I turned my head as he leant to kiss me so he caught my cheek instead of my lips.

"Lighten up, Babe" he gently bounced his knee.

Nick went back to chatting with other people all lunch so I was left twiddling my fingers. No one even noticed that I hadn't eaten anything. I can't even stomach the thought of food, never mind actually eating anything. I'd probably just vomit it all back up anyway, it'd be pointless to try. Everyone was too caught up in their own conversations to notice that I hadn't eaten anyway. I'm part of the popular crowd, dating Nick Jonas, a football player. I'm not anything important, I don't do cheer and I don't dance. I enjoy to sing but our high school doesn't have its own glee club. I only became part of the popular crowd because I'm best friends with Odell, who just happens to be the captain of the football team.

The rest of school, I was panicking about Nick's reaction. I struggled to concentrate on anything. Nick drove us back to his house and as soon as he realised that no one was in, he had my face in his hands and his lips on mine. He had me pressed against the wall as I kissed him back. It eventually sunk in that I came here to have a serious conversation.

"Nick" he grumbled his protest, hooking his fingers around the waist of my jeans that he'd already managed to unbutton. "No" I shook my head, lightly pushing on his chest.

"Demi" he pressed his hand on the wall beside my head as he groaned out his frustration.

"I didn't come here to do that, Nick" I quickly fastened my jeans. "I came here to talk with you about something" his eyebrows raised as he took a step back.

"Sounds serious" I bit down on my lip as I glanced down at my hands, nodding as I twiddled my fingers.

"It kinda is."

"You haven't cheated on me, have you?" my eyes widened as I rapidly shook my head.

"No, I can't believe you'd even think that" he crossed his arms over his chest, staring down at me.

"Then what the fuck is it, D?" he looked almost impatient.

"I-I..." I could feel tears burning at the backs of my eyes. I already feel like this conversation isn't going to end well. "I-I'm pregnant" I bit down on my lip as I kept my eyes down on the floor. I was surprised when he suddenly started to laugh. I glanced up at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"No, you're fucking not, Demi."

"I took a test this morning, Nick. Yes, I fucking am" his eyes burnt into mine, he looked enraged. "You really think I'd lie to you about something this fucking serious?" I pointed at my stomach to prove my point. Tears of complete anger were pouring down my cheeks. It doesn't look like he's going to support me in this. My baby isn't going to have their father.

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