Thirty Three

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"What you mean you're going to New York for a few days?"

"It's Father's Day on Sunday and I want Riley to see Nick" I watched as his eyes darkened. I swallowed down the lump from my throat at the way he stared down at me. "Jace..."

"Who you going with?"

"Dallas" his eyes narrowed in on me as if he didn't believe me. "And O-Odell's going too" his jaw clenched. I gasped out in pain as I was suddenly pinned against the wall. "Ow" my vision blurred slightly from the harsh impact.

"No!" I whimpered as he dug his fingers into my side. "I want you to stop spending so much time with him. I'm your boyfriend, Demi, not him" I cowered under his harsh stare. I didn't even think I was spending that much time with Odell. "Will you ever understand that I don't want you around him?"

"He-He's my best friend, you-you can't..." I gasped as his hand wrapped around my neck. It wasn't tight enough to cut off my airway but it did make me panic. "Jace..."

"You frustrate me, Demi. Everything that you do" I released a breath as he moved away from me, tears welled up in my eyes as I hunched forward. "I don't wanna hurt you but you make me so angry at times" I quickly wiped at my cheeks as I watched him slump down on the couch, dropping his head into his hands. "I don't want Odell going with you."

"It-It's already paid for, he-he can't just-just..." Jace turned to stare at me, his eyes as cold as ice. "I'm sorry."

"You better be. If anything happens..."

"It won't. He's just a friend, Jace. I swear to you."

"If you ever cheat on me..." he stopped himself as he shook his head. He was silent for a moment before he pushed himself up from the couch and he walked straight to me. I cowered slightly under his gaze. "I'm sorry" he cupped my face in his hands and then leant to kiss me. The apologises continued as he seemed to cover my entire face in kisses. It led to him removing my clothes and us having sex. It wasn't something that I wanted but my body reacted in a way that made it seem like I did, that's happening a lot lately.

He stuck around for the rest of the night, it took a lot to convince him to go home. He thought I wanted him gone so I could invite a guy round. I don't know what's made him so paranoid. I've never given him any reason to believe that I'd cheat on him. I've been faithful to him, even after he hit me. He FaceTimed me almost the moment he left and then an hour later. He wanted proof that I was still alone, that I wasn't screwing someone else. The constant checking up on me was beginning to make me paranoid. It's like I can't do anything without his agreement, without his knowing. I actually can't wait to get away from him for a couple days.

"Did you see the stares I got?" Dallas rolled her eyes as she sat up from shoving her purse under her seat.

"Fuck em, D. You're allowed to take a baby on a flight" Riley was curled into my chest, fast asleep. I caressed the side of her face and then leant to softly kiss her temple. I glanced to Odell as I felt a light jab on my arm.

"You want a lollipop?" I rolled my eyes and laughed, taking it from him as he flashed me a wide smile. "She okay?"

"She's asleep" I briefly glanced around, catching the eyes of an older man sat on the row behind Odell. "You got a problem?" he pulled his eyes off me and turned to the person sat beside him. Odell laughed and shook his head as I felt my cheeks burn slightly. "I kinda want her to cry now" Dallas laughed as she leant to kiss my cheek. I briefly checked my phone before switching it off to see that I already had 2 messages from Jace.

From Jace: You okay?
From Jace: Text me when you land. I need to know you got there okay. I'm sorry about yesterday. I was just shocked! Didn't expect you to be leaving so soon.

I didn't know how to reply so I didn't. He always apologises, but his words and actions never change.

Riley was actually really well behaved on the flight. She only cried when she needed her diaper changing and because there was a queue for the restroom, she screamed and annoyed quite a few people. I was actually surprised with how much I didn't care. I got stared at by some creepy middle-aged man when I breastfed her and then again when I walked along the aisle in an attempt to settle her off to sleep. Overall, she was easier than I thought she would be. She was easier than the creepy old guys that kept staring at me.

We got a cab to our hotel, Odell has a separate room but he crashed in ours until we were ready to head out for food. I switched on my phone once we got to the hotel to find that Jace had already rang 5 times and left 2 text messages.

From Jace: You've gotta be there by now Demi?
From Jace: Demi, answer your phone.

I released a breath as I tapped out a quick reply.

To Jace: Just got to the hotel. I'm fine.

God, I'm not a little kid.

"Demi?" I jumped, glancing up from my phone and at Dallas who had Riley settled on her hip. "You ready to head out?" I nodded, shoving my phone into my pocket as I stood. I checked that I had everything in the diaper bag and then draped it over the stroller as Dallas got Riley strapped in.

We decided to walk as we aren't staying too far from Times Square. We managed to find somewhere to eat that thankfully wasn't too crowded. Riley tried her first bite of garlic bread and it's safe to say she loved it. She kept reaching for the food on the table as she sat in the high chair. She was extremely vocal the entire time as she covered her face in food.

I'd also received numerous replies from Jace. I had to put my phone on silent because it was almost constantly going off and I don't need Dallas or Odell asking me questions. It's almost like he wants to know everything that I'm doing. I was actually surprised he hadn't tried to call me. Dallas and I had a mini photoshoot in Times Square. It was fun, and for a moment I actually forgot about Jace and his constant questions. I made the mistake though of posting a picture of me and Riley in Times Square to Instagram before I'd replied to Jace or even read any of his messages. It was a minute or two after I'd posted that a text came through from Jace.

From Jace: You can post to Instagram but can't message me back. What the fuck Demi?

To Jace: I'm sorry. I haven't really been on my phone.

I'm enjoying my time away from him and his sudden possessive ways. He needs to quit it.

"You get to see Daddy tomorrow, Ry" I softly spoke as she laid in my arms, her head resting on my chest. She was sucking on her pacifier as her eyes kept fluttering closed. She was so close to dropping off to sleep but it was as if she kept fighting it. "Go to sleep, Jellybean" I caressed the side of her face. Dallas stepped out the bathroom a moment later which caused Riley to glance over at her. A smile formed on her face as she babbled, her pacifier falling from her mouth.

"Thought you was asleep, Riley."

"She keeps fighting it" I commented, picking up the pacifier and pressing it against Riley's lips. She took it without protest and then cuddled back into me.

"It could be the time difference. It'll only be 7 back home."

"True. I didn't think of that" I pressed my lips to her temple. "I'll just cuddle with her until she drops to sleep" Dallas climbed under the covers of the second double bed.

"You mind if I change the channel?" I shook my head, focusing down on Riley who was quietly babbling to herself.


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