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Silence passed between us as I finished regaling my friends with what had been said within Commandant Trajan's office with General Calvi. For a time we just strolled down the path back into the city of Ostia, Marley's capital city and our home with all of us mulling over my upcoming operation. Niccolo stared at me with worry in his eyes whilst Octavian looked incredibly envious which did cause a great deal of smugness to rise within me.

Niccolo: How do you feel about it? I couldn't imagine spending time with eldians let alone the devils of Paradis! And to actually live with them for an unknown amount of time.

Niccolo shuddered, which may have been due to the cool wind which was now blowing through the streets of Ostia and the lack of warmth from the sun as dusk was setting in which painted everyone in a dim orange, or it could be due to Octavian's favourite criticism of Niccolo and sure enough...

Octavian: That's because you're a coward who has no sense of duty to the motherland, its detestable that you have to live and work with them Y/N but if its for the motherland then it must be done.

He said this so simply and to be honest it was concerning to see Octavian so enraptured with the notion of the motherland. I shared a glance with Niccolo who seemed a little glum from his retort which confirmed that my feelings towards Octavian were reciprocated. I loved my home, it was beautiful and the people (well most of them) food and culture made life worth living but I never had the same obsession with it that Octavian had and with the recent troubles abroad it seemed as if his feelings had only intensified. He also seemed to look down on other people more, the people from Hizuru and middle eastern confederations were often scorned by him but if you were an eldian you would have thought we were still within the midst of the great titan war, the hatred he had for them was unnatural.

Y/N: Listen Octavian... I know the eldians are trouble and I know they can transform into monsters with just an injection but whilst I'm away can you tone down your attitude. I mean do we really need to destabilise our home even more with war on the horizon and they haven't been a major trouble for a hundred years, we've civilized the majority of them right?

Octavian: No! They are devils and they need to be purged, I honestly don't know why we just don't kill them all and what do you mean 100 years! Did you forget what your father had to deal with 10 years ago? Those restorationists were going to kill us al-

Y/N: The restorationists were stopped!

I finally snapped, I stopped and stared him full in the face.

Y/N: I know what my father did and as I've already said I dislike the eldians as much as the next Marleyan but you need to stop. Talk of slaughtering them all? What's wrong with you, I know they aren't like us and that they need to be contained but still what you're speaking of is genocide and it's no different than what they did to other peoples under their control. How can we claim to be better and moral teachers to eldians if we just become them ourselves?

Octavian stared at me as if he was looking at me for the first time before sneering and replying.

Octavian: It seems Niccolo has gotten into your head but even he isn't so much of a devil blood lover, seems you're getting into character early before you get to Paradis. You better clear your head of that delusion if you're to serve the motherland well before tomorrow. When's your train to Liberio?

Y/N: 11.

I answered shortly and with a cool edge to my voice, I was still annoyed at his attitude and the way he still spoke to Niccolo even after the years we had known each other.

Octavian: Right then I suppose ill meet you tomorrow at the station, as I said you better clear your head before your departure.

And with that he departed, crossing the street to his large house where his mother was waiting for him. I sighed deeply, I could only wonder what was happening to my best friend, he really had changed in the last year and I could no longer keep an eye on him to keep his worst impulses in check. I then turned to Niccolo whilst we continued to walk the short remaining distance to our respective houses.

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