Twenty Four

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"Odell, hi" he just gave me a nod and then stepped into my apartment. I moved out of the way for him to enter. He glanced around my apartment for a moment before he turned to me, making me suddenly very confused.

"I take it Jace ain't here?" my heart stopped for a moment.

"O, I..."

"No, I had to find out from Jace that you were dating. He only mentioned it cause he assumed you'd already told me" I glanced briefly down to the floor. It's been nearly a month since our first date and Jace officially asked me to be his girlfriend a week ago. We've been on multiple dates since our first just after Christmas. "Why didn't you tell me? You didn't think your best friend should know that you're dating someone?" I swallowed down the lump in my throat.

"I-I forgot" he just rolled his eyes.

"How do you forget you're dating someone?" I honestly hadn't forgot, I was just worried about what his reaction would be. I did plan to tell him. I never wanted to keep it a secret. "I don't like it. He isn't right for you" my eyes widened and my jaw dropped slightly. "He's an ass, Demi."

"Well to me he isn't. He's sweet and he cares and he..."

"You're blinded, D. You don't see the real him."

"And you fucking do?" I shook my head, starting to become frustrated with this conversation.

"You weren't there when he mentioned it" I just rolled my eyes. "You didn't like when he fucking stared at you on Halloween. Why the fuck you like him, D?"

"He's different. Apparently he was just nervous and..." Odell rolled his eyes and laughed which cut me off.

"He don't get nervous, D. Oh, and you also forgot to mention that he's the reason you broke your fucking ankle" my heart physically ached at his tone of voice. He almost sounded angry with me. Not once has he ever used this tone of voice, even when I told him I was pregnant.

"He didn't break it. I fell off the ladder, Odell. He didn't even touch me" it was obvious he didn't believe me. "I can get you the fucking security footage if you wanna see it?" he shook his head, staring down at me as he ran his hands over his head.

"Have you fucked him?" my eyes widened.

"I don't think..."

"Have you fuck..."

"No, I haven't. Is that okay with you?" I could feel tears starting to force their way forward. They were beginning to sting the back of my eyes. I'm losing my best friend.

"He isn't right for you."

"You keep saying that" I rolled my eyes, a single tear rolled down my cheek. "You also said that Nick wasn't right for me, so who the fuck is right for me, Odell?" he just silently stared at me for a moment, the look in his eyes confused me slightly. "Am I just supposed to be single for the rest of my life? I may be a teen fucking Mom, Odell, but I am able to date people. I can have a fucking life. What is your problem?"

"It doesn't matter. Do whatever the fuck you want, obviously I ain't important enough to be told" he turned around to leave.

"O?" he just shook his head and continued towards the door. "Odell?" I released a breath as he ignored me, slamming the door behind him which ultimately woke Riley. I groaned as she started to cry. I quickly wiped the tears from my cheeks and I headed into her nursery. "Hi Jellybean" she continued to scream as I lifted her from the crib, cradling her against my chest. "Uncle O's mad at Momma, Baby" I pressed my lips to her temple, playing lightly with her hair. "Lets go and cuddle."

Mom came to pick Riley up about an hour later so I could head into work. My ankle has completely healed. All I need to do now is build my strength up. I've got weekly appointments with a physiotherapist along with stretches to do at home.

"Hi Baby" I smiled as Jace walked up to the checkout.

"Hi" I slid my hand along his cheek and leant to kiss him. "So, you told Odell?" his lips formed into a tight smile.

"I thought you already had, Babe. I'm sorry" I shook my head and released a breath as I played with the ends of my hair.

"Don't stress it. I'm sure he'll get over it."

"He seems pretty pissed. You sure there's never been..." I rapidly shook my head.

"There's never been anything, I swear to you" he nodded, sliding a book towards me. "You don't read and especially not romance" he laughed as I scanned it for him.

"It's for my Mom. It's her birthday on Saturday."

"Well, happy birthday to your Mom" he flashed me a smile as he paid for it and then shoved it into his backpack.

"You wanna come?" my eyes widened slightly. "She's having this party thing. It ain't much, just family and some friends" I bit down on my lip as I watched him. "You don't have to. I-I just...I'd like to introduce you to my parents" butterflies instantly filled my stomach. I didn't have the chance to reply as an older lady came up to the counter. Jace stepped off to the side, keeping his eyes on me as I served her. "You're so beautiful" he commented once we were left alone again.

"Shut up" he laughed as I rolled my eyes, able to feel my cheeks burning once again. "If I can get someone to take care of Riley, I'll come to your Mom's party" his lips twitched into a wide smile that made my butterflies ten times worse.

"That makes me really happy."

"Oh, I bet it does."

"I can't wait for them to know you as Demi and not just the girl they caught me staring at once" I nervously laughed, glancing briefly down at my hands.

"Do they know about Riley?"

"They don't" I nodded. "D, they-they kinda ain't cool with teen pregnancy" my eyebrows raised.

"So, your parents are gonna think I'm a whore?" he released a breath as he ran his hand over his head. "I've changed my mind. I don't wanna meet them" I shook my head, beginning to occupy myself with tidying up the desk as tears burnt the back of my eyes. I had enough of being treated like a whore at school when I first found out I was pregnant.


"Your parents aren't gonna like me, J. They probably think I'd try and trap you with a kid" I wiped the fallen tear from my cheek. "I don't need to be stared at like some kind of zoo animal. I didn't plan to get pregnant at 17, but I wouldn't go back and change it. Riley is the best thing that's ever happened to me" he reached out for my hand.

"I know" I sniffled and wiped my cheeks. "They don't know you yet, Demi. They don't know that you're a teen mom."

"So what? You want me to lie to them" he remained silent. "I can't just forget that I have a 5 month old, Jace. Riley comes first and she always will."

"I just want you to meet my parents, is that such a bad thing?" his eyes flashed with an anger I hadn't seen on him before.

"It kinda is when you've just told me that they hate teen parents. I'm a teen parent, Jace, unless you forgot?"

"I didn't forget, Demi. Just don't come, okay?" my mouth opened but nothing came out as he turned to leave. What the fuck? I would have ran after him but I'm the only person in the store for the next 2 hours until we close. I took a seat on the stool and pulled out my phone. I dialled his number but was sent straight to voicemail. What the fuck is his problem?

To Jace: I'm sorry for what I said but Riley will always come first. You've gotta understand that!

The 'sent' changed to 'read' but I never received a reply.

To Jace: I'll come to your parents on Saturday. If you still want me there, that is?


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