Twenty Three

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I haven't felt this nervous for a long time. I think the last time I was remotely this nervous was when I went into labour with Riley and I think that may have been more fear than nerves. I definitely haven't struggled to choose an outfit for months. I've lived in mainly leggings and sweaters since I had Riley.

"Momma doesn't know what to wear, Ry" I sighed, glancing to Riley as she cooed. "Maybe I should cancel" I rolled my eyes at my own stupid comment and glanced back into the mirror. I can't cancel the date. I'm currently stood in just my bra and panties. I turned to the side and released a breath. "I wish I didn't still look pregnant" I glanced over at almost my entire closet on my bed. "What do I wear, Baby Girl?" she was more focused on sucking on her blanket than at me. "You're no help, Riley Bree" I smiled at her coo. I rummaged around the clothes on my bed, trying on multiple different options.

I eventually gave up and dropped down on my bed, unaware of what the time was until I heard the sound of the buzzer. Shit! I glanced to Riley and then quickly went to answer it.


"Hi D, it's Dallas" I pressed the button to unlock the door.

"Come up" I released a breath, dropping my head against the wall until there was a knock on my front door.

"Why are you still naked?" I rolled my eyes as I allowed Dallas in. "He's coming in half an hour, Demi."

"I know but I-I don't know what to wear" she lowered her purse onto the couch and then tugged me into my room. In the time it had taken for me to let Dallas in, Riley had managed to fall asleep, her blanket clutched to her chest.

"She looks fucking adorable" I nodded my agreement. We just watched Riley sleep for a moment until Dallas reminded me that I should be getting ready for my first date in a year.

"I'm so nervous, Dallas" I spoke as she threw an outfit at me. It was just a pair of jeans and a white crop top. Why I couldn't decide on that, I don't know. "I haven't been on a date in a year. I haven't had a first date for 2. What the fuck do you do on a date?" Dallas laughed at me as I rambled, pulling my jeans up my legs. "I ain't ready for this. You think I should cancel?"

"Demi" I glanced to meet her gaze, she looked almost amused by me. "You aren't gonna cancel. You're gonna go and have an amazing night with a guy that you like" I swallowed down the lump in my throat as I nodded. I pulled the top over my head and then glanced at myself in the mirror.

"Is this good enough?"

"He said casual, Dem. You look casual" I released a breath.

"I can't wait to get rid of this boot" Dallas lightly laughed as I grumbled. "What should I take in case it gets cold? It is December" Riley stirred in her bouncer but remained asleep.

"Don't. You'll know he's a true gentleman if he offers you his jacket" I rolled my eyes as she laughed. "Throw on this" she threw me my dark green suede jacket. My heart stopped for a very brief moment at the sound of the buzzer.


"Stop panicking. You look beautiful" I nibbled on my lip as I played with the ends of my hair. "Now go, don't leave the guy waiting" I glanced down at Riley who was still asleep. "She'll be fine, D. Go" she lightly nudged me in the side. My cheeks burnt as I nodded. I pressed a delicate kiss to Riley's forehead and then headed from my bedroom. Dallas followed me until I left, my stomach full of butterflies as I waited for the elevator. I kind of felt physically sick. Jace was stood away from the main door and his lips twitched into a smile as our eyes met. It helped very slightly to settle my nerves.

"Hi. You look beautiful" I bit down on my lip, glancing down at my reflection as my cheeks burnt.

"Thanks" he reached out my hand. "So, where are we going?" I slowly slid my hand into his, my body tingled at the touch. "You didn't forget about the boot, did you?" he laughed as he walked me towards his car that was in the parking lot.

"Of course I didn't" he unlocked his car and then he pulled the door open for me. I slid into the passenger seat, buckling myself in as he walked around the car. "So, what do you think about an arcade?" my lips twitched into a smile.

"I think that sounds cool" he nodded, a smile playing on his lips as he started up the car. There was a light conversation between us as he drove. We mainly spoke about Christmas. It took us 20 minutes to reach the arcade. "I'm gonna beat your ass at air hockey, I'm a pro" he loudly laughed as I dramatically flicked my hair over my shoulder. It thankfully wasn't too crowded and the air hockey machine was empty. I did in fact beat his ass. "I told you" he laughed and rolled his eyes as he gently pulled me away from it.

"Let's play something I have a chance at winning."

"I wouldn't be too sure about that" we played almost every game in the arcade. I won a lot of them. I spent a lot of time in the arcades as a child. Eddie loves arcades games so whenever we used to have daddy/daughter dates, we always used to go to the arcade. Jace did end up winning a couple and he also won a stuffed teddy from one of the grab machines. I was disappointed I couldn't play dance attack because of the annoying boot on my foot, but Jace distracted me by pulling me once again towards air hockey. We finished the night on air hockey and then headed out for some food. We stopped off at my favourite diner on the way home and I ordered myself a greasy as fuck burger. You get whatever with me. I ain't one of those girls who'll eat a salad on a date.

"I had an incredible time with you tonight" my cheeks blushed as I nodded, biting down on my lip as I glanced up at him. "I can't wait to do it again" his eyes sparkled.

"I had an amazing time too" his eyes burnt into mine. I slid my hands along his neck and then leant up onto my tiptoes so I could press my lips to his. The kiss was soft and it sent electric shocks down my spine. His hands delicately held my hips as he slid his tongue along my bottom lip. I pulled away, biting down on my lip as my cheeks burnt.

"You taste of cherry" I shyly laughed as I glanced down. "Hey, I never said I didn't like it" he cupped my chin in his hand and brought his lips back down to meet mine. My fingers lightly played with the curls at the back of his neck. He eventually detached our lips, leaving me slightly breathless. "I'll message you. But I'm gonna take you out again" his hand slid off my hip as I walked around him, my cheeks were still very much on fire. I gave him a wave as I headed towards the main door to my apartment building. "Bye Baby" butterflies erupted in my stomach at the term of endearment. I flashed him a smile as I disappeared into my apartment building. I couldn't remove the smile from my face as I headed to my apartment and then stepped inside.

"Did he kiss you?" I had forgot that Dallas was even there. My smile just widened at the memory. She covered her mouth as she squealed, obviously trying to stay quiet because of Riley. "He did, didn't he?" I bit down on my lip and nodded. "What was it like?" I laughed as I dropped down onto the couch.

"My lips still feel slightly tingly."

"Where'd he take you?" she turned to face me, bringing her legs up onto the couch.

"The arcade. I beat his ass" she laughed.

"Did he ask you to be his girlfriend?"

"No, but he did call me 'baby' as I left" my cheeks were still on fire as Dallas wrapped her arms around me. "How was Riley?" Dallas nodded as she pulled away.

"She was amazing. She's been asleep for like an hour already" I nodded. "Now, tell me everything" I slightly laughed and then started to talk her through most of my date.


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