The Battle of Orvud

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Y/n: That's the 21st done, *panting* how- how many do we have left?

Connie and Jean were clearly as tired as I were as all they could do in response was collapse on the ground and shrug, breathing heavily. Moving cannons as it turned out was backbreaking work which was made even worse by the heat which had been steadily rising since morning. The repeated motions of pushing the cannons into position and lifting the heavy ammunition were taking a serious toll on my arms. It didn't help that I had been up since the sun dawned and that I had been immediately informed by the captain that some of the Levi squad, namely Me, Connie and Jean were being drafted in to help the garrison before attending to our scout activities.

Garrison Office: That's enough, we will take over from here. The regiment appreciates your support, please return to your own regiment now.

Connie: Finally! Oh man, my back is killing me.

The other two stood up and we began to trudge our way, very slowly so we could avoid as much work from captain Levi as possible, back to the squads we had been assigned to.

Jean: *panting* I think... after this, we take a vacation or a holiday of some sort. We've more than earned it after these past few weeks.

Y/n: Agreed, one last job though so let's get going.

Connie: You think we have a chance? I mean... look at the size of the thing.

I cast an uneasy look over my shoulder towards where Connie was staring apprehensively. Connie wasn't wrong. It was enormous, the sun had brought daylight which allowed us to see the full scale of what we were dealing with and it wasn't good. The thing had to be at least twice the size of Bertholdt's titan and it quite literally shook the ground with its clawing movements that brought it ever closer to Orvud.

Jean: The captains noticed us! We better hurry up and join them before we get the extra duties like Sasha did.

Lightly jogging now we took considerably less time than we would have done to reach the group of squad Levi, the captain the commander alongside someone I swore I recognised.

Connie: Wait... Mina?

Mina Carolina was standing in front of us and beaming, she had a small crutch alongside a peg leg that allowed her to stand upright. She looked the same apart from that but was heavily laden down with maps and a bag that was filled to the brim with paper and what I assumed to be navigation equipment.

Mina: Surprise! It's been a while I know. Heard you guys had some amazing stories, you'll have to tell me when we aren't saving humanity again.

Y/n: Right... the secret hasn't left our group yet. How will she react?

Jean: How are you here? Connie said you got put out of action.

Levi: She passed the navigation course requirements, with impressive marks. Erwin's requested her to assist with plotting the bombardment. She's from around here so she knows the path the titan is taking and consequentially the best time to begin firing.

Erwin: It has been much appreciated, you're free to leave Ms Carolina I will reconvene with you later to discuss the reclamation mission.

Mina smiled and saluted before waving goodbye to us and limping to the nearest lift to descend back down the wall.

Armin: How many shots can it take before it succumbs?

Y/n: I wouldn't hold your breath for the Garrisons pla-

I was interrupted by a tirade of thunderous noise. The arsenal of cannons we had mustered on the walls and below simultaneously opened fire. Volley after volley was fired which created a lot of smoke and debris upon impact with the ground and the titan alike. All of us had our fingers in our ears or hands-on heads in vain to drown out the sound, Sasha with her sensitive hearing seemed to be suffering the worst out of all of us with a genuine expression of pain on her face. The bombardment ceased as quickly as it had begun and we all waited with baited breaths to see if the titan had been stopped. Much to everyone's disappointment a large hand emerged from the smoke and continued to drag the titan towards us.

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