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Nick messaged me soon after prom, asking for more information on the appointment for Jellybean. I still didn't expect him to show up so I was surprised when he was waiting outside my OB's office. So, he is just lying to his friends. Dr Hendricks checked me over first and then we got to listen to baby's heartbeat. A smile formed on Nick's face that looked genuine as the perfect galloping sound filled the room. I wanted to question him about the way he reacted at prom but he was so quick to leave afterwards that I didn't get the chance. I just want to know if this is really what he wants.

I graduated with the rest of my class, cheered across the stage by my family. I was extra proud of myself that day as I caressed my belly whilst I walked the stage. It's a milestone I've always wanted to hit. There were murmurs that I'd be nothing because I fell pregnant as a teenager, but I'm about the prove those people wrong. I've just graduated from high school, I didn't drop out like people expected me too. I may not be leaving for college in the fall but I do still have dreams that I want to achieve at some point in my life. College might happen for me one day. Just because I'm not going this year, it doesn't mean I won't one day.

After graduation, I threw myself into work and started to work more hours at the book store. The hardest part was having to deal with the sore feet and the achy back from being stood up all day. I had to start taking regular breaks the further along in my pregnancy I became.

I booked myself in for a 4D ultrasound at 32 weeks. I invited Nick but he said that he couldn't come because of work. I still don't think he's told his friends that he wants to be involved. I'm not entirely convinced that he wants to be, I'm starting to have my doubts. I've only seen him once in the 4 weeks since graduation and that was only by chance.

"Oh my god, her pout" tears lined my lower lid as the sonographer pressed the probe against my bump.

"She has such a cute little button nose" we all laughed at Dallas' comment as she sat on the couch beside Odell with Madison sat on her lap.

"Demi, she's beautiful."

"My little Riley" I laughed at the way everyone's attention turned directly to me. I dabbed at the tears beneath my eyes, glancing to my Mom who stood beside me with wide eyes.

"Riley?" her eyes had welled up with her own tears.

"Riley Bree" a wide smile spread across her face. "I-I haven't decided whether I want Jonas as her last name or not" Mom combed a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I wouldn't. He's a waste of space" I glanced to Dallas and then at Odell who subtly nodded his agreement. I released a breath as I glanced back up at my Mom who leant to delicately kiss the top of my head.

"It's your choice, Baby."

We finished up with the appointment and then headed to pickup some things for Riley. I've ordered a crib and stroller set that's being delivered. I have plenty of outfits and sleep-suits for her. Half of my closet is full of wipes and diapers. I've brought a breast pump and some bottles as I'd like to give my family the option of feeding her, especially when I go back to work. As much as I loved walking round the baby store and buying stuff for Riley, I eventually had to drag myself away from the store. We stopped off at my favourite diner on the way back and I had to refrain from ordering almost everything off the menu. Everything here is just so good.

"It looks like she has your chin" I rolled my eyes at Odell's smirk as we looked over the ultrasound photo. "Don't worry, it's adorable" my cheeks instantly began to burn.

"So, how's the dating scene, Odell?" I shot Dallas a glare but she just ignored me, keeping her eyes on Odell. My heart stopped for a moment as I waited for his reply.

"Erm, a bit boring. Not much to report."

"You like anyone at the moment?" what the fuck is she doing?

"No" I think my heart may have just broke a little. Dallas' eyes narrowed in on him but thankfully she didn't question it further. I could feel tears burning at the back of my eyes so I glanced around the diner, beginning to rapidly blink to try and push them away. I don't need to be crying right now.

"You alright, Dem?" I forced myself to smile as I glanced briefly to Dallas and I nodded. I glanced away and stared down at my hands. It fell silent around us for a moment until Dallas spoke. "I thought you said Nick was at work, D?" my eyebrows scrunched together as I glanced up at her.

"I thought he was, he said he was at work till late and that's why he couldn't come" her eyes darted over my shoulder. I turned and my heart broke all over again, but it wasn't for me, it was for Riley. Nick was sat on a table with the rest of my old high school friends. They shared a laugh and then Nick glanced over, obviously having felt eyes on him. The smile on his face seemed to drop. I shook my head as I turned back to the table just as the waitress came back with our food. "I-I'm just gonna go and..." I pushed myself out of the booth, quickly wiping away the tear that rolled down my cheek. I kept my head down as I slid into the restroom that was thankfully empty. I leant against the counter, my hand caressing my bump as I tried to collect myself. Riley's little kicks helped to calm me. "I'm so sorry, Riley. I wish I could make your daddy want you" I pressed a kiss to my fingers and than pressed them against my bump. "Momma loves you though. She loves you so much" I quickly wiped at my cheeks as the door to the restroom was pushed open. I half expected Dallas or my Mom, I wasn't expecting it to be Jasmine.

"You need to back off" my eyebrows raised at her bluntness as she stood in front of me, her arms crossed over her chest.

"Excuse me?"

"You need to back off from Nick. He don't want nothing to do with you or that thing" anger began to bubble away inside me. "Stop trying to get him to be a father. It's your fault you got knocked up. At least he wore a condom."

"I-I don't..."

"Just back off, Demetria" she stepped into one of the cubicles. I don't really want to be in here alone with her and I could really do with eating something so I headed out of the restroom. I was surprised to find Nick and Odell stood by the door. I came to a stop as I stared between them both.

"You okay, D?" I nodded, meeting Odell's gaze.

"Yeah. I'm hungry" I could tell he wanted to ask me more but I was thankful he didn't. I went to walk away, went to completely ignore Nick but his hand wrapping around my wrist halted my movements. I jumped as I turned to face him.

"Hey, get off her" Nick kept his eyes locked on mine even as Odell tried to stand between us.

"Back off, Man. I ain't gonna hurt her" his gaze intimidated me a little. "I'm sorry about-about the..."

"You need to decide what you want, Nick. Do you want to be part of your daughters life or not?" his grip loosened around my wrist. "One day, I will just stop trying with you. My daughter deserves more than a father that doesn't show up, if you don't wanna be part of her life, tell me before she gets old enough to know who you are" I pulled my wrist from his grip and then I turned to Odell.

"Kick ass, Mama" I rolled my eyes, biting down on my lip as my lips twitched into a smile. I linked my arm with Odell's and tugged him back to our table so that I could eat.


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