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My first day back at work was tough. I cried on break because I missed Riley so much. I have to take regular breaks to pump so whilst I'm on break I ring whoever's at home with Riley, most of the time it's my Mom. Riley is slowly becoming her own little person. She's growing too quickly and I feel like being at work will make time go faster. I just want to spend as much time with her as possible. I feel guilty when I leave for work but I know that I'm working to provide her with a future. I want to give her everything. Just because I'm a teen Mom, it shouldn't mean Riley has to miss out on certain things.

Eddie and Odell came with me and Riley to view the apartment, and I fell in love with it. It's only a little two bedroom with an open plan kitchen and living area but it'll be enough for me and Riley. It's a fresh start. It isn't too far from town, it's only a floor above Odell's apartment and there's a cute little play park nearby. All I'm waiting for now is a date we can officially move in.

"Aren't you a cute little pumpkin?" I cooed as I smiled down at Riley who lay on my bed, kicking her legs as she smiled. "You look beautiful, Jellybean" Riley cooed as I leant down to kiss her cheek. "You ready to trick or treat? Auntie Mads loves her candy, Beautiful" I slid my hands beneath her and I cradled her against my chest. I reached for my phone as it buzzed, rolling my eyes at the notification.

O🖤: PLEASE?? 🥺 Let ya hair down D 🙏🏼

"What you think, Ry? Should Momma go to this party" I locked my phone and shoved it into my pocket, beginning downstairs. I could hear voices in the kitchen. I smiled at Madison who skipped up to me and twirled.

"Am I pretty?"

"You're such a beautiful princess, Mads" she giggled as she wrapped her arms around my legs.

"What's Riley?"

"She's a pumpkin, Honey" I adjusted Riley in my arms.

"And she's a beautiful pumpkin too" Riley's lips twitched into a smile at Dallas' high baby voice. "Hi Baby" she began to coo as I allowed Dallas to take her. Madison followed Dallas into the living room so I turned to my Mom who was emptying bags of candy into a bowl.

"You okay, Dem?"

"There's a party tomorrow that-that's Odell's invited me too" I bit on my lip as I began to twiddle with my fingers. "Would you be able to watch Riley? It's fine if not..." I glanced up at my Mom as her lips twitched into a smirk. "What?" my cheeks began to burn with a blush.

"We'll be fine to look after Riley. Go out and enjoy yourself" I wrapped my arms around her in a hug.

"Thank you. I promise I won't be late home."

Madison got an entire bucket of candy and chocolate from our neighbours and Riley got a lot of compliments. Everyone commented on how cute she looked. I can't help but to agree. She smiled at everyone and it completely warmed my heart. She's already such a happy little baby.

The party that I'm invited to is being held by one of Odell's college mates. He's on the college football team with Odell. I've been to a couple of their games but I don't know any of Odell's teammates by their names.

"I can't wear this" I commented, glancing at Dallas over my shoulder as she laid on my bed with Riley asleep on her chest.

"Why not, D?"

"Because I still look pregnant" I turned to my side, sighing as I slid my hand down the bump to my lower stomach.

"You don't look pregnant, Demi" I rolled my eyes and began to rummage around in my closet. "I have that maid outfit that I wore last year, if you wanna try that?" I bit down on my lip as tears burnt the back of my eyes.

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