Forty Two

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"Were you and Mr Hendricks in a sexual relationship?"

"Yeah" I spoke over the lump in my throat.

"Was it consensual?"

"I-I suppose it wasn't every time but..." I cut myself off for a moment. "My-My body reacted in a way that-that made it seem like I wanted it so I guess he thought I did" I shrugged, glancing down at my hands as I played with my fingers.

"Demi, you didn't give your consent. Your body reacting in a certain way doesn't make this okay" I glanced up at the middle-aged blonde sat opposite me. She reminds me of a Mom. She gives off that comforting and approachable vibe. "When was the first time he physically assaulted you, Demi?"

"He-He found out that I-I was gonna be modelling lingerie" I lifted my hand up to wipe my cheek. "He apologised and-and was so loving afterwards. It-It was a few weeks later that it-it happened again" my eyes watched her hand as she made notes. "He said he-he didn't like doing it. I-I frustrated him and he lashed out" the blonde lightly shook her head.

"None of this is your fault, Demi. You didn't make him hit you" I glanced back down at my hands. "Mr Hendricks has been taken into police custody with no chance of bail. We have enough evidence to convict him. If he pleads innocent and this goes to court, you will have to testify" I nodded, biting down on my lip as tears welled up in my eyes. "If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us. I have enough for today" I nodded, pushing myself to stand when she did. I shook her hand and then followed her from the room. Odell was in the waiting area and I walked straight to him. My arms slid around his waist and I cuddled myself into his chest.

"You're okay, D" his arms wrapped loosely around my neck. I released a breath, calming instantly in his embrace.

"Can we get out of here?" he nodded as I pulled away from him. I sniffled as I walked out of the station with him.

"Dallas grabbed some stuff for you and Riley, she's gone back to her apartment. She thought you could stay with her until you figure out what you wanna do?" I silently nodded, continuing to quietly walk beside him. I don't think I could go back to my apartment, that's where everything happened. I hadn't realised how much abuse I'd truly suffered until today. Most of the times we had sex, I never consented. I never wanted it. I was raped. "Demi?" I jumped from my thoughts at Odell's voice. My chin quivered as our eyes met. He didn't say anything, he just wrapped his arms around me. I clutched at the back of his shirt as I cried into his chest. He just held me until I calmed down. I didn't say anything as I pulled away from him and I climbed into the passenger seat of his car. I kept my gaze out the window as Odell drove to Dallas'. The odd tear rolled down my cheek but I quickly wiped it away. I don't know whether Odell noticed but he never mentioned anything, not until we got to Dallas'. "You wanna talk about anything, D?" he softly questioned as he brought the car to a stop outside Dallas' apartment building. "I can imagine you've been through a lot of shit. I'm here to listen."

"It'll only make-make you hate him more" I sniffled, wiping at my cheeks with the back of my hand.

"Demi, I already hate the guy and I wanna beat the shit outta him" I bit down on my lip as I stared into his eyes. I didn't need to say anything, it was obvious that he figured it out as his grip tightened on the wheel and his jaw clenched. "I swear, I ever lay eyes on him and he's..." he dropped his head back against the seat. I jumped as he hit the steering wheel and released an angry sort of huff. "That fucker!"

"I'm sorry" he shook his head as as he pulled his key from the ignition and reached for the door handle.

"You ain't got shit to be sorry for, Demi. Come on, I'm sure Ry wants to see her mom" I took a hold of the handle.

"I haven't been that great of a mom. He threatened her and I stayed. Who-Who the fuck does that?" I climbed from the car before he could reply and headed up to the main door.

"Hey, you were scared, D. Ry won't remember this, you don't need to feel guilty or like your a shit mom" Odell's hand brushed against my back and I instantly recoiled from the touch. I didn't reply to him and just kept to myself as he buzzed Dallas' apartment. Dallas gave me a quick hug, then moved to the side so I could step into her apartment. I headed straight to Riley who was relaxed back on the couch.

"Mama" a smile spread across her face.

"Hi Jellybean" I took a seat beside her, brought her onto my lap and cuddled myself into her. I had tears rolling down my cheeks. That's where I stayed for the rest of the night until Dallas forced me to eat. Dallas set up a pack n' play in her guest bedroom which I was thankful for. I nursed Riley to sleep and then hopped in the shower. I broke down completely as I stood under the stream of water. I can't believe I stayed with him for so long. I can't believe I stayed even after he threatened Riley. Why didn't I try to get out?

My parents found out the next day and that brought on a whole new wave of emotions. The lease on my apartment is near its end so I decided not to renew it. My parents offered for me to move back in with them so that's what I did over the next few weeks. It felt weird the first night back in my old room. I kept Riley in with me, wanting her to be close. I never let her go anywhere without me. I was struggling to trust anyone alone with her. I had nightmares. Some resulted in me waking up screaming and it took a while to calm me down. I didn't truly realise I had been so affected until weeks later. I fell into a depression and was quickly forced to see a therapist. The only person who could truly put a smile on my face was Riley. I need to get better for Riley. She deserves better.

I didn't feel too thankful on Thanksgiving. I didn't even want to celebrate it. Nick had come home and briefly came over to see Riley. She spent a few hours with Nick and his family as I forced myself to eat just a mouthful of food. I struggled to forget everything that had happened over the last few months. I was in constant contact with Nick throughout the day, terrified that I'd somehow lose Riley. He knew the situation so he said that he understood. I'm terrified of losing my little girl. It was the first time I'd left her, something my therapist thought I would be ready for. I'm not sure I truly was.

By Christmas I started to feel a little more like myself. Jace had pleaded guilty, the evidence I had given to the police already was enough so I didn't have to testify which lifted a major weight off my chest. The majority of my bruises had healed so the sight of my body no longer repulsed me.

Riley was more excited for Christmas this year. I still don't think she totally understands and I think she mainly copied off Madison's excited but it was still heartwarming and adorable to see. I'm trying my hardest to protect her innocence. It's the least I can do.

I felt guilty for not having had the strength to even buy anything for my daughter but the presents she got from my parents which they'd labelled from Santa helped a little. I offered to pay them money towards them but they refused the offer. Her favourite toy was a little red tricycle and she spent almost the entire day sat on it.

"Do you like that, Riley?" she glanced up to meet my gaze and giggled, kicking her legs as she nodded. "You're getting so big, Baby" she pushed her feet off the floor causing the tricycle to move forward a little. "You're growing too quickly, you need to stop" my eyes suddenly welled up with tears and before I knew it, I was sobbing into my hands.

"Demi?" I heard the frantic voice of my Mom. "Honey, what's wrong?" I sniffled and shrugged, glancing to Riley who was quickly toddling towards me. I pulled her onto my lap, sobbing harder as she wrapped her arms around my neck.

"I don't want her to grow up" Mom softly laughed as she took a seat on the couch beside me and she combed a strand of hair behind my ear before softly wiping my cheek.

"Oh Baby, she's gonna grow up" Riley pulled her face from my neck as I twirled one of her curls around my finger. "She's still gonna be your baby girl though, Demi" Riley pressed her hand to my cheek. "Do you love your Momma, Ry?"

"Wuv Mama" she giggled as she glanced to my Mom. I pressed a soft kiss to her cheek.

"Momma loves you too, Jellybean, so much" she squirmed off my lap as Madison walked back into the room.

"She'll always be your baby, Dem. That won't ever change, I promise" Mom pressed a soft kiss to my cheek.


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