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"Happy birthday to you," I sing, approaching my sleeping girlfriend with a twinkie. "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Mouse, happy birthday to youuuuu!" I finish singing and sit next to her on the bed.

Maddy groans and makes no effort to move.

"Oh come on Mads, blow your candle out." I say, chuckling.

"Johnny, I don't like my birthday." She groans again, shifting around to face me. God she looks beautiful. Her hair is all messy, pretty pink lips and rosy cheeks. She blinks her beautiful eyes and rubs them like a cute bunny, scrunching her nose.

I put the plate down and kiss her face gently. I rub her cheek with my thumb and whisper.

"Pretty girl, this year is different. Okay? It's all gonna be different." I smile. She smiles genuinely and nods, sitting up.

I pick the plate back up and hold it in front of her.

"Make a wish, my love." I whisper again and watch as she holds her hands together at her chest, closes her eyes and lifts her shoulders up before blowing out the single candle on top of the twinkie.

"Yayyy! What did you wish for?" I ask, pinching her cheek.

"Quit it Johnny, I can't tell you, it won't come true." She laughs, pulling away from my pinching fingers.

"Alright, alright." I laugh again, feeding her a bite of her twinkie.

"So what are we doing today?" She asks in between bites.

"Well, I have a whole day planned. We are going to have breakfast at a fancy hotel with the jackass guys, then we are going to"

"You better have invited Slater." She interrupts me. I look at her, wincing my face.

"Knoxville! He's my friend you asshole!" She playfully hits my arm.

"He's not in jackass Mads!" I defend myself.

"I don't care! He's my friend and you are inviting him. In fact..." She says, picking her phone up and dialing what I assume is his number.

She puts it on speaker and it rings for a couple seconds until he picks up.

"Hey Squeak. Happy birthday, I was just about to call you!" He says. I roll my eyes at the stupid nickname he has for my girlfriend and Maddy grins.

"Hi friend, thank you, by the way Knoxville wants to talk to you." I widen my eyes and shake my head, whisper-shouting the word 'No'. She nods and hands me the phone, giggling.

"Hey dude." I say into the phone.

"Sup Knoxville, what's up?" Slater replies.

"Not much I uh- I wanted to let you know that the guys and I are having a birthday breakfast for Maddy at the Ritz and you are invited." I say.

"That's sick! What time?"

"10:30" I say.

"I'll be there. Thanks. I gotta go, but I'll see you guys later." Slater says.

"Alright dude, see ya."

"Yup, later Squeak!" Slater says louder, as if the phone wasn't on speaker.

"Bye Slater!" Mads says, taking her phone back and hanging up.

"Now was that so hard Mr. Knoxville?" She says.

"I don't like the way he talks to you." I say.

"Oh, stop it." She rolls her eyes, collapsing onto the bed. I laugh and cuddle up next to her.

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