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Nick didn't make it home for Halloween which I can't say I was surprised about. He has however promised that he'll be home to see Riley on Thanksgiving. I know his parents are planning to visit and so I'll be pissed if Nick doesn't come over with them. Ever since he left high school and he's stopped hanging around with our old friends, he's changed and it's definitely for the better. He's a different Nick.

Riley and I moved into our new apartment at the beginning of November. Riley has been struggling to sleep in her own room so I've brought a bassinet for my room. She's taking naps in her nursery so I'm hoping it'll get her used to it. We've also been seeing a lot more of Odell. We're often at each other's apartments. It's nice to have a friend so close, especially when I feel overwhelmed. He's a good person to rant at because he listens, he doesn't interrupt.

"You ready to watch Uncle O kick ass, Baby?" Riley's lips twitched into a smile as she wrapped her hand around my finger. "You look so beautiful" I slid my hands beneath her, lifting her up and pressing a soft kiss to her cheek. I got her settled in her stroller just as the intercom buzzed. "Hello?"

"Hi Dem. It's Dallas" I pressed the button to unlock the main door downstairs.

"Hi. Come up" I grabbed my jacket and slid into it, pulling open the door once there was a knock. "It was open, you didn't have to knock" Dallas rolled her eyes as she stepped into my apartment and she closed the door behind her.

"I know the door downstairs is locked, but Demi you don't know what weirdos are hanging around. Please, lock your front door" I bit down on my lip at her scolding. A wide smile spread across her face as Riley cooed. "Hi Beautiful" I packed everything into Riley's diaper bag and then draped it over her stroller as Dallas kept her entertained.

The football field wasn't too far of a walk but Riley still managed to fall asleep. There was a crowd of people flooding into the stands but I managed to catch sight of Heather and Clara. Heather pulled me into a hug and then cooed over Riley whilst Dallas and I spoke with Clara.

Odell scored the winning touchdown and I'm not sure who screamed louder between Clara and I. Riley was an angel the entire game, she was either asleep in her stroller or getting a good look around as I held her. She was awake in Dallas' arms as we headed off the stands and we moved towards the field. Odell came running over and instantly wrapped his arms around Clara. I glanced to Dallas as she nudged me in the side. I rolled my eyes, ignoring the way she looked at me as I smiled at Riley who flashed me a wide, gummy smile.

"Hi Beautiful."

"Hi Jellybean" her head turned to Odell as he walked towards her. I've never seen a baby look confused before. Her little eyebrows scrunched together as she leant back into Dallas.

"It's Uncle O, Baby" I lightly caressed her cheek. "I think it's the helmet" he laughed as he removed it and we all watched as a smile overtook Riley's face and she began to kick her legs.

"Is that better, Ry?" Odell took her from Dallas and the sight alone made my heart swoon. I glanced away briefly and caught the gaze of Jace. He was stood off to the side with an older couple. The way his eyes roamed along my body and his lips twitched into a smile made me uncomfortable. I tightened my jacket around myself, forcing my gaze back to Odell and Riley. I tried to ignore the fact I could feel his eyes burning holes into my skin as I conversed with Odell.

We headed out for something to eat afterwards but the way Odell and Clara were with each other, put me off my food. They are so into each other. I'm never going to find someone who will look at me like that, especially not when I have a baby. Riley is without a doubt the best thing that ever happened to me but I still want to find that love someday.

The next week consisted of work and taking care of Riley. I've increased my hours at work to help with rent but it just feels like I'm constantly there. I feel like I don't get to spend much time with Riley anymore and she's growing more everyday. It breaks my heart to leave her with my parents or Dallas.

Riley looked adorable in her thanksgiving dress that Dallas had brought for her and she enjoyed the attention she got all day. Nick's parents arrived to see Riley and I was relieved to find that Nick had come back from California. Riley didn't seem too excited to see Nick, but lets be honest, she is only 3 months old and doesn't really know him. She just stared at him with an intense look on her face as he tried to make her laugh, something she hasn't yet managed to do.

"Demi..." I jumped, glancing up from Riley who I'd just settled into her crib and I turned to Nick who stood in the doorway to my old bedroom. "Be-Before I leave, can we have a chat?" I nodded, briefly glancing down at Riley as she slept.

"Yeah, but not in here" I lightly pushed him from the room, grabbing the baby monitor on the way out. The first empty room I came to was Dallas'. "What's up?" I turned to Nick, crossing my arms over my chest.

"I-I just..." my eyebrows raised as I crossed my arms over my chest, trying not to show my impatience. "I just wanna check that you-you'd be okay with-with me seeing someone."

"Nick, why would I care?" he shrugged, shoving his hands into his pockets. "You didn't hope something would restart with us, did you?" he refused to meet my gaze as he looked around. "Nick, you may be Riley's father and you really are starting to prove that you wanna be in her life but we're never getting back together. I'm sorry if-if that's not what you wanted to hear" he shook his head, running his fingers through his hair.

"No, I just-I didn't know whether you'd worry about Riley and how it would..." he slowly cut himself off.

"Nick, you can date whoever you want."

"You sure?" I rolled my eyes as I nodded. The thought of him dating someone didn't even faze me.

"Yes" he nodded, glancing briefly down at the floor.

"You should tell Odell, ya know" my heart stopped, my eyebrows scrunched together and my cheeks began to burn.

"Te-Tell him what?" his lips just twitched into a smirk. I rolled my eyes and pushed my way passed him, my heart beginning to pound against my chest as he laughed.

"You know what I mean, Dem" I bit down on my lip and shook my head as I headed towards the stairs with Nick behind me. "Keep sending me photos and videos of Ry" I nodded my agreement, flashing him a light smile. "I-I can't believe I didn't want her. I-I'm sorry for being an ass, D. You really didn't deserve any of that" I leant up on my tiptoes and I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I'll be back for Christmas" I nodded as I pulled away from him.

"I'm sure Riley will be excited for it" he rolled his eyes as I smirked. "See you at Christmas" he nodded as I held the door open for him, waving at him as he left down the path.


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