The Return to Shiganshina

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Marco: Armin how long until we reach Shiganshina? Feels like we have been walking for hours.

Armin: I'm not sure, didn't really come out of the district much unless I had to.

Y/n: In any case, I hope its not long *yawn* we've been walking all night.

The day had finally come to take back Shiganshina. We departed Trost in the evening as the commander wanted to ensure everyone was fully rested from the previous night's festivities before starting the expedition. Of course, this meant we were in full view of the public who for once didn't cast us pitiful looks as we left, quite the opposite in fact as they gave us a cheerful send-off. Unfortunately, that jubilant mood didn't last long as we were now marching on foot, leading our horses by hand through the forest through a dense forest at night with a cool wind blowing behind us.

Sasha: *Yawn* me too, can't we just ride the rest of the way?

Y/n: If you three numbskulls hadn't celebrated so much on the wall then maybe you'd have some energy left.

Sasha: Lighten up already, when was the last time we got a send-off like that?

Y/n: You don't pay attention and this might be your last send-off ever.

Sasha: Well ex-

Marco: Alright you two that's enough, keep focus we don't know what's out here.

At these words we all cast uneasy glances into the forest, the night had cast an even gloomier atmosphere which made the already dense forest appear as an almost impenetrable wall of dark leaves and bushes. I raised my lantern higher to see further into the forest but nothing was revealed, even so I pulled my hood closer to my face and looked forward once again to see the convoy slowly march towards Shiganshina.

Y/n: You hear anything Sasha?

Sasha: Nothing just the occasional animal noise along with the noise we make.

Scout: Watch out, sleeping titan up ahead on the left.

Alarmed at these words we all cast cautious glances into the trees and raised our lanterns. Sure enough the scout's words were confirmed as an inactive titan with empty eyes, gleaming from our lantern light, stared ahead into nothingness whilst laying on a boulder.

Armin: Looks like they really are more inactive by night.

Y/n: It also means more work for us if we take back the wall, all the titans clearly aren't gone yet.

Sasha: Speaking of more work for us. It looks like Annie's joining us.

Armin: That must be why we are going so slow, the wagon must be causing us to limit our pace.

Sasha: Why did you bring her on this mission?

I turned to look at Sasha, surprised by her hostile tone. Her eyes were narrowed and she was glaring ahead of us to where the wagon containing her crystal must have been a few hundred metres in front of us.

Y/n: I can't say much, only officers are aware of the plan. All I'll say is that she is bait.

Armin: It's a good plan but very risky.

Y/n: You think it's worth it?

Armin bit his lip and furrowed his brows before finally responding with a slow nod to me.

We fell into silence once more, the path narrowed as we progressed through the forest which meant that we could only travel two by two. I led my horse forward and was joined by Marco, Sasha and Armin hung back and were quietly talking.

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