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I was woken by a bright light, the sun was high in the sky and the light wind blew gently against my face as I rose, rubbing my eyes and getting my bearings once again.

Y/N: Must have overslept a bit, I wonder what time it is.

Looking up I could see that the sun was not yet at its midday point, it still lingered a bit before its highest point which meant there was still plenty of time left in the day. Plenty of time to start my mission. I hastily grabbed the pistol I had taken out of my bag the night before and placed it gently in the bottom of the bag with the bullets taken out.

Y/N: Don't want that to go off accidentally, good now everything's here. So I better set off now, need to get to that city and stay alive for a week... Damn, what have I gotten myself into?

With a deep breath, I set off down the hill and left the trees growing near the wall behind, taking note of the beautiful countryside as I did. There were fields full of crops ready for harvesting, clear rivers which were free from pollution and what appeared to be deep forests to the north where the ground ascended into steep hills, snow-capped mountains in the background.

Y/N: Well they know how to farm, they're not completely backwards I guess. Still, I should brace myself for the horrors I'll see in the city. If I want to fit in I can't act surprised or horrified.

After a while, I found what appeared to be a road which was just flattened earth which meandered its way between the fields and forests. I continued towards the city which was drawing nearer with every step, the day was a pleasant one with the birds tweeting and the clouds appearing as fluffy pillows in the sky. One could almost be forgiven for thinking that they were back in Marley, it was so similar.

Y/N: Well apart from that giant wall over there.

?: Hey! Hey! Do you need a ride kid?

A distant voice came from behind, the clattering of hooves and creaking of the wheels growing louder every second.

Y/N: The first devil, ok ok just calm down you did this in Liberio and they weren't bad, they were like me. Don't expect the same though, these guys actually are devils. You know they are, but you've faced this all before so just act natural.

Turning around I could see the cart and horse in question begin to slow down until it came to a stop beside me. I glanced up to find the driver, bracing myself for the horrible devilish face I was sure to find.

Y/N: What?

For the second time I was completely blindsided, the man wasn't a devil he looked completely normal. I closed my eyes and opened them again, sure they weren't working and that his true form would be revealed. Yet there he still was, looking at me in confusion with his eyes furrowed and his free hand that wasn't on the reins scratching his nose.

?: What do you mean what? I asked if you needed a ride, mind you I'm going to Shiganshina so any further and you're on your own.

Y/N: Oh um.. you headed to the city?

?: You know another Shiganshina kid?

Y/N: Oh no of course not, sorry I'm a little deaf it's why I asked you what earlier. Uh, sure I'll join if you're offering.

?: Ah that explains it then, thought you were a little backwards after you replied. Well better get on then. Relax as well kid I'm not gonna kidnap you, just sit back for a bit it's only a short ride.

Y/N: ...

?: Or don't fine by me.

We set off with a snap of the reins at a much faster pace than I was travelling at before, I wasn't relaxing no matter what that ma- devil said. To add to that the audacity of him, a devil, saying he thought I was backwards greatly annoyed me, causing a deep scowl to be plastered on my face.

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