Thirty Eight

206 18 5

Demi | Mature

My entire body ached when I woke the next morning. There were dried tears on my cheeks and my eyes felt heavy from all the crying I'd done last night. I was afraid to move as Jace had his arm over my waist. I tensed when he released a breath and then kissed the back of my head. We lay there in silence until he spoke, his hand moving to my bare hip.

"I know you're awake, Demi" I didn't reply so he rolled me onto my back. He then moved to settle himself between my legs. "You know I don't like hurting you, Baby" he softly caressed my cheek. I refused to meet his gaze and just continued to stare up at the ceiling. I don't believe him. If he didn't like it, he wouldn't do it. "Hey! Look at me" his thumb slid along my bottom lip. "Demi?" I forced my gaze to meet his. "You believe me, don't you?" there was an underlying threat to his tone. I swallowed hard as I nodded. He lightly wrapped his hand around my neck and then leant to kiss me. I could feel his dick hardening against my thigh.

"No" I tried to squirm myself from under him but he just pressed down on my hip and pressed his lips to my ear.

"You know that shit ain't gonna work, Demi" tears welled up in my eyes as he dipped his hand between my legs. I gripped at his side, digging my nails into his skin. "Ah, you bitch" I choked on a sob as he grabbed a hold of my wrists and he held them above my head. "No doesn't work on me, you know that. How many times you tried that before? You're my girlfriend, Demi. You ever tell anyone about this shit and you know what'll happen" I bit down on my lip, my tears starting to fall down my cheeks as I continued to squirm under him. I whimpered as he pushed himself into me, a sob slipping from my lips as I turned my head to the side. "This is your fault" he pressed his forehead to my temple. "You make me hard, Baby. What do you expect me to do?" my tears flowed down my cheeks as I just stared at the wall, trying to ignore the pain that coursed through my body with every one of his thrusts. "I'm close, Demi. Fuck!" his grip tightened on my wrists as he climaxed, his hot and heavy breath hit against my neck. "Shit!" he rolled off me and pushed himself off the bed. I lay completely still, only releasing my sobs when I heard the bathroom door close. I had so many opportunities to get out. Why didn't I use one of them? Why was I so scared to tell someone about this shit before it got worse?

I covered my bruises with a baggy sweater and leggings, covering the ones on my neck with makeup. Jace insisted on coming with me to pick up Riley from my parents. Her smile was the first thing I was greeted with as she sat on Mom's hip.

"Hi Jellybean."

"Hi Mama" she held her arms out to me.

"Hi" I instantly took her, cradling her against my side. I pressed a soft kiss to her temple. "Were you a good girl?" for just a moment I forgot that Jace was waiting in the car.

"Of course she was" Mom commented, lightly playing with Riley's curls. "How was the party?"

"It was good. I missed my baby though" Riley giggled as I pressed numerous soft kisses to her cheek. "Shall we get home and have some cuddles, Baby?"

"You can come in, Demi. Dallas is coming over for lunch" I glanced briefly back at Jace.

"No, it's okay. We should really get back" Mom nodded, a light smile on her lips. "Thank you so much for last night" she shook her head, leaning to kiss Riley's cheek.

"Anytime, Baby. Message if you need anything. I'll see you both soon" I gave Mom a hug, trying to ignore the pain that coursed through my body as her arm wrapped around me. "Love you" Riley gave Mom a wave as I walked down the path. I lightly smiled and pressed a soft kiss to her temple. Jace was quiet as I got a babbling Riley strapped into her car seat.

"You took your time" Jace commented as I slid onto the passenger seat and he started up the car.

"I can't just take my daughter and not speak to my Mom."

"What's with the backchat, Demi?" I swallowed, staring out the window as he pulled off down the road. "You know what you get if you give me backchat. We ain't going there, Demi. I don't like fucking hurting you" tears burnt the back of my eyes. "You better not have plans today."

"No" I bit on my nail as I shook my head, trying to hold back my tears that were threatening to fall.

I didn't put Riley down for the rest of the day, even when she slept I kept her with me. Jace won't hurt me with Riley around. It doesn't matter if he doesn't have a reason to hurt me, he'll come up with something. I felt guilty for using my daughter as a way out of Jace's abuse though. She's too little to be involved in any of this. She's only a baby.

Jace was pissed at me that night because I hadn't given him enough attention. My focus was all on Riley.

"You're jealous of a 14 month old, Jace."

"I ain't jealous of nobody. I deserve attention off my girlfriend, don't you think?" he pushed me back into the wall. "After last night, I think I deserve your attention. Ain't nobody taking you off me" my heart sunk into my stomach. "You're mine, Demi. I'll spend everyday showing you that" I tensed as his hand slid under my shirt. He tightly gripped my hip. Riley's cries were a surprise. Jace continued to kiss along my neck, his grip tightened on me at Riley's cries.


"No!" he punched the wall beside my head. "You listen to anything I just fucking said?" my breath caught in my throat. "I need your attention, Demi."

"So-So does Riley. I-I can't just-just leave her to cry" he released a breath as he pushed himself away from me.

"Shut her up and get back in here" I swallowed hard as he slumped down on the bed. "Don't take longer than 5 minutes. You'll fucking regret it" tears temporarily blurred my vision, and only fell down my cheeks as I lifted Riley into my arms, holding tightly onto her as I softly cried. I need to get out.


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