Thirty Five

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Jace unofficially moved in to my apartment after I got back from New York. He was always there. I don't actually think he ever left unless it was for work. I had to be home by 10 at night otherwise he'd be blowing up my phone with missed calls and messages. I never once left him alone with Riley though because I don't trust him around her. I told him repeatedly to go back to his but he never once listened.

The month of July consisted of photoshoots and planning Riley's first birthday. I also officially quit my job at the bookstore and focused solely on modelling. It had already started to bring in more money than the bookstore. Every photoshoot I attended was also an escape from Jace.

"Good morning, birthday girl" I lightly caressed Riley's cheek until she stirred. My heart warmed as her eyes fluttered open and a smile formed on her face. "Hi Jellybean."

"Hi Mama" my heart burst. I lifted her into my arms and cradled her against my chest, pressing a kiss to her temple as she cuddled into me. She clutched at the neck of my shirt.

"Did you sleep good, Baby?" I lightly combed my fingers through her hair that has started to curl at the ends. "Let's change your diaper, Ry" I quickly changed her, leaving her in pyjamas as I know she'll get messy with breakfast. I then carried her into the living room where Jace was. He was sipping on a coffee as he scrolled through his phone.

"Hi, birthday girl" Riley giggled as she gave him a wave. She squirmed from my grip and I lowered her to the floor. She hasn't yet taken her first steps but she does keep pulling herself up on furniture. "You coming for a cuddle?" she giggled as she crawled towards Jace. Riley adores Jace and it fucking sucks. "Hi Princess" I pulled from my thoughts as he lifted Riley onto his lap. "Shall we cuddle while Momma makes breakfast?" his eyes briefly met mine. He only glanced back down at Riley as she babbled. "I think Riley agrees" I slid into the kitchen, checking on Riley often as I made her breakfast. I made her some oatmeal and some toast that I cut into little strips. I was right to keep her in pyjamas because she ended up with half the oatmeal down her.

"You're so messy, Riley Bree" she giggled as she sucked on a piece of toast. "Is that nice?" her legs kicked in the highchair. Jace was in the shower and I felt relaxed without him around. I grabbed my phone and quickly took a photo of Riley which I sent out to my family, Odell and Nick. Once Riley had finished with her breakfast, I quickly got her dressed. I settled Riley on the floor in my bedroom, scattering a bunch of toys around her. My heart skipped a beat as the shower turned off. I shook my head as I turned to my closet and grabbed out something simple to wear. I settled on a pair of denim shorts and a plain white crop top. We plan to use the pool as well so I put on one of my bikinis underneath.

"You ain't wearing that are you?" I glanced over at Jace as he stepped into my bedroom. I don't understand what his issue is.

"It-It's a bikini. What's wrong with it?" he shook his head as his focus turned to Riley.

"What do you think of Momma, huh?" Riley giggled at the silly voice he used. I glanced at my reflection in the mirror, beginning to pick apart everything about my body. Tears burnt my eyes as Jace slid his arms around my waist. "Just don't want you to feel insecure, Baby."

"I-I didn't feel insecure before you said anything" I squirmed my way out of his grip. I sniffled, quickly wiping at my cheeks.

"Hey" I winced as he wrapped his hand around my wrist and he pulled me back into him.

"Jace..." I whimpered as his grip tightened on my wrist. Tears began to blur my vision as he stared directly at me.

"I ain't said shit to you. Stop being a cry baby, Demi" he dropped my wrist and I watched as he turned his back on me. I grabbed the clothes I planned to wear and then lifted Riley off the floor, disappearing into the bathroom. "Grow the fuck up, Demi" I was biting down hard on my bottom lip as I tried to hold my tears back. Riley cried as I slammed the bathroom door shut. I covered her face in kisses until she giggled. I quickly got myself dressed, eventually finding the courage to leave the bathroom. Jace wasn't in the bedroom, he was sat on the couch already sipping on a bottle of beer. "Don't think about judging me for this" I ignored him as I started to pack Riley's diaper bag, keeping her settled on my hip.

I finally passed my driving test a month ago so I was able to drive. I assume Jace has only drank one bottle but I'm not risking it no matter if it gets me a beating. He's never hit me more than a slap but I don't doubt he's capable.

We were actually the last to arrive at my parents which sucked because I wanted to be there to greet everyone. I wanted Riley to be there when everyone started to arrive, she is the birthday girl after all. This party is for her.

"Demi!" I glanced to Jace as he lowered his hand onto mine before I could climb from the car. "We're a happy couple, yes?" I swallowed hard as I nodded. "So, stop giving me the fucking silent treatment" he cupped my chin in his hand and then leant to kiss me. "So, who's ready to party?" Jace climbed from the car as Riley babbled. I stared out at my childhood home for a moment, trying to push back my fear.

The smile on my face was fake whenever Jace was around. The only time it was ever truly real was around Riley. This party meant that Jace finally met my extended family and Nick. I hadn't yet found the courage to remove my clothes and get in the pool so I was sat on a lounge chair, watching Riley enjoy herself with my family. Her loud giggle filled the air as Odell lifted her over his head. I hated Jace in that moment for making me feel so fucking insecure.

"Demi?" I jumped at the light tapping on my shoulder. I glanced to Nick who flashed me a light smile. "Can I have a word?" I bit down on my lip and then glanced to Jace who was paying me no attention. I turned back to Nick and nodded. We were the only people inside. "I wanna talk to you about Jace" I glanced down at the floor. "Demi, I don't-I don't like him" my heart began to pound against my chest. "There's something about him that unsettles me. Demi, has he ever...?" he cut himself off as I finally glanced to meet his gaze.


"You didn't even know what I was gonna ask."

"He-He may act like a bit of a dick but he-he isn't when-when you get to know him" Nick's eyebrows raised. It was obvious he didn't believe me. "I'm fine, Nick. I swear, you don't need to worry about me" I pushed past him, not wanting anymore of his questions. I'd end up saying something I'd regret.

We sang happy birthday to Riley once I stepped back out into the backyard. We'd brought two cakes, one for everyone else and then a smash cake for Riley. She wasn't that into it until Nick pressed some frosting to her bottom lip. Her eyes widened once she finally got a taste and then her hands were pulling chunks out of the cake. I watched her with tears in my eyes and a genuinely happy smile on my face. I can't actually believe that my baby is one.


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