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It's been a couple days since Bam and Dunn have been here. It's actually been great. 

They keep me company and help me with my speech since they talk so much. I feel like I'm getting better. I just wish I didn't have to be so paranoid and anxious all the time. I wish I could just catch a break. Which I didn't this morning. 

I woke up to a chilling nightmare, it's usually the same. Grant comes in here and hits me, PJ comes in and saves me but then leaves. As per usual, Bam comes running into my room and wakes me up. He sits and tries to get me to talk which usually just ends with us passed out on the bed together.

I will say though, the apartment is starting to look amazing. We shopped and shopped for cute stuff I would like. The apartment is I never got to decorate anything so I got a little carried away.

I miss PJ. I feel like I should be more upset that he called me Madeline. But I just miss him so much. I've been debating whether I should call him or not, the guys have been telling me to do it when I'm ready.

"Mads, what do you want for breakfast? I'm going out." Bam says, putting his wallet in his pocket.

"Bagel please." I say. I'm sitting on the couch with my feet on Dunn's lap. Bam walks out and locks the door behind him.

"Can I smoke in here Mads?" Dunn asks and I nod. I don't mind the smell, actually it's quite nice, I don't know why. I reach behind me to try to open the balcony window but I wince when I stretch my arm.

"I got it, I got it." Dunn says with an unlit cigarette in his mouth, immediately standing up and opening the window. He sits back down with my feet on his lap and lights up his cigarette. I watch him inhale and exhale. He looks so relaxed.

"Can I?" I say, reaching my hand out to grab his cigarette.

"You sure?" He asks.

"I've smoked before." I lied to him. He shrugs and brings his fingers close to my mouth. I place my lips around the cigarette while he holds it and inhale. I immediately feel the head rush and lay back on the couch. Smiling to myself, we share the cigarette until it's burned out. We had more of them, watching TV until Bam came home.

"Okay, I got breakfast, go sit down." He says. We stand up from the couch and head towards the table. I place my cigarette in my mouth and move the magazines on the table to the shelf.

"Since when do you smoke Mads?" Bam asks, looking at me suspiciously and placing the freshly made bagels on the table.

"Shut up Bam." I mutter with the cigarette still in my mouth.

"Forget I asked." He raises his hands in surrender. Ryan pushes the ashtray towards me and we start eating our bagels.

"What's the plan for today?" Ryan says.

"I want t-to f-finish the ap-partment this w-week." I stutter. Swallowing my pills with water.

"We should go to urban outfitters, they have cute shit you might like." Bam says and I nod.

I feel extremely relaxed today, the smoking helped for sure. I can't help but notice Bam's face when I light a new cigarette, but I need a fucking break.


"Maddy we are officially done!" Bam says, looking around the apartment.

"It looks great Mads, I love the funky rug." Dunn says, pointing at the floor.

"It's great." I say, sitting down on the comfy couch.

"How about we celebrate with some ice cream and a girly movie." Bam says.

"Yes!" I nod.

We spent the rest of the day watching rom coms, eating ice cream, smoking and laughing together. I love these guys, but I miss PJ. I should call him soon.


A/N: small filler chapter but how cute is the apartment?

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