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I stayed up all night, listening to the constant beeping of the monitor. Jeff got some sleep and begged me to get some too, but I couldn't. I was not gonna let Maddy get hurt again. My eyes never even got tired, I was pounding coffee and red bulls, giving me the shakiest hands but whatever works, works.

The guys came in a few times too, to check on Maddy. I could tell they were really upset, but none like Dunn and Bam. They came in together and I could tell they had been crying, Bam specifically. His eyes were puffy and teary. 

They brought Maddy and I some clothes, talked to her for a while, then went back to the hotel. They told me they had packed the rest of her things and once we get her an apartment, we can move her stuff in.

It was around 2 pm when the monitor started making a different noise. I stood up to see what it was and called the nurse just in case. They checked Maddy's vitals and told me the greatest news.

"She should be waking up in just a second." The kind nurse said with a smile, patting me on the shoulder. All the nurses had seen me in here and they sympathized with me.

"Thank you." I say with tears in my eyes. Jeff stood up and walked over to Maddy's other side.

Suddenly, Maddy's hand started twitching and her eyes started fluttering. She opened her eyes a little and immediately closed them, overwhelmed by the light.

"Hey baby, it's PJ. I'm right here." I say, taking my glasses off and putting them on her face. Maybe that will help her a little. She turns her head to look at me.

"PJ" she says quietly. I smile and nod. She glances around the room and speaks softly. "Door. Lock" My heart sinks at her fear and Jeff quickly goes to lock the door, in hopes of calming her down.

Maddy moves around a bit and winces, trying to take her oxygen mask off.

"Easy there Mouse, keep this on alright? It's helping you." I say, putting the mask back on her face. "Keep it on for me okay?" She just stares at me blankly.

"Maddy, you were attacked and you are at the hospital. You have a concussion so speaking's gonna be hard for a while. You have a couple injuries but you are gonna be just fine okay?" Jeff says, holding her hand. 

She takes the glasses off and her eyes are finally revealed to me. They are extremely red and tears start to brim them.

"Home, I want home." She says, her lip quivering.

"I know baby, we're getting you an apartment alright? Just for you." I say kissing her hand. My heart is breaking but I have to hold on, for her.

"I'm gonna make some calls, I'll give you some privacy." Jeff says as he walks out.

The doctor comes in shortly after and approaches Maddy. She instantly tenses and more tears brim her eyes. She's scared of him.

"No. PJ help." She says, looking at me. The doctor grabs her arm to change her IV but she flinches and pulls her arm back, shoving herself onto my side. I put my arm around her, protecting her.

"Mads, hey, it's okay. He's a doctor, he's been helping you." I speak into her hair, kissing her head.

"No, please." She cries.

"This is normal for patience in her situation, she's overwhelmed and scared. Doesn't know who to trust. Maddy, I'm here to help, you can trust me." The doctor says softly. Maddy sniffles and gives in, letting him change the tube on her arm. 

He goes to lift her hospital gown and check her stomach. I haven't seen it yet but it can't be good. Maddy lets out a big scream and flinches away. She rips her mask off and yells.

"Don't touch me! Please, no!" The doctor pulls her gown down and nods.

"I'll check this later, no worries Maddy." He says, completely understanding the fear she's in. Jeff comes in and sits next to Maddy.

"You're her boyfriend?" The doctor says to me.

"Yes sir."

"Can I speak to you for a moment?" I nod and walk outside with him.

"Here's all you need to know, recovery is going to be hard but she'll be fine in a few days, maybe weeks at most. The swelling in her head has decreased. Talking will be slow for her. She might not speak a lot because of the concussion and the trauma she has gone through. I wouldn't recommend lots of people coming in to see her at once, speak to her first, then send them in one by one. You were telling me that you want her to go home right?" I nod.

"Yes sir, if that's possible." I say.

"Absolutely, I'd like to monitor her for a couple hours but she can go home tonight. Now, I have to give you instructions on how to take care of her." He explains. "I'm gonna give you guys an infusion pump to administer her IV and pain killers, she needs to be hooked up to it all the time at least for 3 days." I nod, taking a mental note of everything he's saying. "She has an awful cut on her stomach, we stitched her up and it needs to be cleaned every night, can you do that?" he asks.

"Yes sir, I can take care of her wound perfectly." I say, nodding.

"Great, for her face, just ice will do, she'll have bruises but they will fade in a couple days. That's all." He hands me his card. "Call if you need anything. Take care son."

"Thank you sir, for everything." I shake his hand and go back into the room.

I close the door behind me and Maddy's eyes shoot open in fear. She sees me and relaxes, being embarrassed that she got scared.

"You're okay Mads." I say walking up to her. Jeff tells me we got the apartment and that Bam and Dunn are moving her stuff in.

"Maddy, you don't have to live at the hotel anymore. I got you an apartment okay? Bam's taking your stuff in." I tell her, holding her hand.

"Yeah he's coming right now too." Jeff says. As if on cue, Bam walks in with a smile on his face.

"Maddy, hi" He says approaching her. I turn my head to see Maddy with a scared look, cowering into me.

"Get away from me." she says softly.

"Mads what? It's me. Bam." he says, his heart sinking down to his stomach.

"PJ please." She says looking up at me.

"Okay, hey Bam could you wait outside for a second?" I say nodding. His eyes tear up and he nods softly and walks outside, his eyes trained to his feet.


A/N: sorry bout that last bit, it had to be done.

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