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My baby bump continued to grow as the weeks went by and now I'm 18 weeks. It's becoming a lot harder to hide and when I go out in public, I get a couple stares. Everyone in our neighbourhood knows that I'm a knocked-up teenager. I'm like the talk of the town and I've never enjoyed attention.

I've been working my ass off at the book store so that I can save up for baby. I don't want to rely on my parents to provide for us. I'm their Mom, I should be able to care for us both. I keep searching apartments for rent but I don't yet have the money for a deposit and I'm not even sure I want to be on my own with a newborn. I was there when Madison was a baby but I didn't care for her like I will be my own child.

Nick's parents found out about the baby, no matter how much he tried to keep it from them. It was about time they found out really. His Mom's been over a couple of times to see how baby is and she's constantly messaging me with questions about them. Nick's parents have promised me that Nick will be involved by the time baby arrives. I don't even know whether I want that. I did promise them though that they could still be the baby's grandparents and be involved even if Nick wasn't. I won't keep my baby from their grandparents just because their Dad doesn't want them. It isn't their fault.

Jasmine and Nick have also become the new IT couple at school. Odell says that he's over it but I can tell that he isn't. You don't just get over someone cheating on you that quickly, especially someone you've been with for over a year. It even hurts me a little to think that Nick was probably cheating on me whilst we were still together. As much as I love my baby, I hate that their father is Nick.

"Ah fuck, that's so good" I practically moaned as I swallowed a mouthful of pancake. Odell laughed as he wore a smirk, watching me with intrigue as he ate his own breakfast.

"That good, D?" I rolled my eyes as I stabbed my fork into a piece of bacon. Everything on the table in front of me helped to satisfy the cravings that I've had all day.

"You won't understand" he continued to laugh. I relaxed back against the booth, my hand sliding along my bump as I took a sip of my milkshake. I glanced around the diner, my eyes landing on a group of teenage girls who were staring at me as they whispered to each other. My stomach instantly twisted as I lowered the glass back onto the table, the sight of the food in front of me suddenly made me nauseous.

"You okay?" I forced a smile onto my face as I glanced up at Odell and I nodded. "No you ain't. What's up?" I briefly glanced to the group of girls who were still whispering to each other. Odell released a breath causing me to turn back to him. "Ignore them, D. They don't know shit" he commented as he grabbed a piece of streaky bacon off my plate.

"I hate the stares, Odell" I mumbled. "I hate that everyone seems to think I'm a whore because I got myself pregnant. I doubt anyone looks at Nick like that. He's probably a hero because he doesn't wanna be involved in his kids life" I rapidly began to blink as my eyes welled up with the threat of tears.

"You wanna go?" I bit down on my lip as I nodded. "Let me go pay and then we can..."

"No, let me pay. It was all mine and I've hardly eaten any of it" he just shook his head as he slid from the booth and he headed to pay, it was pointless in arguing with him. I finished off my milkshake as I waited for Odell to return.

"Hi Mommy" I jumped at the taunting voice and glanced to a group of girls who walked away in a fit of giggles. I rolled my eyes, trying to hold back my tears as I began to shove everything into my purse. I slid from the booth as Odell returned, keeping quiet as I left the diner with Odell behind me. I kept my head down as I walked to Odell's car. It wasn't until I settled back against the passenger seat that Odell spoke.

"What'd they say to you?" I shook my head as I buckled myself in, keeping my eyes off him.

"It doesn't matter."


"It doesn't matter, Odell" I leant to turn up the radio so his questioning would stop. He released a breath as he reversed from the parking space thankfully not questioning me any further. I kept my gaze out the window, continuing to caress my bump as he drove out the parking lot. It isn't their words that hurt, it's the way that they look at me, like I have a disease that they'll catch if they're anywhere near me. I used to have friends before I got pregnant. Now, I only have Odell and I've come to realise that he's the only friend I need, he's the only real friend that I've ever truly had.

"You still wanna head to that baby store?" I nodded as I briefly glanced to him. "You're lucky I got no plans today then" I rolled my eyes as his lips twitched into a smirk.

"What? You not got a hot date" he loudly laughed as he stopped at a red traffic light.

"Fortunately for you and Jellybean, I don't" I kept my eyes off him as my cheeks burnt but my lips twitched into a smile at his nickname for baby. He's been calling baby 'Jellybean' for a while and every time I hear it, it makes me smile.

Odell and I spent about an hour just walking around the baby store. They sell everything that you would need for a baby. I brought a couple plain white vests and sleepsuits that I'll need to find storage for. We don't have a spare room in the house so baby will be in my room for as long as I'm at home. My room isn't that large and I'll struggle to fit everything for a baby inside it. I need to completely redecorate my room before I even think about buying a crib for baby. I don't know where anything is going to go.

"What you doing, Dem?" I glanced to Dallas as she stepped into my bedroom. I'm sat on the floor, sorting through my drawers so I can make room for things I've brought baby. I can't keep them in a bag in my closet for the next 5 months.

"I don't know where I'm gonna put baby, Dal" she lightly laughed as she took a seat on the floor beside me. "I don't even have room in my closet for all the baby things I've got to buy. Where am I gonna put a crib?" she began to fold the clothes that I'd pulled from one of my drawers so that I have somewhere for all of baby's things.

"You'll get there, Honey. You can use a bassinet for the first couple months and that can be beside your bed" I combed my fingers through my hair as tears welled up in my eyes. "Hey, don't start getting upset" she lightly caressed my back as I sniffled, trying my hardest to keep my tears back.

"I just..." I released a breath and wiped the single fallen tear from my cheek before I continued. "I don't wanna let baby down, Dallas. I've got to prove to people that I can do this."

"You don't need to prove anything to anyone" she softly spoke as she combed a strand of hair behind my ear. "You're gonna be a good Mom, Dem. It doesn't matter whether baby has their own room or not. They won't even need their own room for the first year or two at least. You can fit a crib in here, D. We'll just need to move your room around a bit" she wrapped her arm around me as I leant in to her and she pressed a soft kiss to the top of my head. "When's your next appointment? I wanna book it off work so I can come."

"Next Thursday."

"It's the gender appointment, right?" I rolled my eyes and laughed, wiping the excess tears from my cheeks as I glanced to meet her wide smile.

"I don't even know whether I wanna know their gender, Dal" her lower lip stuck out in obvious disappointment. "It isn't gonna change my love for them."

"Suppose I could understand that" I turned back to the pile of clothes on the floor and sighed. Where am I going to put all of this? "Come on, let's get baby their own drawer" my lips twitched into a smile as I helped her in folding up my clothes.


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