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"You're doing a shoot in lingerie" I bit on my lip as I nodded, glancing to Odell whose eyes were wide. "Did not expect that from you" he laughed as I rolled my eyes.

"The pay is really good and I kinda need it" Odell's eyebrows raised. "I'm getting less hours at the store and I'm starting to struggle with paying bills and stuff" I glanced down at my hands, not wanting to see any judgement in his eyes.

"Demi, have you told your parents?"

"No, it isn't their problem. It's mine. I told them that I could do this, that I could provide for Riley by myself. I can't ask them for money, Odell. That's just proving that I can't do this" he shook his head and released a breath.

"Demi, you've gotta tell your parents. You're an amazing Mom to Riley, D. Money struggles doesn't change that" my eyes began to well with tears. "Having money struggles doesn't prove that you ain't capable of caring for Riley. That little girl is so looked after" I quickly wiped the tear away that rolled down my cheek. "How long you been struggling for, D?"

"Just the last month. I'm glad Riley just has breast milk because otherwise I wouldn't be able to feed her too. God, I'm such a shit Mom" Odell shook his head, wrapping his arm around me and pulling me into him.

"You ain't a shit Mom, D. Lots of people have money struggles. My Mom had money struggles when I was growing up, that didn't make her a shit Mom" he lightly played with the ends of my hair. "You've gotta speak with your parents, D" I didn't reply. I just welcomed his comfort. "Does Jace know you're doing a shoot in lingerie?" I shook my head, finally moving away from him, quickly wiping at my cheeks.

"No. I already know he isn't gonna like it" I spoke as I relaxed back against the couch.

"Why not?"

"Would you like your girlfriend being photographed practically in the nude?" he lightly laughed.

"You aren't gonna be in the nude, D. There's fabric covering all the most important parts" I rolled my eyes at his smirk. "Unless it's kinky shit and then..."

"Shut up" he laughed as I gently hit his chest.

"He's gonna find out at some point surely?" I shrugged. "How big even is this fashion designer?"

"I don't know, Dallas doesn't really speak about work. I don't think it's anyone too popular though" Riley's soft babble through the baby monitor made me smile.

"Let me get her" I relaxed back into the couch as he pushed himself to stand and he headed into Riley's nursery. "Hi Jellybean" her light giggle made my smile widen. "Did you have a good nap? Bet you didn't expect me to be here, huh?" she continued to babble and coo in reply to him. The way he spoke to her completely warmed my heart. "Shall we go find Mommy?" I turned my gaze to the nursery, smiling as Odell stepped out with Riley in his arms. I laughed as she began to kick her legs at the sight of me.

"Hi Beautiful."

"She smiled so wide when I said Mommy" my smile widened as I took Riley from Odell. She pressed her hands to my cheek as she stood on my thighs. I had a firm hold around her stomach. Odell took a seat beside me as Riley babbled. She eventually stopped and dropped her head to the side.

"What happened next then, Baby?" she met my gaze as I spoke, her mouth twitching into a smile as she began to bounce. "Oh, you woke up energetic" she squealed as I pressed kisses against her cheek. "I love you so much" she giggled as I spoke, my lips still pressed to her cheek. I glanced to Odell as his phone vibrated, Riley pressed her lips to my cheek making me smile. I watched Odell as his lips twitched into a smirk. "Booty call?" he shook his head and laughed.

"I'm gonna go" I rolled my eyes, turning back to Riley who was now playing with my necklace.

"Definitely a booty call then" Riley giggled as I kissed her nose. "We've gotta get ready for Dallas' birthday meal anyway" Riley pressed her hand to my lips.

"Tell her I said happy birthday" I nodded, flashing him a quick smile. "Is Jace going?" I shook my head, pushing myself to stand and adjusting Riley in my arms.

"No. I'm not ready for him to meet my parents yet. We've only been dating for just over a month, I feel like it's too soon."

"D, you forget that you've already met his parents" I bit on my lip as I shrugged. He laughed as he pulled open my front door. "I'll see you soon. Promise, you'll speak with your parents."

"Sure" he raised his eyebrows at me. "I will, Odell. I promise" he silently stared at me for a moment.

"I don't want you struggling. I don't want you to think of yourself as a bad Mom. If there's ever anything I can help with, tell me" he wrapped his arm around me as I nodded. "Bye Jellybean. I'll see ya both later" Riley babbled as he pressed a soft kiss to the top of her head.

Once we'd waved Odell off, I turned back into my apartment and headed straight into Riley's nursery. She babbled as I changed her diaper and got her dressed into an adorable little white dress that has pink and blue flowers on it. I quickly fed her and then strapped her into her bouncer so I could get myself ready. We're heading to a new Mexican restaurant that's just opened up down the street from my apartment.

"So, when we gonna get to meet your new boyfriend, Demi?" I rolled my eyes at my Mom's light smirk.

"I don't know yet, soon probably" I just shrugged, taking a bite out of my taco. I haven't really given much thought to Jace meeting my parents. I know they'll end up liking him anyway but it all just feels a little awkward after the way that I was treated by his parents. I haven't told my parents anything about Jace's. I glanced to Riley as she began to whine, thankful that she stopped any further questions my Mom might have about Jace. "What's up, Beautiful?" I unclipped her from her stroller and cradled her against my chest. She settled against me as she began to suck on her fingers, giggling as Madison stuck her tongue out at her. "Is Maddie being funny, Baby?" I lightly played with her hair.

"Let me take her so you can finish your food" I gently handed Riley to Dallas. "Hi Pretty Girl" she giggled as Dallas pressed a soft kiss to her cheek. "You have the most amazing laugh" Dallas managed to clear the table and then sat Riley on the edge of it, sure to keep a grip on her. She was sucking on her fingers but seemed to enjoy looking around the restaurant. She lapped up any attention that she got.


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