SakuAtsu : Emetophobia (🏐)

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Hey guys, sorry I haven't posted lately, I have covid. This chapter might get redone later, it's not the best one I've done.



SakuAtsu SickFic
Sick Sakusa
Caretaker Atsumu

Warnings: Panic Attack, Vomiting and Emetophobia.

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• Everyone knows this... Sakusa, hates germs and absolutely hates getting sick and throwing up, it terrifies him, he often has panic attacks if he throws up himself or sees or hears other people throw up.

One night, Sakusa went out to a restaurant and the food tasted a bit off, but Sakusa tried to ignore the taste, he didn't want to overthink and ruin his night completely.

The next morning, Sakusa woke up feeling off. He wasn't sure what it was, but there was an ache in his stomach and a throbbing in his head, and he started to panic.

'' A-Am I sick? No no.. I can't be sick. We have a practice match with Inarizaki today... I wanted to play against Tsumu.. ''

Sakusa freaked out.

'' I wanted to- ''

He lurched forward with a gag and his mind was taken over by panic, he gagged again and tears dwelled in his eyes.

'' N-No no... no.. don't get sick.. no.. ''

Sakusa mumbles to himself, trying to not get sick, but then he rushed to the bathroom and leaned over the toilet bowl, puking into the toilet.

He looked at the contents in the bowl and stared in shock, he stumbled away and leaned against the wall. Tears streaming down his pale face.

He fumbled for his phone and called Atsumu.

Tsumu answered the call.

'' Couldn't wait to see me today huh Omi? ''

Sakusa was taking quick breaths and letting out quiet sobs.

'' T-Tsumu...''

Atsumu got worried hearing how Sakusa sounded.

'' Omi kun? Hey what's wrong? ''

Sakusa cries and gasps for air, he scrambled for the toilet and leaned over, emptying out more of his stomach contents into the bowl.

Atsumu gasps.

'' Omi! Hey are you sick? ''

Atsumu was worried, he was still on the bus and still an hour away from Omi, he couldn't help him. He knew what he had to do.

'' Omi... hey baby, baby. Tsumu is here okay? I'm right here, you need to let it all out okay? ''

Tsumu says in a fatherly soothing tone. Sakusa cries and gags.

'' 'M scared...''

He mumbles, coughing and gasping for air. Atsumu frowns.

'' I know baby, but you'll feel better if you let it out okay? Just do what Tsumu says okay? Now let it out, try to massage your tummy if it won't come out. ''

Sakusa sat with his head over the toilet and massaged his stomach, letting out a sickly burp before puking up more of his stomach contents.

Atsumu smiles.

'' There we go my baby... keep letting it out. ''

Sakusa kept emptying his stomach, letting out a small whine.

'' T-think 'm done..''

He mumbles. Tsumu chuckles.

'' Okay now flush the toilet. Don't worry about cleaning right now, your too little and sick to clean. ''

He says, Sakusa flushed the toilet and stood up weakly.

'' Now what TsuMuu...''

Atsumu hums.

'' Now I want you to go to your bedroom and get your favourite stuffy and comfy pyjamas okay? ''

Sakusa sniffles.

'' Kay..''

Sakusa goes to his room and grabs his favourite fox stuffy and oversized fox pyjamas.

'' Got them... too little to change. ''

He grumbles and sits on his bed, crossing his arms.

Atsumu sighs.

'' I know your little baby, but I'm still an hour away, you have to change yourself. ''

Sakusa whines and grumbles sadly. Sakusa started to get changed into his comfy clothes, letting out small huffs and whines while doing so.

Atsumu chuckles.

'' Your doing great baby.. do you have any medicine in the house? And some crackers? ''

Sakusa sniffles.

'' Yeah I do, but don't want to eat..''

Atsumu sighs.

'' I know baby, but you need to before you can have any medicine. ''

Sakusa went downstairs and got some crackers and medicine.

'' Fine! Hmph! ''

He sat on his bed and ate the crackers slowly, giving a small whine as it made his stomach hurt again.

'' Tsumu bad... yucky..''

He whines, Atsumu frowns.

'' It's okay baby. Just take it slow. ''

Sakusa ate them slowly. Atsumu hums.

'' Okay now you can have the medicine baby..''

Sakusa poured the medicine to the right amount and drank it, scrunching up his nose.

'' Bleh yucky! ''

He lies down and cuddles his fox stuffy.

'' Sleepy time Tsumu...''

Atsumu smiles.

'' When you wake up big Tsumu is going to be there to take care of you. Now get some sleep my baby Omi. ''

Sakusa slowly fell asleep.


An hour later


Sakusa woke up to the front door opening, he started to cry, thinking someone broke in.

'' Tsumu!! ''

He cries out. Atsumu shut the front door and ran upstairs.

'' Hey hey shhh! I'm here now baby, I'm here. It's just me! ''

He got onto the bed and held Sakusa close, Sakusa sniffles and cries onto Atsumu's shoulder.

'' I wanted you Tsumu... I missed you..''

Sakusa whines. Atsumu coos and fondled Sakusa's hair.

'' Shhh baby, I'm here.. I know you missed me, I was very worried about you when you called me. ''

He rocks Sakusa back and forth in bed, kissing his head and playing with his hair. Sakusa slowly started to fall back to sleep, nuzzling Atsumu's neck.

Atsumu took care of Sakusa until he was feeling all better.


☆ The end ☆

Words: 909

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