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"You've finally got somewhere to sleep, Baby Girl" I cooed, caressing my belly as Odell finished up with the crib.

"You're welcome" I bit down on my lip and laughed.

"You wanna say thank you to Uncle O, Beautiful?" he rolled his eyes. "She's kicking, Odell" he laughed as he pressed his hand to my bump. His smile widened.

"You're very welcome, Miss Riley" I pulled my eyes off him as I felt my heart swoon. I tried to shake the thoughts away, tried to ignore the way the surface of my skin formed goosebumps. "You got everything sorted for her?"

"Yeah. I just gotta sort my hospital bag out. I can't believe I'm nearly a month off my due date. It's insane."

"Crazy. She'll be here soon" I nodded as I turned to my closet. There's a bag of newly brought baby clothes that I need to sort through and wash before Riley's arrival.

"I was thinking we could watch a movie tonight, if you want?" I glanced back at Odell over my shoulder.

"I can't, D. Sorry."

"That's fine" I couldn't deny the fact that my heart ached. "You up to anything exciting?" there was a moment of silence which kind of forced me to face him.

"You know Clara?" the image of a tall, skinny, and slightly older brunette popped into mind as I nodded. "We got a date tonight" my heart dropped into my stomach as bile forced its way up my throat. Two weeks ago, he was single and now suddenly he has a date with someone he works with. I placed my hand over my mouth, the smile on his face dropped as I sprinted as fast as I could from my bedroom. It hurt my stomach to heave and my throat burnt as I clutched onto the toilet, throwing up everything in my stomach. "Shit, D. You ain't been sick like this in weeks" I shook my head, tears burning the back of my eyes as he lightly caressed my back.

"Must-Must be something I-I ate" I shook my head as I kept my face shoved in the toilet. Odell helped me to stand once I'd finished, his fingers kept my hair out of the way as I rinsed out my mouth. "Sorry" he shook his head, a look of worry in his eyes as I turned to face him.

"You sure ya okay?"

"Yeah" I forced a smile as I nodded. "What time's your date?" the word burnt my throat.

"8. I should probably head out" I bit down on my lip as I kept my eyes on his face. "Message if you need me, please."

"I'll have Dallas but I promise" I was taken slightly aback as he wrapped his arms around my neck. His warm embrace engulfed me and I didn't want him to let go. I think it's time that I admit to myself that I have feelings for Odell. I probably have for a while, it's just taken me too damn long to realise. I've probably already lost my opportunity. "Have fun on your date. She-She seems like a really nice girl" I unwrapped my arms from around him and I stepped away.

"You sure you're okay, D? I-I can cancel, it doesn't..."

"No, don't be stupid. I-I can't expect you to cancel your date so you can watch a movie with me. Go" I lightly nudged him. His eyebrows raised slightly. "Seriously, O" he silently watched me for a moment before he nodded.

"Message me, okay?"

"Okay, I promise" the look in his eyes confused me slightly. "Go" he lightly laughed as I nudged him. I gave him a wave as he left and my heart felt heavy in my chest. I released a breath as I relaxed back against the wall. "As long as I've got you I'll be fine, huh?" I softly spoke down to my bump. "I love you more than I've ever loved anyone. You're my world, Riley" I cleaned up the bathroom and then headed into my bedroom. I smiled as I walked up to Riley's crib. "I'm nearly ready for you, Baby Girl. I can't wait to meet you" her little kicks started up as I took a seat on my bed, beginning to sort through the bag full of newborn clothes.

For the rest of the afternoon until Dallas got home, I could not stop thinking about Odell going on a date with someone who isn't me. I doubt he'd even want me anyway. For one, I'm his best friend and two, I'm about to have another man's baby. Who wants to get so involved in that? Riley's own father wants nothing to do with her. I can't expect another man to be involved. I suppose at the end of the day, it's just me and Riley.

"You gotta stop kicking Momma in the ribs, Riley Bree" I took in a breath, wincing as she kicked my ribs again. I began to gently rub the top of my belly in an attempt to settle her kicks. It didn't work and she continued to kick her little legs.

"Here ya go, Dem" I forced a smile and glanced to Dallas as she lowered a glass of iced tea onto the table beside me. "You okay, Honey?" I released a breath as I shook my head.

"She keeps kicking my ribs and it really hurts" I winced as I sat up straight on the couch. "Every time she-she does it, it-it takes my breath away" Dallas lowered herself onto the couch beside me as I momentarily struggled to breathe. Once I'd caught my breath, I relaxed back against the couch.

"Hey, Little Miss Riley" Dallas lightly tapped my belly. Riley suddenly moved. "You gotta stop giving your Momma a hard time. I suppose you're running outta room in there, huh?"

"Don't I know about it" I sniffled, wiping a fallen tear from my cheek. I bit down on my lip as my chin quivered.

"You okay, Demi?"

"Everything just aches. I'm actually so over being pregnant and I don't really know why I'm crying" Dallas laughed as she softly kissed my temple. "Nick hasn't replied to my message. Why say you wanna be part of your daughters life and then completely change your mind in a matter of days? I'm over chasing him around. I'm done" she twirled a strand of my hair repeatedly around her finger.

"He isn't worth it, Dem. You and Riley will be perfectly fine without him, you know that."

"I hope so" a silence settled around us for a moment. "Odell's got a date tonight" Dallas' wide eyes met mine.

"The little fucker lied to me" I shook my head and lightly laughed as I began to twiddle my fingers. "How you feel about that?" tears gathered in my eyes as I bit down on my lip.

"You were right. I like him and it fucking sucks" Dallas wrapped her arm around me. "I'm never gonna find anyone. Who's gonna want to be with me? I have a daughter."

"You will find someone, Dem. There's gotta be someone out there for all of us" she stroked a strand of hair behind my ear. "I think Odell's your someone, but I think it may take a while for him to realise that."

"I'm done talking about this" I adjusted myself slightly on the couch which caused Riley to suddenly press down on my bladder. "I gotta go pee and then we can start that movie."


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