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Y/n: Things go off without a hitch?

Levi: Yeah we got him, Reeves delivered as promised. We still have to question Sannes and it may have to get forceful.

Y/n: What will you ask him?

Levi: Why they want Eren, Historia and where they are. You go join the others, there's nothing more to look out for now it's the middle of the night.

We both left the Reeves company wagon and crossed the moonlit road to the farmhouse where the others waited in silence. The captain opened the door, creaking as it swung, and allowed me to pass into the dimly lit room that preceded the steps to the dark cellar where the MP known as Sannes was tied up.

Levi: Stay put, I'll go...interrogate Sannes.

The captain put on an apron which was lying on the floor and quickly moved down the stairs to the basement, the door slammed shut and once more there was just silence in the room. Armin had his head in his hands and Connie looked troubled, as if he was wondering about something but was hesitant to ask.

Y/n: What is it Connie?

Connie: I just... I wanted to ask on the night you told us the truth. You said we are titans right?

Y/n: Eldian's can turn into titans yes but unless you are given spinal fluid you are just the same as me.

Mikasa: But you can't?

Y/n: No. I'm Marleyan, I'm not sure why Eldian's can when everyone else cant but that's the way it is.

Connie: But that means, if everyone within the walls is an Eldian. That means... someone injected my family. That was my mum wasn't it? In my village.

Everyone looked at me as I drew up a chair, I sat down and put my head in my hands before sighing deeply and replying.

Y/n: Someone has yes. At the time I was confused because I knew from Reiner's reaction that he had no clue what was going on. Only two groups could have done this or had access to the means to do this. The government which I find highly unlikely considering how long and dangerous it would be to inject each and every member of your village or-

Sasha: Marley.

Y/n: Yeah... them.

Marco: Do they really hate us that much? I understand that our ancestors did horrible things but we haven't even talked this out with them.

Y/n: Unfortunately some people can't be reasoned with. In our case, this is the government and military of Marley. Their goals are to secure the resources of Paradis and the hate Marleyan's have for you all just helps to justify themselves. There is no amount of talking with Marley that will change things.

Jean: Which means we will have to fight. Kill. Again...

They all looked troubled by this. If it was possible Armin's head descended deeper into his arms so that everything bar his hair was shielded from view.

Y/n: It's not nice to say this but you all need to hear this, especially you Armin.

I had gathered everyone's full attention, they all stared attentively at me with wide eyes. Everyone bar Mikasa who I suspected already knew what I was going to say due to her similar beliefs.

Y/n: You all need to grow up. You can't afford to be a pacifist Armin, as good of a person you are , if you keep beholding yourself to this then you will become a liability in a military fighting for the survival for their people. This is a war, it may not seem like it but it is. Marley has already struck the first blow when they broke the walls down and you all need to be ready when the time comes to do what needs to be done. You're all good people, I've said this before. Its understandable that you don't want to do this. However, there is a reason I was willing to kill when we tried to rescue Eren. It's because I know sooner or later we will have to do this again but on a much larger scale. Its only a matter of time so I have prepared myself for what must be done. We aren't bad people for fighting to survive, we don't want to fight but if it's necessary we will and that isn't a bad thing at all. I know Armin that you think we kill just because we have differing viewpoints and that makes us bad people, but consider this. Is it better if we just roll over and die when others want us dead because of our beliefs? Or is it better if we stand up for them?

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