Twenty Six

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"Why didn't you just lie, D? You could have said Riley was mine or something, it'd made it less awkward for you" I caressed Riley's back as she slept on my chest. It's where she's been since I got home. She apparently refused to sleep earlier. I don't really care because I get to cuddle with my girl. I need it after the night I've just had. The rest of the night was filled with awkward and judgemental stares. His parents kept it all hush, not informing the rest of Jace's family about Riley so thankfully I had a few non-judgemental people to talk too.

"I didn't really think of that when I was put on the spot. I didn't expect him to know Eddie either" I pressed a soft kiss to the top of Riley's head. "But lying about her not being mine, doesn't that make it seem like I'm ashamed to be her Mom" Dallas flashed me a light smile. "Do I wish I was older when I had Riley? Yes. Would I change anything that's happened? No. I'm not ashamed to be Riley's Mom and I don't want people to think that I am" a silence settled around us.

"What did Jace say?"

"He didn't. I don't know whether this relationships gonna go anywhere. I'm not talking to my best friend and my relationship may as well be over, why do guys suck?" Dallas laughed as she stroked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"You're at an awkward age, Dem. Most guys just want sex, it isn't many at this age that want a serious relationship."

"Sex got me pregnant, I ain't bothered about it" my cheeks burnt as she laughed harder.

"I love you" Riley stirred slightly at Dallas' laugh. "I'm sorry, Baby" she whined, glancing up at me. My heart warmed as her lips twitched at the corners. She lightly giggled as I leant to softly kiss her forehead. I lightly ran my fingers through her hair as she cuddled back into my chest.

"Let's get you to bed, Jellybean."

"I'm gonna head home, okay?" I nodded, adjusting Riley against my chest as I pushed myself to stand. "I love you. Try not to overthink everything. You're an amazing Momma to Riley" I lightly smiled as she wrapped her arm around me. "You have so many people who support you. Jace's parents need to get over themselves, and you ain't a whore. If I ever have the unfortunate opportunity to meet them, I'll tell them that" I shook my head but didn't reply. "Sleep tight, Riley Bree" she pressed a soft kiss to the top of her head. "You too" I laughed as she kissed my temple. "Don't forget to lock the door behind me" I rolled my eyes, glancing to meet her raised eyebrows. "I know you, Demetria."

"I do lock my door, Dal" her lips twitched into a smirk.

"You didn't used to" I followed her towards my front door. I was surprised when my eyes landed on Odell the moment Dallas pulled open the door. "Odell, hi."

"Hi Dallas" he flashed her a smile and then briefly glanced at me over her shoulder. The smile on his face faltered as his eyes dropped to the floor. Dallas turned to me as she stepped into the hallway. I gave her a smile and a wave. She raised her eyebrows at me, took one look at Odell and then she turned to leave, waving at me over her shoulder. I adjusted Riley in my arms as she fell asleep with her head against my shoulder.

"Did-Did you come to say something or are you just gonna silently stand there? I haven't got time for that if so. I'm tired and I wanna sleep" Odell finally glanced up from the floor.

"Can we not do this in the hall?" I stepped out of the way and waited for him to enter.

"What you doing here so late?" I questioned once I'd closed the door behind him. He ran his fingers through his curls.

"I-I've been an ass" I just laughed.

"Can I lay Riley down?" he nodded, flashing me a light smile. I carried Riley into her nursery. She thankfully remained asleep as I got her settled in her crib. "I love you, Jellybean. Sleep tight, Beautiful" I pressed a soft kiss to her forehead and then left her room. Odell was stood where I'd left him. "You can sit down" I bit on my lip and tried to hold back my smile as he jumped at my voice. "You okay?"

"You just made me jump" he mumbled as he took a seat.

"You want a drink?"

"No, I'm fine" he shook his head, rubbing his hands on his sweatpants. "I-I'm sorry, Demi" I raised my eyebrows, crossing my arms over my chest. "Can you sit?" I rolled my eyes and took a seat on the couch beside him. I didn't say anything, I just waited for him to speak. "I-I shouldn't get to control who you date. I just...You're my best friend, D, and I-I worry about you. And it ain't just you, I worry about Riley and..." I brought my legs up onto the couch and leant back against it, resting my chin in my hand. "I don't wanna see either of you hurt. I care too much about you both" my lips twitched into a smile, tears burning the back of my eyes.

"I care about you too, O" he turned to meet my gaze. "And I'm starting to worry about the fact that you've been sleeping around. You're using protection, right?" he laughed as he nodded, running his fingers through his curls.

"I don't do nothing without a condom."

"I'm glad to hear it" he glanced down at his lap as my lips twitched into a smirk. I released a breath and then moved to cuddle into his side. "You know that the last week without you has been torture. I think Ry's been missing you too."

"If you wanna date Jace you can. I ain't throwing this away over some jerk you wanna date" I just shook my head. "I'll just have to deal with him, huh?"

"His parents think I'm a whore."

"What?" I pulled away from his side.

"They aren't cool with teen parents. I don't know how far this relationships gonna go."

"Maybe they just gotta get to know you, Demi. You ain't a whore and if I ever meet them, I'll make sure they know that" I flashed him a light smile. "So, we back to normal?"

"Yes" I softly laughed. I squealed as he quickly wrapped his arms around me. I slid my arms around his neck, smiling at the way he held me. I began to gently play with his curls. "So, about that girl I saw you with earlier" he just groaned. I laughed as he pulled himself away from me.

"She sucked."

"What she sucked you, or just in general?" my lips twitched into a smirk. He rolled his eyes and nudged me in the side. I glanced down at my lap, able to feel my cheeks burning up.

"She was too loud. She spoke far too much. Major turnoff."

"Yeah, I ain't about that either. A little dirty talks okay but don't overdo it" I glanced at him as he nodded. Our eyes met and then an awkward silence settled around us. "I..."

"I'm gonna head off, it's late and I should probably sleep" he pushed himself up from the couch. I followed behind him. "You-You haven't..." I rolled my eyes. "Not my place" he pulled open my front door, taking one last glance at me.

"I haven't" he nodded his understanding. "I'm sure you'll be the first person I tell when I do" he rolled his eyes at my obvious sarcasm. My lips twitched into a smile. "Night, O."

"Night, Demi" I watched him for a moment as he headed down the corridor. It wasn't until he'd disappeared from my line of sight that I slid back into my apartment. I locked the door and then headed into the kitchen. I grabbed a glass of water, checked in on Riley and then headed off to bed. I had no messages from Jace and as I lay in bed, I tried to think of ways I could try and save our relationship.


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