Thirty Two

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Jace was extremely loving for a while after that night. He doted on me. He never questioned me about anything. He seemed to respect all of my decisions. It was like it had never happened to him. I still sometimes flinch whenever he goes to touch me, it's worse if he moves too fast. I'm trying to forget about it but I'm worried that it'll happen again.

The next big event in my life was when I signed on with a modelling agency. It was a happy day for sure. They already had gigs lined up that I could attend if they interested me. I did another shoot for Henry, already so proud of the first that had started to make appearances advertising his company on social media. It's definitely something I enjoy.

Nick came home for the first week of spring break and he spent most of his time with Riley. I trusted him to look after her alone so she spent a few hours with him and his family. She surprised us all by starting to crawl and talk whilst he was home. I was a little bitter that her first word was 'dada' but I quickly got over it when she giggled afterwards and leant into me instead of Nick. I doubt she even knows what dada means.

I continued to see Odell regularly, it was obvious Jace didn't like it but he never said anything about it. I wouldn't ever stop seeing Odell anyway, no matter what Jace thinks. Odell is my best friend and even though I've tried to ignore them, I still very much have feelings for him. His touch still gives me butterflies and his smile makes my heart swoon. The way that he speaks to Riley just makes me fall harder for him.

"Happy Mother's Day" I woke as lips brushed against my ear. I tried to stop myself tensing as his hand slid along my bare hip. "You ain't got plans today, have you?"

"I-I'm heading to my parents. You don't plan to see your Mom?" he wrapped his arm around my waist, rolled me to face him and then started to caress my jaw. I haven't seen his parents since the first time we met and I don't plan too. Jace met my parents a couple weeks after Dallas' birthday, and of course my Mom thinks he's a total sweetheart. My Dad and Dallas are both hesitant around him though.

"Yeah, that ain't gonna take up my whole day though" he moved to hover over me, sliding his hand along my thigh as he settled himself between my legs.

"Well, I-I don't need to be at my parents until like 1 and you-you can always come back here later" I'm trying everything I can to avoid asking him to meet me at my parents.

"What time would later be?" I shrugged as he began to kiss along my neck, making my back involuntarily arch into him.

"I-I don't know" he disappeared under the sheet as he kissed down my chest and stomach. I stared up at the ceiling, tears burning the back of my eyes as my body reacted in a way that I'm not sure I wanted it too.

Riley's cries were the first thing I heard once Jace collapsed, breathless onto the bed beside me. I quickly threw the sheet from my body and reached for a shirt. It covered my naked body as I headed from the room and stepped into Riley's. She was sat up in bed, softly crying as she played with her pacifier.

"Morning Jellybean" she looked up at my voice, a smile spreading across her face. "Did you sleep good?"

"Mama" my heart burst as she shoved her pacifier back into her mouth as I gently lifted her into my arms.

"I love you, Beautiful" she babbled as I kissed her cheek.

9 months of Riley. She's still very much my little jellybean. She's thankfully started to sleep through the night and is only breastfed in the morning, during nap times and then at night. She loves food, she has enjoyed everything that she's tried so far. Her little face lights up and it's adorable. She's an active crawler also and moves so fast, whoever's caring for her has to keep an eye on her all the time because she can be with you one minute and then gone the next.

"Hi Riley Bree" Riley giggled as my Mom took her from me. She wrapped her chubby arms around Mom's neck. "You give such good cuddles" Mom's eyes turned back to me as she wrapped her arm around me. "Happy first Mother's Day."

"Thanks, and Happy Mother's Day to you too" I pulled from the hug and held up the little gift bag.

"You didn't have to get me anything, Honey" I rolled my eyes as I stepped into the house, closing the door behind me.

"Yes, I did. It's Mother's Day and you're my Momma" she flashed me a smile and then pressed a soft kiss to Riley's cheek as she loudly babbled. She then leant into me and I took her, handing the gift bag over to my Mom.

"Did you manage to get Riley a swimsuit?"

"I did, it's got little polka dots on it" we headed into the living area where the rest of my family were settled on the couches. Madison waved at Riley who giggled as she dropped her head onto my shoulder. "You wanna play with Auntie Maddie, Baby?" I gently lowered her to the floor. She sat and stared up at me for a moment before she crawled towards Madison. I took a seat on the couch beside Dallas.

"I've got you a little something" my eyebrows scrunched together. "It's from Riley" a smile formed on my face as I glanced to Riley who was staring at Madison as she played with her dolls. I turned back to Dallas as she reached over the couch to retrieve a light pink gift bag. "Did you get anything else?" she questioned as she handed it to me.

"I received some flowers this morning from Nick and Riley. I actually cried a little when I got them" I won't mention the fact that Jace questioned it multiple times. He didn't seem to understand why Nick would send the flowers from him and not just from Riley.

"Yeah, he said he was gonna send flowers" her smile widened. "Ry?" we turned to Riley who was looking at Dallas with slightly raised eyebrows. The sight made us both laugh. "You wanna come and watch Momma open her present?" the corners of her lips tugged into a smile as she pushed forward onto her hands and she began to crawl towards us. Her light giggles made my heart skip several beats, it was adorable.

"Hi Jellybean" she pressed her hand against my leg.

"Come here, Sweet Girl" Dallas lifted Riley onto her lap, turning her so she was facing me. She began to suck and chew on her fingers. She squealed as I leant to kiss her cheek. I focused then on the gift bag on my lap. Inside the bag was a bottle of my favourite perfume and a charm bracelet with Riley's birth stone attached. There was also a card that Dallas had written but managed to get Riley to scribble all over.

"You did good, Baby" she giggled, holding her hand out. "Can Momma have a cuddle?" I placed the gift bag to the floor and then held my hands out to Riley. She almost jumped into my grip. I laughed as I cradled her against my chest, pressing my lips to her temple as I gave her a light squeeze. I then turned to Dallas. "Thank you" she shook her head and smiled.

"You don't need to thank me. It's your first Mother's Day, you deserve it" she leant to kiss my cheek. "I'm proud of you" the smile on my face widened as I glanced down at Riley who was playing with my bracelet.


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