First blood

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The footsteps of the titans got louder as we approached, thudding on the ground and making the houses vibrate every time I jumped onto one as I travelled as quick as I could to the squad of cadets I was supposed to take control of. The captain shouted at me as we traversed through the streets, drawing nearer to the gate.

Captain Wilhelm: We split off here, you can see them by the tower over there! I'm going to the street in front of yours. Do not lose your position no matter what, if you need support signal for it from the second line but don't leave this place abandoned! We need to buy as much time as possible!

Y/N: Understood sir, I'll do my best!

Y/N: I can't believe I'm taking control of a squad, I've not even left the cadets properly yet and I'm already leading a squad. Into a battle against titans no less! Ok, breathe just breathe. Make sure we hold our position and keep them alive that's all you have to do.

I shot my anchors onto the tower where they were huddled under on the rooftop as they listened to the elite squad engaging the titans. I landed on top of the roof of the tower and yelled at them to get up here.

?: Here si- wait a second you're our age what are you doing in control of a squad?

Y/N: You're asking the wrong questions, we need to focus on stopping these titans and staying alive.

?: But you don't even know what you're doing, you're just like us.

Y/N: Ye- Yeah I am but list-

?: He's not, I've seen him before he was in the top ten at the southern camp and he broke many speed records with the odm gear. He's much better than us.


Everyone shut up and stopped muttering to stare at me. I looked at the ginger boy with the swirling haircut who had identified me.

Y/N: Who are you, have we met?

?: Not directly but I have seen you a lot, we shared a dorm room after all. My name is Floch and you're Y/N right?

Y/N: Yeah that's right. Ok listen up everyone I don't like to brag but I'm clearly the most qualified to be here. I'm going to keep it real with you, they have just lied to you and called you special so you'd agree to come. You are not special, I don't believe any of you were top ten from what the captain described but I don't care about that. Skill at a moment like this doesn't matter, a mark on paper doesn't matter, what the instructors thought about you doesn't mean shit here. All that matters is if you have heart. I will lead you forward but I won't drag you kicking and screaming, you follow or you die. Even if you follow me you may die but we have a job to do and it is up to you if you want to die doing that job and have a chance of living however slim it may be or if you want to be a coward and snivel like a child waiting to be eaten. Are you with me? If so remain here, the rest of you go cry where you were again, understood?

All: Yes sir!

Y/N: Sir? Oh right, they mean you. Pull it together!

Y/N: Right then I want names from all of you.

Floch: I'm Floch Forster sir!

?: I'm James Ragnarsson sir!

?: My name is Sinan Orel sir!

? Sarah Smith at your service sir!

?: Isabella Ramirez sir!

Y/N: Ok good, listen up. I have faith in all of you. By staying you have represented to me that you have the dedication to move forward and sacrifice yourself for the people of Trost if needs be and that to me is more valuable than any mark on a piece of paper.

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