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I grumbled awake to the soft sound of Riley's cries. I reached for my phone, forcing my eyes open. The brightness of my screen made me wince but I managed to notice the time. 06:09. I released a breath as I slowly slid out of bed.

"What's up, Baby?" I cooed, lifting Riley against my chest. Her cries almost instantly settled as I pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. I settled back down on my bed, lifting my shirt up and getting Riley settled on my breast. I continued to delicately caress the side of her face as she ate. I scrolled through social media whilst Riley fed, in an attempt to wake myself up. I then quickly burped her and changed her before I headed downstairs. The only person awake was my Mom.

"Morning Baby Girls."

"Say hi Nana" I adjusted Riley in my arms. I allowed my Mom to take her and then I headed towards the refrigerator. I grabbed out the orange juice and I poured myself a glass. I used to have coffee in the morning but since having Riley, it doesn't taste the same and I can't stomach it anymore.

"How would you like to take a walk this morning before I've got to head to work? We could take Maddie to the park" I turned to face my Mom as she smiled down at Riley.

"Erm, I-I haven't been out yet."

"There shouldn't be too many people out, and it'll be good for Riley" I glanced down at my daughter. "You don't need to be ashamed or embarrassed, Demi. You have a beautiful little girl..." my lips twitched into a light smile. "And you're already proving yourself to be a good Mom. Don't let the opinions of people affect your life, they shouldn't matter."

It was nice to get out of the house and spend some time in the fresh air. Riley took a nap as Madison played on the park. I didn't see anyone that I knew until we headed to get some ice cream. The old popular crowd that I used to hang around with were sat in the corner booth, the only people missing were Nick and Odell. We took a seat on the opposite side of the room to them but I could still feel their eyes on me.

"Ignore them, Dem. You're better than them" I flashed my Mom a light smile as I nodded. She leant over to help Madison read over the menu as Riley began to fuss.

"What's up, Jellybean?" I cooed as I pulled her stroller towards me and I lightly caressed her cheek. I unclipped her from her stroller and cradled her against my chest, her cries settled instantly. "Did you just want a cuddle, huh?" I kissed her forehead and stroked her cheek with my thumb. "Momma loves you" I softly whispered, staring into her beautiful brown eyes. I took a quick glance across the room, watching as they all quickly turned their heads. I rolled my eyes as I focused back on Riley who had her hand clamped around my finger.

"You want anything, Dem?"

"They still got that rocky road sundae?" my Mom nodded, lightly laughing as I felt my cheeks blush. I craved it a lot whilst pregnant with Riley. I was in here often.

I wasn't able to completely relax until my old school friends left. Riley began to fuss and it was obvious that she was hungry. I didn't realise we'd be out for so long so I didn't pack a bottle. I was nervous to breastfeed in public but thankfully nobody seemed to care. Once Riley was fed and we'd finished our sundaes, we headed home where I ended up taking a nap.

Riley was fast asleep against my chest, her little snores melted my heart. I kept pressing soft kisses to the top of her head as I rewatched an old episode of NCIS. Madison was sat on the floor, colouring in her Disney Princess book. She glanced up at me at the sound of the doorbell.

"Stay there, Mads" she nodded, her tongue sticking out as she went back to her colouring. I pushed myself up from the couch and headed to the front door, adjusting Riley against my chest. I unlocked the front door, surprised to find Nick standing on my front porch. "What are you doing here?"

"Erm, I-I got your text" he shoved his hands into his pockets.

"The text that I sent 3 days ago?" he glanced briefly down at the floor. "Even your parents have been to see her. Have they forced you to come because I'm convinced you want nothing to do with her" I tried to keep my voice calm, not wanting to unsettle Riley who was slowly falling back to sleep with her head resting on my shoulder.

"I-I..." I rolled my eyes and went to shut the door but Nick placed his foot in the way.

"What? If you don't wanna be a part of her life, just leave. I want Riley to have a father who cares about her and wants a relationship with her. Not someone who's gonna spend his life letting her down" his jaw clenched for a moment.

"I do wanna be part of her life, Demi."

"But you haven't proved that. I've heard that before and nothing changed, Nick. You lied to your friends about her. I thought you wanted to be involved, that's why I was messaging you. I don't know why you made out to everyone that I was forcing you to be involved."

"I just-I don't know how to be a Dad" I shook my head, continuing to gently rock Riley.

"And you think I know how to be a Mom?"

"You're a girl, you-you have those instincts, you..." I rolled my eyes. "Demi, you're better at this than me."

"How do you know that? You haven't even given yourself a chance, Nick. You've just continued on with your life like she doesn't even exist. I haven't been able to do that. From the moment I found that I was pregnant, I've had to grow up. I've read books on pregnancy and babies. I've gone to classes. That's something I always thought I'd do with my baby's Dad, not my sister or best friend. You could have at least tried, Nick" I glanced away from him and rapidly blinked as I felt tears burning the back of my eyes.

"I'm sorry, Demi. I-I've told everyone that I wanna be in her life. Jasmine broke up with me because of it and..."

"Do you expect me to feel sorry for you?" he fell silent as his eyes met mine. "I lost everyone that I was friends with because I fell pregnant. Riley has affected my life too but that isn't her fault, it's ours, Nick. You need to own up to your responsibilities or just stop messing us around" I glanced over his shoulder as Dallas walked up the path, her eyes narrowing in on Nick. My lips twitched into a light smile.

"You alright, Dem?" I nodded. "You sure?"

"We're fine, Dal" she pressed a kiss to my forehead and then to the back of Riley's head before she disappeared further into the house. "If you wanna be involved, you really need to prove it" he nodded, his eyes moving to Riley.

"Can-Can I hold her?" I just stared at him for a moment. "I leave for college next week, Demi. I just-I wanna know our daughter" I released a breath as I stepped out of the way. I signalled for him to step into the house.

"We can go upstairs. My sister doesn't exactly like you" he just nodded and followed me upstairs. We settled in my room and I let Nick hold Riley. I had mixed feelings. On one hand, I want Riley to have her father around but on the other hand, I don't. I'm scared he's going to let her down like my biological father did. I don't want her to go through the same pain I did as a child. Nick has really got to prove himself.


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