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Now that I know baby's a girl, I feel like I need to prepare a little more. So, a couple of weeks after I found out, I roped Odell into rearranging my bedroom. I would have got Eddie involved but he was at work. Odell did grumble the entire time but did what I asked anyway, complaining that he couldn't say no because of my puppy look, that he's terrified Jellybean will inherit because she'll have him wrapped perfectly around her finger.

I've moved my bed up against the wall which has left enough room for a crib. I've also moved other bits of furniture in order to create more space. My Mom found a small set of drawers that should fit perfectly beside the crib that I can use for baby girl's clothes. There won't be much floor space in my room but at least Jellybean will have somewhere to sleep.

"God, rearranging my room is exhausting" I released a breath as I relaxed back on my bed, my hand settling instantly on my bump able to feel the tiny flutters from baby girl.

"You ain't done shit" Odell grumbled, his arms crossing over his chest. "I moved your bed around and shit."

"I am pregnant, Odell" he rolled his eyes as he took a seat on my bed, nudging me to move across. I released an annoyed huff as if I was inconvenienced as I shuffled over on my bed. "It's tiring growing a human, O. You wouldn't understand" I released a breath as I allowed my eyes to close.

"You thought of a name yet?"

"I have two names that I need to choose between. I'm not sharing them yet though" my lips twitched into a smirk as I took a quick glance at him.

"I'm happy with calling her Jellybean for the foreseeable" a genuine smile spread across my face.

"Thank you for everything, O."

"You don't need to thank me, D. Best friends stick together. And this little Jellybean..." his hand moved to settle on my stomach. "Is my new best friend. You okay with that?"

"Yes" he stared into my eyes, my heart sort of fluttered at the way he stared at me. I was completely hypnotised under his gaze until he glanced away. I've still been reacting strange around Odell, constantly wanting him nearby, feeling my heart skip beats if he stares at me for longer than usual. I try to push those feelings away but they very quickly resurface.

"Did you feel that?" I jumped from my thoughts, able to feel my cheeks heating up as I glanced down at Odell.

"Feel what?" a second later, there was a light nudge to my stomach just beneath where Odell's hand was. My jaw instantly dropped. "Oh my god, she's kicking" a wide smile spread across my face as tears welled up in my eyes.

"Hi Little Jellybean" a tear rolled down my cheek. "That's a precious little kick, huh?" the way he was speaking to my belly, made me emotional. I could feel myself getting choked up. "You may not have a daddy, Jellybean, but you got me. I ain't daddy material for sure, but I can be a fun uncle" baby girl continued to kick as if in reply to him.

"I think she likes that, Uncle O" he lightly laughed as he glanced up to meet my gaze.

We spent the next couple of hours together until I had to leave for work. It was only a short shift but any money is good when you're expecting a baby. I was left to close up for the night but before I had the chance to lock the front door, the sound of the bell indicated that someone had entered.

"We're closed..." I turned to find Nick walking towards me. "What are you doing here?" I questioned as I caressed my bump, baby girl's every moment was a comfort.

"I-I was working a-across the street. I remembered that you got a job here, I think it was Jasmine who-who said..." my raised eyebrows cut him off. "I-I've been meaning to talk to you since the whole-whole gender reveal thing."

"What? You found someone to adopt her, take away the fucking problem" he rapidly shook his head.

"No, Demi. I-I..." I remained silent, taking slow breaths as I waited for him to continue. "It-It was wrong of me to react how I did. I shouldn't have-shouldn't have told you to get-get rid of it" I tried my hardest to hold back my surprise. "I-I've been thinking a-a lot since the gender reveal and I-I wanna be involved, Demi" my jaw slowly dropped as I stared at him with slightly wide eyes. "She's our daughter, Demi. I want us to co-parent" I was completely dumbfounded.

"If this is your parents forcing..."

"It's not" he cut me off. "I-I've been an ass to you, Demi, and I know that it-it's taken a while for me to realise it but..." I silently waited for him to continue. "I do wanna be a part of the baby's life, our-our daughter's life" there was a moment of silence that followed afterwards. I tried to collect my thoughts and turn them into actual words but I found it a struggle. Why has he suddenly had a change of heart?

"I-I don't understand" he briefly glanced down at the floor. "Just a couple weeks ago, you wanted fuck all to do with her and now suddenly you wanna be involved."

"Can't a guy have a change in heart?"

"We're not getting back together" he shook his head in reply. "And Odell is still gonna be around the baby, you can't have any say in that" he released a breath as he rolled his eyes. "You need to prove to me that you wanna be involved. I know what it's like to be sat waiting for a dad that's never gonna turn up, it fucking sucks. I don't want that for her."

"I know. I wanna at least try, Demi" he took his backpack off and lowered it onto the desk as he unzipped it. I watched him as he pulled out a pink stuffed bunny rabbit. He held it out to me and I took it, biting down on my lip as I tried to hold in my smile. It was a sweet gesture but not enough for me to completely forgive him. He needs to prove that he wants this. He needs to prove that he's willing to be a father.

"A stuffed teddy isn't gonna make me forget everything you said" I glanced up at him as he nodded. "But I guess it is a start" his lips twitched into what looked like a genuine smile.

"I will prove myself to you, Demi. I'm not scared anymore. I mean I am, but ya know. I guess I gotta get my shit together, huh? I'm gonna be a dad" he rubbed at his chin as he laughed, glancing away from me as I watched him. "I-I'm sorry too for-for telling everyone. It wasn't really my business to tell, not after I-I told you to get-get rid of them" I shook my head as I lowered the rabbit onto the desk and went back to tidying everything away so I can close up and head home. He may say that he's sorry but I need him to prove it.

"They would have found out eventually."

"You-You want me to stick around? I can give you a ride..." I shook my head which cut him off.

"My Dad's coming to get me but thanks for the offer" he nodded as he grabbed his backpack and he draped the strap over his shoulder. "And erm, thanks for the rabbit" he nodded as he shoved his hands into his pockets.

"I'll see ya around, Dem" I released a breath as he left the library, finally able to properly breathe. I glanced down at my belly as Jellybean kicked against my stomach. I smiled as I slid my hand onto my bump able to feel her little kicks.

"Do we believe your Daddy, Baby? Momma isn't too sure" my eyes landed on the pink bunny rabbit. I took it into my hands, smiling instantly at the softness. "This is a cute bunny though, huh?" I silently stared at it for a moment. "We should probably get home because Momma's back hurts. You ain't even that big yet, Jellybean" I released a breath as I headed towards the staff area. I placed the bunny into my purse and then draped the strap over my shoulder. I locked up the bookstore just as Eddie pulled into the parking lot and I was finally able to relax, keeping the entire conversation with Nick to myself for now. I don't need to be judged for my decision.


So, you think Nick's serious or not? 😅

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