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Four days without any communication from Demi. I usually speak to her, even if it's just a text message, once a day. I can't count the amount of times I've knocked on her apartment door but there's never an answer. I've sent numerous text messages and I've rang her countless times. I've seen Jace only briefly around college and whenever I do ask about her, he just says that she's fine. I even messaged Nick to see if he's heard from her. It was definitely a relief to know that she'd kept in contact with him. It's a relief to know that she's at least alive. I don't believe a word that comes from Jace's mouth. Because of Demi's recent contact with Nick, the police wouldn't get involved. They wouldn't highlight this as a concern even though her family were raising the same issues. It isn't like Demi to cut herself off from her family for days.

I thought I'd try once more at her apartment. I'm not about to give up on her. She's my best friend, actually fuck that, she's so much more than that. It's only recently I've noticed that shift in my feelings. I've probably had them for quite a while, I've just been too oblivious to notice.

I was genuinely surprised when the door opened and Demi was stood in front of me looking rough as fuck.

"Demi?" I was physically taken back that I didn't even know what to say to her. "You-You erm...You-What the fuck, Demi?" her eyes dropped to the floor.

"I-I'm sorry, I wasn't feeling too good. Think I've had stomach flu or-or something" her eyes darted around as she spoke, her voice was no more than a whisper. She sounds drained.

"And you didn't think to message?" I probably sounded angry at her but I was just more concerned than anything. I haven't spoke to her for 4 days, that's the longest we've ever gone. "I haven't heard from you in 4 days, Demi. I've been so fucking worried about you, so have your parents and Dallas."

"I'm sorry" she met my gave and the anger I felt completely melted away when I noticed her tears.

"D, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just-it's been a long ass week and I-I don't like you-you being mad at me" she quickly wiped the tears from her cheeks. "Can I have a hug?" I didn't say anything as I stepped up to her and I wrapped my arms around her. It felt good to hold her in my arms, it was like she fit perfectly.

"Demi, what's going on?" I tightened my grip around her as her tears soaked into my shirt.

"If-If I tell you, you can't judge me."

"When have I ever judged you, D?" she pulled away from the hug. I cupped her face in my hands and lightly wiped the tears from her cheeks. "Can I come in?" she licked her lip and then nodded. "Jace not here?" I commented as I stepped into her apartment, smiling at Riley's toys that scattered the floor.

"No. He-He's at work" I nodded, turning to face her.

"You gonna tell me what's going on?"

"I-I had an abortion, that-that's why I-I've been quiet and I haven't..." the tears flowing down her cheeks broke my heart but I couldn't help the shock that spread across my face.

"You-You got pregnant a-again?"

"You're judging me, aren't you?" I quickly shook my head and stepped up to her, lightly wiping at her cheek.

"I ain't judging you, Demi. I-I'm just in shock" her eyes glanced down to the floor. "Does Jace know?"

"Yeah" the look in her eyes completely tore my heart into shreds. She almost looked scared. "I-I don't want another baby. I can't-I can't have his baby. I don't want..." she completely broke down. I wrapped my arms around her, softly playing with her hair as she sobbed into my chest. I just let her cry, only speaking once her sobs settled.

"What do you mean by you can't have his baby?"

"I-I didn't mean anything by it, I just..." she pulled herself away from my chest and wiped at her cheeks. Her bloodshot eyes burnt into mine. "I just can't have a baby. I can't have any-anyone's baby right now. I have Riley, I-I can't have an-another baby, Odell" she slid her fingers through her hair as her eyes darted around the room. "J-Jace has-has nothing to do with it, I-I just can't have a baby."

"Nah, you don't mean that" her eyes widened as they met mine. "What's going on, Demi? I can't help if you don't talk."

"I don't have anything to say. Th-There isn't anything going on" her sobbing had given her the hiccups.


"Ju-Just drop it, Odell. Please" Demi whimpered as I grabbed her arm in an attempt to stop her from walking away. I very quickly pulled my hand off her due to her quick reaction.


"It-It's nothing. You just-You just caught me off guard" my eyes darted down to her arm that she was holding against her chest. She was looking anywhere but at me.

"Demi, can I see your arm?" her eyes were wide as they finally met mine. "Demi?" my change in tone made her eyes flash with panic. Her reactions were terrifying me. Her chin quivered as she held her wrist out in front of her. I was sure to move slowly as I took her hand in mine and I slowly lifted the sleeve of her sweater up her arm. There was no visual signs of injury but the harder I looked the more I saw darker patches of skin. "Are you wearing makeup?"

"No!" her answer was rushed.

"Yeah, you are. Take it off."

"You can't make me. You're not him, you can't make me do anything" my eyebrows scrunched together at her words.

"Demi, what does he make you do?" she shook her head and choked on a sob, pulling her hand from my grip.

"You need to leave. I want you to leave" I shook my head which just made her cry harder. "I-I don't want you here. You can't be here. I-I don't want you to get hurt. I-I don't..." this isn't the Demi I know. This isn't the Demi I love.

"I ain't leaving you, D. Are you scared of Jace?" I stumbled back slightly as she sunk to the floor, sobbing into her hands. Her sobs were violent, they were uncontrollable. They tore my heart right out of my chest. "Demi?" I sunk to the floor beside her, wrapping my arms around her. Even as she fought against me, I just kept my grip tight on her. I'm not leaving her.


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