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I froze for a moment as I went to open the refrigerator, an unusual tightening occurred in my lower stomach. It went almost as soon as it came so I shrugged it off and continued to grab out the jar of pickles. I almost slammed the jar onto the counter as a stronger wave of pain came along, wrapping around my lower stomach and back. My hand shot to my stomach as I clutched onto the counter, whimpering out as the pain continued to intensify. I bit down on my lip, tears threatening to roll down my cheeks due to the pain.

"Fuck Riley" there was a heavy pressure building below my belly. As soon as the pain had subsided, I walked into the living room to grab my phone. I held onto the wall as I dialled Dallas' number. My parents are away for the week with Madison. I had an appointment earlier in the week with Dr Hendricks and there was no sign of labour so I convinced them to spend some time away with Madison before Riley comes along. I don't know how she's going to be with a newborn around, she's normally the centre of attention. "Shit" I whimpered as the pain in my lower back started up again and I was greeted by Dallas' voicemail. I began to rub my back as my tears finally began to fall. "Ow, Riley. You're not due yet" I hissed as the pressure began to build once again below my belly. I'm 3 weeks off my due date. I tried Dallas again but once again was greeted by her voicemail. The only other person I can try is Odell, but I know that he's on a date with Clara. Their first date was apparently incredible and now they're a couple. I'm trying to ignore my jealousy so that I can just focus on being a good Mom to Riley, but it hurts whenever he mentions how amazing of a person she is. It was once the pressure in my lower belly subsided that I realised there was liquid dribbling down my leg. I managed to glance between my legs, a wave of panic hitting me when I noticed the colour of it. I'm bleeding. "Shit" I didn't care in that moment that Odell was on a date.

"D, you okay?" there was noise in the background. I felt a rush of relief that he answered.

"No" I whimpered as the pain only continued to intensify.


"I-I'm bleeding. I think I'm in labour and-and Dal-Dallas isn't answering, I-I didn't mean to..." I gasped for breath as I clutched onto my stomach, crying out from the pain.

"I'm coming, Demi. Hold on, I-I'll be with you soon" the pressure began to travel down my legs so I slowly sunk to the floor, finding a comfortable position on my hands and knees. I couldn't reply to him as I just focused on my breathing. The pain didn't once subside, it just continued to progressively get worse. I sobbed out in pain as the pressure continued to grow between my legs and I felt this sudden intense need to push. "Demi?" I glanced up and sobbed in relief as Odell stepped into the living room and he dropped to the floor beside me. I don't know how long it's been since I called him. "Babe, call Dallas" he lightly began to caress my back, it really helped with my back pain. "Demi, tell me what's going on."

"I-I started to-to have pains like an-an hour ago, I-I think..." I adjusted my position slightly but it only intensified the pressure I felt between my legs. "I-I didn't think it-it would be-be this fast" his panicked eyes met mine. "I-I feel like I need to push, O" I was struggling to catch my breath the pain was that intense. It hurt to breathe.

"I'm gonna call 911" I choked on a sob as I clutched my stomach, suddenly very scared of everything that's happening. I've been to birthing classes but none of them prepared me for anything like this. I wasn't prepared for it to be so intense. "Erm, ambulance please" I watched the panic on his face. "My-My friends in-in labour. She says that she-that she needs to push" I'd only just taken note of how pale he looked. I turned to Clara as she stepped back into the living room.

"Dallas is on her way, Demi" I didn't expect my first time fully meeting Clara to be whilst I'm in labour. I found myself zoning out on Odell's conversation with the operator, just trying to concentrate on my breathing.

"Demi" I jumped at my name and glanced to Odell. "You-You think you could remove your..." he cut himself off as he pointed at my leggings. My eyes widened as I began to panic.

"I-I don't wanna give-give birth on my living room floor" tears rapidly poured down my cheeks out of fear.

"Honey, they're sending an ambulance but we-we need to check" I bit down on my lip as my chin quivered. I think my fear overpowered the pain and pressure between my legs. At this moment I was kind of glad Clara was here. I continued to cry out in pain as Clara helped me out of my pants. Odell remained by my side as I griped on his hand. We'd apparently been transferred to a nurse who was talking to Clara who was between my legs. This isn't the way I thought I'd meet Odell's girlfriend. "I-I can't see anything yet" I nuzzled my face into Odell's neck as I choked on a sob, trying to ignore the intense need I felt to push. "Demi, you can't hold it in."

"I don't want too" I shook my head, tears having blurred my vision. "It-It hurts. This isn't-isn't how I-I planned it."

"You-You've got this, D" I met Odell's gaze. "You got this. Push" I gripped on his hand, crying out as I finally caved. The pressure between my legs intensified. It quickly turned to a burning sensation as I collapsed against Odell.

"That was good, Demi" my mouth felt dry and it made it a little harder to breathe. Odell's words were encouraging as I pushed, tightly gripping on his hand. I pushed for several minutes before Clara spoke. "I-I think I can see baby's head" the slamming of the front door made me jump. Dallas was by my side less than a second later.

"Baby, I am so sorry" I sobbed as she loosely wrapped her arms around me. "I-I didn't have my phone. I'm so sorry" I nuzzled my face into her neck as she combed her fingers through my hair. I whimpered as a contraction hit again and my body forced me to push.

"It-It really fucking hurts."

"You're doing so good, D. I'm proud of ya" Odell's words were a major comfort. I kept my grip tight on his hand. The pressure between my legs very quickly disappeared and it was like time stood still. There was no cry.

"Why-Why isn't she crying?" I quickly glanced to Clara who was staring down, a look of pure panic on her face. I couldn't focus on anything that anyone was saying as I waited to hear Riley's first cry. It was probably only a matter of seconds but it felt like hours before her cry filled the living room.

"Oh god, Honey, you gave us a fright" I watched Clara visibly relax through my tears.

"Can-Can I see her?" Dallas was lightly crying as she pressed a soft kiss to my temple. Clara flashed me a wide smile as she gently lowered my daughter against my chest. I just seemed to cry harder at the sight of her. "Hi Riley" her cries settled as I caressed the side of her face and a towel was placed over her. I glanced to Odell, surprised to find tears pouring down his cheeks. "You-You're crying" he rolled his eyes as I laughed.

"Proud of ya, D. She's gorgeous" I smiled down at my daughter. My vision suddenly blurred. "Demi?" I tried to form a sentence but it was just grumbles that came out.

"Dallas, she's bleeding quite a lot" I started to feel like I was in a tunnel and there was no way out. I could hear them all talking but I couldn't hear what it was that they were saying. I kept trying to keep myself awake but I could feel myself falling deeper into the dark hole.


And Baby Girl is here 💗

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