The Night Before Shiganshina

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After a month of preparing the moment had arrived. A month of practice. A month of drills. A month of nightmares. The time to take back Shiganshina had come.

Ever since I had left Annie in the crystal after proposing the deal I had been plagued with dreams. Dreams of Connie's death, Jean's death or even the captain's death, all at the hands of the warriors. Equally, I had dreamt of Reiner's death or Bertholdt's as a result of being consumed by a titan or even worse... by me.

Y/n: I can't really kill them... can I?

Even now I was consumed with these thoughts as I practised my odm manoeuvres with Eren in the forest. The trees all seemed to blur together as I stared into space, oblivious to my surroundings. The weather reflected my mood. The long, blistering summer days gave way to colder and windier ones which signified the approaching autumn. Gloomy skies threatened to unleash torrential rain

Eren: -n....Y/n!

Y/n: What did you say Eren?

Eren: Pay attention man! Don't want to be crashing into stuff before we even get there. I was asking if you're coming to the celebration tonight?

Y/n: Not decided, might just want to get more sleep before tomorrow.

Eren: Wait! You have to come, I heard there might even be some meat...

Y/n: Meat? That explains why Sasha was so excited earlier. Can't believe it's been 5 years since I've had a scrap of meat, used to eat it every day back in Ostia. Ok, I guess I'll see if there's some meat.

Eren: Every day? I can't wait to see it, after everything you've described it to be. I just want to get out there and see it.

We landed at the end of the course by the captain who looked at the pocket watch he pulled out and grunted at us which meant he had no issues with our time. Eren and I wandered back to the HQ along the beaten dirt track that led to the front gate.

Y/n: Still have to go home first man, seal the gates before we can even think of the sea.

Eren: Yeah...home. After all this time I'm going home, it's been so long. I want to go home so badly to see the basement. My dad's stuff and yours are there right?

Y/n: Yeah my bag is in there, can't say I relate to wanting to go back to Ostia though.

Eren: It's where you're from though. I get you consider this island to be your home now but don't you want to see everything again?

Y/n: Not really. I was sent on a suicide mission on purpose, only bad memories there.

Eren: But-

Y/n: -Enough talk about that, it's almost time to get on the wagons.

We split up, Eren walking to his room and I to mine. The place was almost completely empty, most of our friends had gone to the district in the earlier wagons as soon as their final training sessions had been completed. Only Mikasa remained, dutifully waiting for Eren. I gave her a nod as I walked into my now clean room. All of my military gear had been loaded into the wagons the day before, leaving behind a single set of the basic civilian clothes that Mrs Braus had forced me to take after discovering I literally owned none due to me being in the military the entire time I had been in the walls.

The ride to Trost wasn't as long as anticipated, after changing I had boarded the last wagon alongside Mikasa and Eren and the captain and we set off. Mikasa and Eren talked freely and openly, wondering about what the celebration tonight would be like, yet the captain and I sat in silence. It was as if we knew this was the calm before the storm. Luckily after only an hour's journey, we arrived at the gates of the Trost HQ for the scouts where we could see the scouts eagerly milling around the entrance to the dining hall.

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