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Once I finished checking in with the receptionist and booking my appointment for next week, I looked at the table full of snacks and refreshments.

I have two cookies on a napkin that look pretty good and a coffee cup in one hand. As I pour the coffee into my cup I am startled by a deep voice.

"Are these cookies any good?" I jump at the voice and drip some hot coffee on my hand. I wince and immediately run to the sink to pour some cold water on my burned hand, soothing the pain.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to sneak up on you like that." He says, handing me some paper towels. I look down and take the towels to dry my hand. "Quiet one aren't you."

I finally look up at his face and see him for the first time. He has dirty blonde hair that tucks behind his ears. His features are sharp and he has greenish-blueish eyes. He kinda looks like Kurt Cobain with his hair like that.

"What's your name?" He asks me, breaking me from my trance.

"M-Maddy." I say.

"Hello Maddy, I'm Slater." He smiles. The skin next to his eyes crinkling when he does.

"It's nice to meet you." I smile back at him.

"Say, this coffee is shitty. Come with me and I'll take you to the best coffee place around here." He suggests.

"Uhm, I uh-"

"I'm not a murderer or something, you just seem interesting that's all." He chuckles.

I was thinking how Knox always tells me that I should try to make new friends at some point. Thinking of this, I say yes.

"Okay, yeah sure! Let me just call my boyfriend to let him know not to pick me up right now." I say, taking my phone out.

"Cool! And don't worry about him picking you up after, I'll take you home." He smiles. "I'll be outside." He says and walks out of the busy building.

The phone rings once, twice and PJ finally picks up.

"Hey Mouse, you ready to go? How was it?" He speaks into the phone. I can vaguely hear Dunn and Bam talking to Tremaine in the background.

"Hey Johnny, yeah um- I kind of made a friend and we're gonna go get coffee." I explain.

"Is that Maddy? Put her on speaker phone!" I hear Dunn's voice in the background.

"Alright Mads, you're on speaker." PJ says and I hear everyone saying hi to me.


"Hi boys." She drags out into the phone.

"Anyways, yeah that's fine Mads. Have fun! What time do you want me to pick you up then?" I ask her. I'm so happy she made a friend, she needed this. Maybe it'll help her get out of the house every now and then.

"Don't worry about it PJ, he said he can give me a ride home too. I'll see you later. Love you!" She quickly hangs up the phone.

Did she just say 'he'. I must have heard wrong.

"Dude, did she just say 'he'?" Bam says.

"Oh shit." Dunn looks at me with fear in his eyes.

"It's fine guys, it'll be okay. She can have friends if she wants to." I say. I feel like I'm not trying to convince the guys anymore. I'm trying to convince myself not to get jealous.


I walk out of the building, putting my phone away. Hopefully PJ doesn't freak out, I know he gets jealous easily.

"Ready to go?" says Slater.

"Ready, where's your car?" I say, looking around.

"Right, about that." He turns to look at a motorcycle with two helmets on the seat.

"No fucking way." I say laughing.

"What do you mean??!!" He says doubling over in laughter.

"There's no way I'm getting on that thing!!" I say, shaking my head.

"Oh c'mon Maddy, the coffee place isn't that far away." He says, grabbing the spare helmet.

"B-but, it's a bike!" I try to reason.

"I know it is, and guess what? I know how to ride it! Trust me." He says, putting the helmet on my head. He softly moves my hair back and adjusts the strap under my chin.

"Ready to go?" He says with a big smile.

"No." I say, rolling my eyes. He grins and flicks the visor of the helmet with his finger, making it come down and shield my eyes.

He sits down on the seat of the bike and pats the space behind him. I hesitantly walk over and sit behind him, my chest touching his back.

"Trust me Squeak, I'm a professional." He says, putting his own helmet on.

"Squeak?!" I yelp.

"Yeah, I love nicknames, you squeak a lot. It's just the way it is. Deal with it." He laughs. I shake my head in disagreement. "Now, hold on tight, very tight and do NOT let go, okay?" He warns. I nod and wrap my arms around his waist tightly.

He kicks down his boot and starts the bike. It roars and comes to life, softly vibrating under me. He flips down his visor and we start moving.

"Slater!!" I yell, holding onto him tighter.

"You're okay! I've got you." He says laughing. "Listen to me Squeak, relax your head, feel the nice breeze on your arms and legs. Enjoy it! You're free!" He yells.

I've never flown before, but this feels close to it. I close my eyes and breathe slowly, listening to the cars we pass with speed. The loud hum of the bike is comforting and it feels like no time has gone by before we come to a stop.

"We made it, safe and sound." Slater says, getting off the bike and helping me off as well.

"That was so fun! I was flying! Did you feel it?" I ask enthusiastically, jumping in place.

"I felt it Squeak. Coffee time?" He says, taking his helmet off and fixing his messy hair. I take mine off as well and nod. 


A/N: sorry I haven't updated in a while! i've been so tired lately. so, how about this new guy huh? he may or may not be inspired by my crush irl. help lmao

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