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"So, what are you in for?" Slater asks me, sipping his coffee. I didn't miss the way he asked for black coffee and nothing else. I, on the other hand, treated myself to a latte with lots of sugar and a cookie, with lots of sugar.

"What am I in for?" I say, confused.

"Yeah, why'd you get a shrink." He asks again.

"You make it sound like it's jail." I chuckle.

"Only if you think it is." He smiles.

"I uh, I-I've gone through a lot. You know, the usual im-an-orphan-ex-boyfriend-is abusive-shit." I chuckle.

"Oh yeah, I get you. I'm an orphan too you know, well, sort of." He says. I'm glad we didn't get too deep into my past.

"S-sort of?" I ask.

"Yeah, my parents were assholes, high all the time, fighting all the time. And then one day they left me. I was 16. They must be out there somewhere, if they aren't dead in a ditch yet." I choke at his forwardness and he chuckles. "It's alright squeak, it's been 10 years and I ended up pretty okay didn't I?" He asks, pointing at himself.

"Yeah I guess you did." I chuckle.

We end up sitting and talking for a whole hour. Ordering more coffee and cookies.

"I've only fallen off once, the first time I rode it." Slater says and looks at my hand which scratches my nicotine patch. He immediately gets distracted. "Is that a nicotine patch?" He asks.

"What? Oh, yeah. My boyfriend got them for me." I say, nodding.

"They don't do shit. Get some of the nicotine gum instead." He says.

"How would you know?" I inquire sarcastically. He smiles and chews his gum loudly. Only then I noticed that he had started chewing gum once we finished our coffee. I made a mental note to tell Knox about the gum.


"So, this boyfriend of yours, what's his name?" He asks me, walking towards his bike.

"PJ. You probably know him." I say.

"Do I? How come?" He squints at the sun.

"You said you like to skate right?" I ask and he nods. "Do you know Jackass?" His eyes widen at my question.

"Your boyfriend is Johnny Knoxville?" He asks, handing me the helmet.
"Yeah, he is." I nod and smile. I love to have a cool boyfriend.

"No way! Do you know Bam? He's a legend." He laughs.

"Yeah, Bam and Ryan are practically my best friends. You'll probably meet them when you drop me off, they are always at my place."

"Cool, then let's go!"


We finally get to my house and low and behold, standing outside the lobby is Bam, Dunn and Knox. All standing in a line, with pretty scary faces.

The bike stops roaring as it turns off and he gets off first. He helps me off and we both take our helmets off.

"Hey baby." I say softly approaching PJ. He does NOT look very happy. I stand on my tippy toes to give him a short peck. He kisses me back but keeps his eyes on Slater.

"Sup dude, I'm Slater." He reaches his hand out to shake it.

PJ looks at his hand and looks back up at him, with no intent at shaking it.

"Knoxville." He says with a menacing face.

"Nice to meet you, I met Maddy at therapy, we go to the same place."

"Keen." Says Bam with a grin on his face. "Bam, Dunn." Bam points at himself, then at Ryan, introducing the both of them.

"I've seen you guys on MTV, crazy shit you do. It's sick." Slater says with a smile.

"Hence the name." Dunn says, uninterested. You could cut the tension here with a knife.

"Guys, be nice. Slater, do you wanna come in?" I ask politely. He opens his mouth to answer eagerly before PJ snaps.

"No he doesn't. See ya!" He pulls me towards the door, Bam and Dunn following us.

"PJ!" I push him away. I look back to see Slater getting back on his bike and putting his helmet on. "Sorry for their behavior, they are a bunch of jackasses. I'll be seeing ya!" I say, stink-eyeing Johnny.

"No problem Squeak, see ya!" He says, flicking his visor down and starting his bike, driving away.

"Squeak?! Boy I oughta-" Johnny says, grilling his teeth.

"Can it Knoxville! Get in." I say, entering the lobby. The three boys following behind me.


A/N: something tells me knoxville doesn't like Slater too much. Sorry for the late update again, I've been having terrible writer's block but not to worry! I will finish this story if it's the last thing I do. I won't quit on you guys!

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