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February 16, 10:23 pm
"I'm sorry." JJ whispered, tears forming in the bottom of her eyes. "You already said that! You already fucking said that!" Will sighed in exhaust.

They were both standing in the bedroom of the house they shared, staring at each other. JJ couldn't think of anything else to say. Her body ached from the leftover bruising that still covered her body, a week from her abduction.

"All I'm asking is for you to talk to me! Just tell me what you're thinking, I can't read minds Jennifer!" Will said, his voice beginning to raise.

He looked at the women in front of him, his girlfriend for probably 2 years now. He waited for her to say something. To answer him. But she didn't.

Will finally snapped. "JUST FUCKING SAY SOMETHING! ITS NOT THAT FUCKING HARD!" He screamed at her.

JJ didn't take well to being yelled at. She couldn't handle it. She never could. She ran into the bathroom and locked the door.

She sat on the floor, shoving a towel in her mouth to stop from screaming. Tears poured out of her eyes. Her and Will had been fighting a lot recently. Not fighting, more like Will just being upset with her.

He wasn't a bad person, or at least that's what JJ kept telling herself. He knew that what happened with Askari had changed her. But he was getting tired of her closing herself off to him completely.

JJ sat on the floor, her head filled with awful flashbacks that she couldn't stop. It was like the nightmares that she got every night, expect now she was awake.

There was a knock at the door. "Jennifer I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you please come out." Will called through the door. This wasn't unusual. He would do something and then later apologize so he didn't look like the bad guy. But he always told her she got what she deserved from him. She said nothing. He jiggled the door knob but it was locked, preventing him from getting inside.

He kept calling through the door, but soon she began to tune it out. After about five minutes, she couldn't take it anymore. She used the counter to climb to the high up window, that was just big enough for her small body to fit through.

When she opened the window a gust of snow and wind flew into the bathroom. At this point, she probably should've stopped because it was 23° outside and she was wearing a sweater and jeans.

But, she didn't let it stop her. Luckily, the two had a one story house, so as JJ shoved her body out the window, it wasn't too far of a drop, and she began to walk away from the house.

At this point in time, Will had no idea JJ wasn't still in the bathroom. So he continued to knock and apologize through the door. Eventually, he would pick the lock, but when he did all he would find is the open window and a bathroom covered in snow.

Emily's pov:
When I heard a knock at my door past 10 o'clock, I already found it suspicious. I looked through the peephole and was pretty surprised to see JJ standing on the other side of the door.

I quickly opened it. I could tell at first glance that something was wrong. Her eyes were red from crying and her face was blue and pale from the cold. Her hands were shaking and her clothes were wet from the snow.

"Did you walk here!" I exclaimed, pulling her inside. I quickly locked and shut the door. "Yeah." She whispered. "Oh JJ you're freezing." I sighed. "And sopping wet."

I pulled the sweater over her head and slid off her jeans, making a pile of clothing on the floor and leaving her in her underwear. "You're going to get sick. You need to take a hot shower."

I dragged her to the bathroom and turned on the shower. "Get in the shower. I'll go grab a towel and some clothes for you to wear." I left the bathroom so she could take her remaining clothes off.

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