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"Knox I'm serious, do you promise to behave yourself?" I ask him, sitting in the uber on our way to the hotel for my birthday breakfast.

"Yes Mads, for the last time I don't care that Steven is coming."

"Slater." I correct him.

"That's what I said." He says, looking out the window.

We pull into the lobby and he helps me get out of the car. The hotel is incredibly fancy, I'm glad we dressed up. Well, at least I did. Johnny is wearing his usual dickies but he opted out his usual band t-shirt for a white button up which does wonders for him by the way. He still has his usual wallet chain, chucks and aviators combo though.

He takes my hand in his and guides me to where I assume the breakfast will take place. Two very large doors are opened by fancy men in suits and I am greeted by the whole jackass crew, dressed up and excited to see me.

"Happy birthday!!" they all say in unison.

"Guys! Thank you so much!!" I laugh. They all greet me and take their seats.

Seated next to me is Johnny on one side and Slater on the other, oh boy.

"Why are you so late?" Slater asks casually.

"Traffic." I answer simply.

"Yeah right! Traffic sucks, but it doesn't suck neck!" Bam yells from the other end of the table. I immediately turn red and assume that there is a hickey on my neck. I take out my mirror from my purse and check. Low and behold, there is a purple mark right on my neck. I quickly turn to look at PJ and see him trying to hold his laughter back. I slap his arm and he turns to me.

"OW! What did I do?!" He holds his arm in pain.

"Why didn't you tell me!"

"I didn't notice!" He says, suppressing his laughter.

I rip his glasses off in annoyance and point my finger at him.

"You are on thin ice Knoxville." I warn. This only causes him to chuckle and peck my lips.

The breakfast was going great, I was impressed at how good the guys clean up when they want to. Everyone was dressed up and actually acting normal.

"I really like this dress Squeak, it looks great!" Slater says kindly.

"Thank you!"

"Shut up Slater." PJ says.

I look at him in disbelief. "What did we talk about?" I say.

He puts his glasses on and shrugs. Once again, I take his glasses off and stand up from the table.

"That's it." I say, grabbing both Slater's and PJ's hands. Everyone stops talking and stares at me as I pull them into a separate room.

"What are you doing?" Slater asks. I close the doors to the separate room behind me and explain.

"I can't have my friend and my boyfriend not get along!"

"How is this my problem?!" Slater asks.

"Oh c'mon Slater, I see you roll your eyes every time he enters the room." I say, this shuts him up. "The two of you are gonna stay in here until you think you are cool with each other okay? Do what you must!" I say walking out of the room.

"Mads wait this isn't-" Knox starts but I shut the door before he can finish complaining.

I sit back down at the table and smile.
"Right, sorry about that. They'll be out in a minute." I say smiling.

"10 bucks says Knoxville beats the shit out of Slater." Bam says to Dunn. I stare disappointedly at Bam.

"You're on." Dunn shakes his hand.


"Look dude I have no problem with you so I have no idea what I am doing here." I say.

"I see the way you look at Maddy." Knoxville says.

"As a friend." I respond.

"Don't lie to yourself." He says cockily.

Did I approach Maddy at therapy because she was beautiful? Yes. Did I think I had a chance with her? Also yes. Once I found out that she had a boyfriend I realized we were just friends. I know my place and I respect it. I'm not an asshole.

"Listen Johnny, I did have a crush on Maddy when I first talked to her. Can you blame me? She's gorgeous and so smart and brave but when I heard she had a boyfriend I swear I backed off. We're friends, great friends. That's all it is. I respect you and your relationship. You are a great guy." I say genuinely.

He looks at me dead in the eyes and nods.

"Okay, thank you." He says.

"Now can we just go back outside and get along, for Maddy." I ask, raising my hands in surrender. He nods and heads for the door.

I can't believe we had to have this talk to get along, he's such a jackass. I don't like the way he talks to Squeak.

"Prick." I mumbled under my breath which apparently was not quiet enough. Before I could react, an angry Knoxville turned around, his jaw clenched, and his nose scrunched, lifted his hand and punched me straight on the cheekbone. I recovered and punched his cheekbone as well. We tackled each other onto the floor, dodging each other's hits. Both dripping with blood from our faces, we stopped and looked at each other.

"Truce?" He says.

"Truce." I said.

He helped me up and patted my back. We stared at each other for a couple seconds and started laughing.

"Why'd you punch me!?" I say cackling.

"You called me a prick!" He laughs.

We both kept laughing as we left the room, walking back into the room with everyone in it.

"HA! You owe me ten, asshat!" Bam yells at Dunn.

"Knox? What happened to your face? Jesus! Slater what happened?" A worried Maddy rushes over to us.

"It's nothing Mads, we hashed it out, we're cool now." Knoxville tells her, holding her hands that are touching and inspecting his face.

"Slater are you okay?" She switches over to me.

"I'm fine Squeak, we worked it out." I laugh. Maddy shakes her head and returns to the table.

"I leave you guys alone for two seconds, I swear to god." She mumbles. 


A/N: the boys just had to hash it out. knox is the biggest jackass though.

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