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I wake up with a gasp and scream at the top of my lungs. Nightmares keep getting worse every night and with Grant showing up tonight, I'm definitely acting up.

I hear fast footsteps and the door opens. PJ stands there in a pair of boxers and a band t-shirt.

"You okay?" He says, catching his breath.

"N-no. Can you stay with me please?" I say immediately.

"Of course." He says with a small smile. He closes the door and gently gets into bed. He isn't even completely laid down before I hug his torso and nuzzle my face into his chest.

"Oh my love, what happened? Another nightmare?" He asks, combing his fingers through my hair. I nod and sniffle. "What happened tonight is never happening again. You hear?"

"Yes p-please, thank you." I say. "Why were you in the other room?" I ask, looking up at my boyfriend.

"After Grant left I went up to you and-" he pauses. "You were so scared, Maddy. You were looking at me like I was a monster." He struggles to say.

"PJ, I'm so sorry I-"

"No Mads, there's nothing to be sorry for. You've been through so much and tonight was the last straw. You saw me in a very violent situation, and I had so much blood on my hands and face, of course you were scared! It's okay Mads, really." He reassures me, kissing the tip of my nose softly.

"How is your face?" I ask, just now noticing the small bandage on the bridge of his nose.

"It's okay, he had a ring on which cut my nose up, I think I'll have a black eye tomorrow too but it's not that bad." He smirks. I can tell he had a blast kicking the shit out of Grant. The prick deserved it.

"Bed time Mads, I'm right here." He whispers. I nod and kiss his lips.

I fall asleep to the soft sounds of him breathing.

Tomorrow is a new day.


"Knox I don't get why I have to go." I groaned and stretched out on our bed.

"Maddy, we talked about this in the morning and you said it was a good idea!" He said, putting his belt on.

"I was sleepy!! It doesn't count. Why do I have to go!?" I whined, pulling PJ back into bed. He obliges and lays down on top of me, putting all of his weight on his left arm and rubbing my cheek with his other hand.

"My sweet girl, you'll be fine. Therapy is gonna help you sleep! Which will help ME sleep! Get dressed, I love you." He kisses my cheek and stands up to grab his keys.

Bam's coming to pick us up in his car since Knox's is at Tremaine's house.

When I'm finally dressed in a pair of loose mom jeans and a brown tank top, I see PJ waiting for me on the couch.

"Ready?" He says, putting his glasses on and standing up.

"Nope." I respond.



"Tell her how you feel Maddy, don't leave anything out okay? She's here to help." PJ says when he dropped me off.

"Let me know if she's hot!" Bam yells over the music. I roll my eyes and enter the large building.

I walk up to the reception and get the kind-looking lady's attention.

"E-excuse me, I'm here to see Dr. Hall, My name is Maddy Love." I say. She smiles and responds.

"Take a seat, Maddy. Dr. Hall will be with you in just a moment." I whisper a small thank you and sit down on the plastic chair.

After a couple minutes, a slim woman wearing a white coat comes out. She has light brown hair and kind brown eyes.

"Maddy? I'm Dr. Hall, it's very nice to meet you." She says, shaking my hand.

"Y-you too." I smile and follow her into her office.

The office is quite homey, it has a single couch that I guess is for her and a big white fluffy one for the patient. There are books and CDs everywhere, pictures of her family, decorative pillows, the whole thing.

"Your office is v-very nice." I say, sitting down on the comfy couch.

"Thank you, I have worked here for about 7 years so it's a little piece of home." She says, smiling and grabbing her clipboard. "So, tell me, what brings you here today?" She sits down and looks at me intently.

"Well, my boyfriend PJ suggested it to me." I respond. She looks at me in a way that says 'keep talking'.

"I uh, I have been through a l-lot. I u-uh, m-my parents died when I was young." I say.

"Does that stutter happen a lot?" She asks politely.

"It's uh, kind of n-new. It only happens when I'm nervous now. It was really prominent a couple weeks ago." I say. "I had a concussion which caused it."

"Dear, a concussion? How did that happen?"

"Well, you see, I was trying to get to this. Um, I lived with an abusive boyfriend for about two and a half years. I escaped him a couple months ago but he seems to always come back and hurt me. He assaulted me a couple weeks ago and it shook me up really bad. I went to the hospital and, well yeah." I widened my eyes at how confident and comfortable I was while speaking to Dr. Hall. I think she noticed it too because she smiled.

"Tell me about this man." She asked.


After telling her all about Grant, crying a couple times and stopping for a snack break, it's almost the end of my session.

"Maddy I am probably not the first one to tell you this but you have gone through a lot. You have gone through things nobody deserves to go through. You deserve to heal." She says, holding my hand. I smile comfortably at her.

"That marks the end of our session. I'm very glad you decided to come today, should we schedule for next week?" She asks and I nod.


A/N: glad to see her getting help yeah?

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