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I open my eyes only to see that it is dark outside. How long have I been sleeping? Is PJ back yet? I look at my phone and see that it is 7 pm. I have been asleep for over 9 hours. Woah.

I sit up and grab my pack of cigarettes and light one up, putting it between my lips.

"Knox?" I say, raising my voice a little bit. I hear footsteps and the door to my bedroom opens softly.

"Hi, you okay?" He asks, peeking his head around the door.

"I'm awake." I say, he walks up towards me and sits on the edge of my bed.

"Maddy, no." He frowns, taking the cigarette from my lips and turning to put it out on the ashtray.

"Where did you go?"He has a plastic bag in his hands. I try to look inside it but he beats me to it.

"I brought you some groceries, they're in the kitchen, and..." he slowly takes out a couple items. I see a white box, a twinkie and a bath bomb.

"Y-you got me a twinkie?" I say, smiling at him.

"Well you didn't eat the one you bought so if you're still craving it..." He winks. I immediately open the twinkie and bite into it. My craving is satisfied and my belly is so happy right now.

"Thanks Knox. What's that?" I ask, chewing and holding the white box. I read what it says. 'Nicotine Patch'.

"Smoking isn't good, Mads, I want to help you quit before it's too late." He says, rubbing my arm. I exhale and nod. I know he's right but I just feel so relaxed when I smoke. "For now though, I have an idea. How about I run you a bath? Some candles, bubbles, the whole thing." I nod and smile.

"That would be amazing." I hum.


"Okay Mads! It's ready!" I hear Johnny yell from the bathroom.

"C-coming!" I curse myself for stuttering again, it stresses me out so much.

I walk into the bathroom and gasp. The light is dim, there are a couple candles scattered on the sink, the bath is full of pink bubbles and lavender enters my nostrils, relaxing my mind immediately.

"PJ..." I cover my mouth in astonishment.

"Do you like it?" He says, scratching the back of his head.

"Are you k-kidding? I love it! T-thank you, thank you!" I walk up to him and litter his face with kisses. He smiles and places one final kiss on my lips.

"Okay, well. I'll leave you to it. I'll be outside making dinner." He goes to walk out but I stop him.

"No wait, join me please?" I look up at him. He looks surprised that I asked him this.

"B-but what about dinner?" He asks, fixated on my eyes.

"We can order in." I shrug.

"Okay, you sure?" He asks once more. I nod eagerly. We undress completely, well, almost. I can't seem to take my shirt off. My stitches are still there and I hate how I look.

"Mads, you okay?" He says, climbing into the big bathtub. I look at him and look down at my feet. "Maddy, trust me please." He says. That's all I need to hear before I take my shirt off. I peel it up over my head and look down. "Come 'ere sweet girl." He whispers. I walk towards him and he holds my hips, helping me into the tub.

I lay on his chest, in between his legs. He pours some water on my shoulders so I don't get cold and places soft kisses on my shoulder blades.

"Beautiful, beautiful my sweet girl." He whispers, kissing my ear. I close my eyes and hum. "I love you." He whispers.

I turn to look at him, our noses touching.

"I love you too." I smile and kiss his lips. He places a kiss on my bottom lip, my top lip, the corner of my mouth and the apple of my cheek.

I rest my head back on his chest and relish in the feeling. I feel so protected, how can someone in such a vulnerable state feel so protected.

He helps me wash my hair and rinse it, giving me the best scalp massage ever, placing kisses on my back every now and then. We lay there until the water gets cold.

"The water's getting cold Mads, let's get out." He helps me up and gets out first, wrapping a towel around his hips. The water droplets cling to his chest and abs so perfectly. He hands me my bathrobe and puts it on me, giving me a nice hug to dry me off.

"Can I look at your belly? I think the stitches might be ready to come off." He says during our hug. I huff and groan. "Please Mads?" I exhale and nod.

He puts on a pair of boxers and gives me a pair and a shirt of his.

"Don't put the shirt on yet, okay?" He says and I nod, laying down on my side of the bed. He sits next to me with some medical scissors and tweezers. His hands delicately fold the top part of the boxers down until the whole cut is exposed.

"Looks really good Mads, you've been taking care of it." He says inspecting it.

"D-dunn and Bam cleaned it for me." I say.

"Good, I asked them to."

"I know." I smile and he looks at me, rolling his eyes.

"Alright, I can take these off now, you okay?" he asks me one more time. I nod and shut my eyes. "It'll be quick I promise."

He begins to cut each individual stitch and pry them out with tweezers. I wince every so often at the feeling but it's not too bad.

"Done. It looks a little inflamed right now but that will go down." He says, throwing out the stitches. I look down and see the big red line going down my torso. My eyes water immediately and I run to put my shirt on.

"Here's the nicotine patch, it'll help." He places the sticky patch on my upper arm and walks off to throw the paper away. I bury myself in bed and sniffle softly.

"What do you want for dinner Mads?" Knox says, walking back into the room with his phone. "Mads? What's going on?" He sits next to me and uncovers my face. "Oh Maddy, what happened?" He asks, rubbing my tears off my cheeks.

"I f-feel u-ug-ug- fuck" I'm just stressing myself out even more with the fucking stuttering.

"Hey, hey it's okay, take your time."

"I h-hate t-that I can't t-talk. FUCK!" I cry.

"Maddy, I need you to take a deep breath for me, okay? In and out. There you go, slower." I breathe and calm down a little bit.

"I know you're stressed baby, the stutter will go away, we just need to work on it. You don't sound stupid, it's normal, hell, I had a stutter when I got my first concussion. I promise it goes away." He's so comforting.

"The scar won't." I speak.

"That's what this is about?" He asks. I nod. "Baby the scar will be there, it'll be a reminder of how strong you are, what you went through, and what you overcame. It doesn't change how beautiful you are. I love you and nothing could ever change that, okay?" He speaks, holding my face. I nod and smile weakly.

"Thank you PJ." I say, kissing his hand.

"You're tired babe, how about we get some sleep? Hm?" I nod and get him into bed with me. He spoons me from behind and kisses my shoulder.

"I love you PJ."

"I love you Maddy."

We drift off into sleep, hopefully tomorrow will be better, hopefully.


A/N: will it? 

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