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I grumbled as I woke, wincing as I slightly moved my arm. I felt lips press against my temple and I lightly smiled.

"Hi Momma" I forced my eyes open and met Dallas' smile. "It's good to see you awake" my eyes moved down to the back of my hand. "You lost a lot of blood, Dem. They've had to give you a transfusion" I nodded and then I remembered.

"Riley?" my voice was scratchy and it hurt a little to talk.

"She's fine. They're just finishing up with some tests."

"And Mom?"

"They're on their way home. I rang them when you were rushed to hospital" she played with a strand of my hair.

"Can-Can I have a drink?"

"Of course, Honey" she poured me a glass of water. It helped to soothe my throat. "Let me go and see if I can get Riley" she pressed a kiss to my temple and then pushed herself up from the chair. I relaxed back against the bed as she left the room. Less than 5 minutes later, there was a gentle knock on the door and I called for whoever it was to enter. I instantly smiled as Odell poked his head into the room.

"You happy for me to come in?" I nodded so he stepped into the room, allowing the door to close behind him. "You had us all scared there, D" he moved to stand beside the bed, his arms wrapping around me in a hug.

"It'll take a lot more than that to get rid of me" he rolled his eyes, taking a hold of my hand and giving it a squeeze. "It put you off kids?" he laughed as he shook his head.

"It was scary but it ain't gonna be me pushing them out" he continued to laugh as I hit him on the arm.

"Is Clara still here?"

"She's had to head off to work. She's glad your okay though."

"I'll have to thank her some other time then" he leant to delicately kiss my temple. My eyes moved to the door a moment later, a smile spread across my face as tears lined my lower lid. Dallas stepped into the room, pushing a crib in front of her that obviously held Riley.

"Look who I've got" a wide smile spread across her face. I winced slightly as I sat up, biting down on my lip as Dallas placed the crib beside the bed.

"Hi Beautiful" I managed to lift her against my chest, my heart completely full as her eyes opened. "I love you" I whispered, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "Is everything okay with her?" I glanced to Dallas who nodded.

"All tests came back clear. She's a healthy baby" the smile on my face widened as her eyes fluttered open.

"Hi Riley Bree" her lips formed into a pout as she pressed her hand to her cheek. "You're so beautiful, Baby" I lightly took her little hand in mine, smiling as I caressed her tiny fingers.

"She kinda looks like ya, D."

"That's your Uncle O, Beautiful. Momma ignores him most of the time" my lips twitched into a smirk and I softly laughed as he gently nudged me in the side.

"Hey" I glanced to him, able to feel my cheeks heating up at the smile on his face. "Your Momma loves me really, Ry" I briefly met Dallas' gaze. The subtle smirk on her face made my cheeks burn. I shook my head as I glanced back down at Riley. I pressed a kiss to the palm of her hand, running my fingers through the light brown hair on her head.

"Do you have my phone?" Dallas nodded, pulling my phone from the pocket of her sweater. I took it, the time was the first thing that I noticed. 05:34. I must have been out of it for a while. "What time was Riley actually born?"

"8:23. You were in and out of sleep once they got you settled in here. They thought they'd have to take you to surgery but the placenta came away naturally and then your bleeding started to settle" I nodded as I unlocked my phone and I tapped onto my messages. I instantly found Nick's ID.

Me: I know it's early but just thought I'd message to say your daughter's here. I don't know whether you care but I thought I'd message you anyway. I want proof that I at least tried.

"Why you even trying, D?"

"Because he's her father" I released a breath as I locked my phone. "I know I said that I was done but it isn't me this is gonna affect, it's Riley. I want to at least say that I tried. I want proof that I tried" I handed my phone back to Dallas. She lowered it onto the table as I glanced back down at Riley. "I wanna prove to her that I tried."

"You've done everything, Dem. If he don't wanna be involved, that's on him and we'll all make sure that Riley is aware of that" I glanced to Dallas as she reached to caress Riley's hand. "Him not being involved isn't your fault."

"You wanna hold her?" her lips twitched into a wide smile as she nodded. I laughed as I allowed her to take Riley.

"Hi Beautiful" I glanced to Odell as Dallas doted on Riley.

"You ready to be fun Uncle O?" he met my gaze and nodded as he wrapped his arm around me, pulling me into him.

"I'm ready, D. You ready to be Momma?"

"I think so" I released a breath as I glanced to Riley as Dallas stood with her by the window of my room, speaking softly to her about whatever.

Dallas and Odell both got to have a hold of Riley before she began to fuss. Odell left to grab some breakfast as I attempted to breastfeed Riley with the help from my nurse. She had a difficult time latching on but she eventually got it. It hurt to start off with but the nurse did mention that it should get easier. Riley fell asleep against my chest afterwards and she remained there until my parents arrived. She got a cuddle off my Mom and Eddie who both cried as they held her. It made me emotional as Madison cuddled into me.

I was discharged later that day after I'd signed all the paperwork I needed too. I came to the decision to give Riley my last name. Nick wasn't there to sign the birth certificate so as it stands, he isn't on it. Nick needs to prove that he wants to be involved before I even consider putting him on it.

"Welcome home, Riley" I smiled as I stepped through the front door with Riley's car seat on my arm. Hanging along the bannister was a banner that read 'welcome home baby girl.' Tears burnt the back of my eyes as Eddie took Riley's car seat and my Mom wrapped her arms around me.

"Welcome home, Baby" she pressed a soft kiss to my temple.

"I can't believe she's actually here" I wiped away the tear that rolled down my cheek. "It's crazy."

"It's only gonna get crazier, Baby Girl."

"You-You'll help me, right?" I forced out as I stepped away from the hug. "I-I don't mean constantly, she is-she is my baby but I-I've never done this before. What-What if I let her down? What if I hurt her? I don't wanna hurt her, Mom" she softly laughed as she played with a strand of my hair.

"You're gonna be fine, okay? And in regards to hurting her, I remember when Dallas was a baby and I cut her finger whilst clipping her nails. I felt so guilty but it wasn't intentional. I didn't mean to hurt her" tears slowly rolled down my cheeks. "Of course, I'll help you. We're all here to help you, Demi" she pressed a delicate kiss to my cheek. "Go and sit down, Baby. You've got to rest as much as you can" I gave my Mom a final hug and then headed into the living room where Eddie was unclipping Riley from her car seat. I lowered myself onto the couch beside him, cuddling into his side as he cradled Riley against his chest.

"She looks a lot like you, Dem" I lightly smiled as I caressed the back of Riley's hand with my thumb. "She's beautiful."

"Thanks Daddy" he pressed a soft kiss to the top of my head.


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