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Jasmine's eyes widened as she noticed me. She was wearing one of Nick's shirts, it was obvious what they had been up to. The thought actually made me sick to my stomach. It took everything I had to stop the bile from rising up my throat.

"D-Don't tell Odell."

"You really think I'd keep this from my best friend?" my eyes then turned to Nick. "And you think I'm the whore?" tears gathered around my lower lid. "At least I don't sleep around. I never cheated on you. You're the only person I fucking slept with, Nick. This baby is yours whether you wanna believe it or not. My baby doesn't need an asshole for a father. I don't even know why I bothered" I turned to leave, surprised to find Odell stood at the bottom of the stairs. "Odell" I was shoved out of the way as Jasmine pushed past me, throwing herself at Odell. I managed to catch myself on the railing before I toppled over. My hand instantly flew to rest on my stomach. I rolled my eyes, glancing to Jasmine who was repeatedly apologising as she hung around Odell's neck. I turned to Nick who stood in the doorway, arms crossed over his chest. He looked almost amused with himself. The sight of him made me nauseous. I can't believe I ever saw anything in him. What ever attracted me to him? Seriously.

"Odell, I'm so sorry. It-It didn't mean anything, it was just..." he shoved her off, his focus turning to me. She had tears pouring down her cheeks that it was obvious she'd forced out as she tried to grab at Odell's attention by trying to touch his face. She wasn't sorry. I doubt she even regrets it.

"You okay, D?" I nodded, flashing him a light smile as I caressed my stomach. Odell's eyes filled with anger as he turned back to Jasmine. "We're finished. You can fuck whoever you want, I don't give a shit anymore" she went to argue back but was cut off by Odell turning to Nick. "You ever put your hands on Demi again and I swear you'll get worse then what you got last time" I gently wrapped my hand around his wrist, holding him back as he took a step towards Nick. "That baby don't need a piece of shit like you as a father anyway" Nick just rolled his eyes, grabbed Jasmine and pulled her into the house. I actually jumped as he slammed the front door. "Baby doesn't need him, D. Come on" I kept taking glances at him as we walked down to his car. He didn't once speak about Jasmine. The ride back to mine was silent. We sat in silence outside my house, neither of us spoke, neither of us made any attempt to move. I only glanced to Odell as he sniffled, lifting his hand up and quickly wiping at his cheek.

"I'm sorry" his slightly bloodshot eyes turned to meet mine.

"You got nothing to be sorry for, D. I should've expected it, huh?" he released a laugh that held no humour as he rubbed the palms of his hands on his jeans. "I-I was starting to question our relationship anyway. At least I didn't have to break up with her" I gently took a hold of his hand and I gave it a squeeze. "At least now I don't have to feel guilty about staying at home and not going New York with her."

"You shouldn't have to feel guilty about that anyway" his eyes burnt into mine. "It's your life, O. It isn't hers" he leant into me and pressed a soft kiss to my cheek. I flashed him a light smile as I felt my cheeks burning. I pulled my eyes away from him and reached for the door handle. "You coming in?"

"No, I-I should head back. Schools probably rang Mom, I'm probably in some deep shit" I softly laughed as I glanced back at him. "Thank you for letting me come today" my smile instantly widened as his eyes darted to the ultrasound photo of baby. "And thanks for the photo. I actually can't wait to meet them" I nodded, glancing also at the ultrasound.

"Ditto. Thank you for coming with me. It was nice to not have to go alone" I leant in to kiss his cheek. "I'll message you" he continued to lightly smile at me as I slid from the car.

I was bombarded with questions the moment that I stepped into the house, everyone wanting to see a copy of the ultrasound. It made me happy to know that everyone I care about seemed just as excited as me. My family's support makes me realise that Nick doesn't matter. I can very much assume that Nick's parents don't know about the baby because he wouldn't be acting the way he is if they did. They wouldn't stand for him reacting like this. I could always tell them, but I'm not going to be that petty. My baby deserves better than to have their father forced into taking care of them.

I went to bed that night and I dreamt of Odell but it wasn't a normal friendly sort of dream, it was different. I was rudely woken by my dream at 2am. Why am I suddenly having these feelings about Odell? Why am I suddenly dreaming of him? I rolled my eyes and shook my head to remove the thoughts as I rolled onto my side and I reached for my phone. I found my lips twitching at the corners as a notification came through.

O🖤: You awake? Can't fucking sleep 🙄

I pulled my phone off charge and rolled onto my back, instantly tapping onto his contact ID. I bit down on my lip as my heart gently pounded against my chest.

"Hi D" I smiled as he appeared on my screen. "You couldn't sleep either, huh?" his voice was rough and husky, it stirred something inside me that I'd never felt before.

"I was asleep but..." I could feel my cheeks beginning to burn. "I-I woke up after a weird dream."

"About what?" his lips twitched at the corners.

"I-I can't really remember but it was about the baby" my cheeks continued to burn as I briefly glanced away from him. "Why can't you sleep?" I questioned, wanting to get him off the topic of my dream that was very much about him.

"Jasmine text me last night. She apologised about fucking Nick, mentioned that it was multiple times which made me feel fucking fantastic" my heart ached for him. "I blocked her number, told her to leave me the fuck alone. Gotta deal with her at school tomorrow though."

"That why you can't sleep?" he nodded as his lips formed into a tight line. "What did your Mom say about ditching school?"

"She didn't care once I told her where I went. She was happy to find out I went with you" my cheeks continued to burn. "She says baby's beautiful" I softly laughed.

"Baby's like the size of a strawberry, O."

"That doesn't mean they ain't beautiful. They got you as their Momma, D" my heart skipped a beat. "That baby gonna have us all wrapped around their finger, especially if they got their Momma's puppy dog eyes" my smile widened. "You gonna find out baby's gender?" I shrugged.

"I haven't really thought about it. I'll love them whatever. I don't really care whether they're a boy or a girl" my hand moved to settle on my stomach. "I-I have started to make a list of names though" his eyes seemed to sparkle in the dim light.

"Tell me."

"No. You'll have to find out when everyone else does" I bit down on my lip as they formed into a smirk.

"You don't play fair, Demetria" I lightly giggled as he rolled his eyes in reply.

I spent at least an hour just chatting with Odell until I couldn't control my yawns anymore. We spoke about anything and everything, a lot of it centred around college and the baby. I'm currently undecided as to whether college is for me. I don't know whether I want that college education. A lot of people seem to think you have to have it in order to have a successful career, but what if college just isn't for me?


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