Forty Six

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"Try this" my eyebrows raised as I took one of the shot glasses of clear liquid off Odell.

"What is it?" he smirked at me as he lifted his own shot glass up to his lips. His eyebrow twitched slightly as he watched me, swallowing the liquid down in one. I narrowed my eyes in on him as I downed the shot. It burnt. Odell laughed as I coughed, lowering the shot glass down onto the table. "Fuck. What was that?" he continued to laugh as my chest burnt.

"Something called The Bomb. I didn't check the ingredients" I rolled my eyes as he shrugged. I grabbed my own drink and quickly took a sip, it kind of just added to the burn. "You got a guy checking your ass out. You mind if I go beat his ass up?" I glanced over my shoulder, catching a curly-haired guy quickly look away. I shook my head as I turned back to Odell.

"You ain't ruining my birthday by beating up some random guy. I definitely wouldn't bail you outta jail so you'd have to rot for the night" he laughed, sliding his hand along my waist. The touch caused my breath to hitch in my throat.

"Now maybe he won't look" he grabbed his drink, keeping his hand settled on my waist as he took a sip, glancing around the bar. I felt myself falling for him even more in that moment. Why does he have to be so fucking irresistible?

I was way passed tipsy when I convinced Odell to join me on the dance floor. I laughed as I watched him, finding it amusing how he dramatised everything. There was this one guy who kept trying to grab at my attention and it wasn't until Odell slid his arm around my waist that he gave up.

"Guys ain't getting the hint tonight" his lips pressed to my ear as he spoke. His voice was slightly slurred and the way his breath hit my neck made me shiver. I bit down on my lip, glancing up at Odell as he pulled his face from my neck. His eyes were slightly glossed over from the alcohol and his lips twitched into a light smirk. I slid my tongue along my lip as I forced my eyes off him, struggling to ignore the way my body reacted to his touch. I could feel myself craving him. Odell moved his hands to my hips and turned me around, pulling me so my ass was pressed against him. My heart began to pound against my chest once what was happening finally began to sink in. Odell's hands had suddenly began to roam along my body as our bodies moved along to the beat of the music. My spine tingled and my breath caught in my throat as his lips pressed a light kiss to my neck. It very quickly became hard to breathe. I easily managed to squirm from his grip, trying to steady my rapid breathing as I pushed through the crowd of people in search of the exit. I had that familiar tightness in my lower stomach.

The moment I stepped outside was when I finally felt like I could breathe. There was a chill that helped a little to cool my body that felt on fire. It caused goosebumps to form on the surface of my skin so I wrapped my arms around myself.

"Hey" I jumped at the voice, forcing myself to smile as I turned to Odell. "You okay? You ran off pretty quickly."

"It's just-It's very hot in there. I think I've had a little too much to drink and if-if I've got Riley tomorrow then I need sleep" he laughed as he shoved his hand into his jeans and pulled out his phone. "I feel like I'm spinning" Odell continued to laugh as I rest my head back against the wall. It was silent between us and I actually felt myself dropping to sleep. It wasn't until Odell spoke that I remembered where I was.

"Come on" he wrapped his arm around my waist and tugged me towards the cab. I sunk back into the seat as Odell climbed into the other side of the car. "Hey, don't go falling to sleep on me" I grumbled, slapping at his hand as he lightly poked me on the arm. "You not used to sleepless nights with a baby?"

"She ain't a baby anymore, she sleeps through the night now" my words were slightly slurred, my voice was nothing more than a grumble. I did end up dozing off and was lightly shook awake by Odell. "O" I grumbled as I climbed from the cab.


"My feet hurt" he laughed as I stuck my lower lip out.

"What you want me to do about that? You wore heels" I rolled my eyes and released a breath. "Demi?" I bit down on my lip and softly giggled at Odell's annoyance.

"Odell" he shook his head as he turned his back to me.

"Jump on then" my lips tugged into a smile. I placed my hands on his shoulders and then jumped onto his back. Odell released a dramatic huff as his hands held my thighs. He laughed as I hit him lightly on the chest. We just about managed to get to his apartment, it was a struggle to keep quiet as all I really wanted to do was laugh. I squealed as he dropped me back against the couch once we'd stepped into his apartment. "You want a drink?"

"Nothing alcoholic" I remained laid back against the couch as Odell headed towards the kitchen. I pushed myself up from the couch, having to hold onto it for a moment due to a sudden dizziness that hit. I stumbled towards the kitchen, smiling over at Odell as he slid me a glass of water. "Thanks" I watched him grab his own drink as I took a sip. A silence quickly settled around us. I lowered my drink onto the counter and then glanced down at my hands. When I did look back up at Odell, he was staring at me with a light smile on his lips. "What?" he pulled his eyes off me beginning to take slow steps towards me. "Odell?" my heart began to hammer against my chest, my breath catching once again in my throat as I stumbled back until I hit the wall. I swallowed hard as he caressed my cheek and then cupped my chin between his fingers. I didn't dare speak. My lips tingled at the thought of his on mine. My eyes moved down to his lips as he slowly leant into me. I gripped his shirt as his lips lightly brushed against mine. My legs weakened at the touch, my stomach instantly filled with butterflies. His hand slid along my neck as he deepened the kiss, sliding his tongue along my lip.


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