Training Days

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Commandant Shadis: It's aptitude time cadets! If you can't do this then you're not fit to be soldiers and you'll be sent off to work the fields.

Connie: First test, here we go Y/N! Get ready to behold my genius cause I'm gonna be top of the class at odm training.

I rolled my eyes in response to this comment whilst Jean who had tagged along with Marco and now stood to my right scoffed.

Jean: Connie you must be dumber than you look, I'm obviously going to beat everyone here. I'm just naturally talented like that. Marco and I are going to wipe the floor with you all and then it's off to the interior to live like kings.

Y/N: Well to do that you're going to have to be the best of the best and by the looks of things Mikasa has already mastered this.

We all turned to look at Mikasa who was simply dangling in her harness, motionless as everyone around her was flailing their limbs in an attempt to keep upright. I turned to look at Jean who was staring in amazement and had a slight blush.

Y/N: Still think you're gonna be to- wait a second what's this Jean? You developed a little something for Mikasa?

Connie and I sniggered whilst Jean was torn out of his focussed gaze on Mikasa and turned away from us, probably to hide the blush that intensified after I called him out.

Jean: Shut up Y/N you're one to talk after yesterday, should've seen the way you were looking all that time.

Y/N: What are you talking about?

Jean: Huh didn't think anyone could be as dumb as Connie.

Connie: Hey!

Commandant Shadis: L/N, Braus, Springer you're up! Yeager you better pull your act together by tomorrow or I'm personally kicking you out. Well done Ackerman, exemplary work.

I casually walked forward with the others and attached the harness to myself whilst I observed Eren storm off with Mikasa and Armin in tow. I was then lifted up into the air as a training assistant pulled the lever which raised the ropes.

Y/N: Huh this isn't so bad, just keep your balance, don't put too much weight on either side and you'll be fine. Don't know how Eren was struggling so much.

Connie: How you holding up Y/N?

I was beginning to get bored now, we had been held up here for 2 minutes and whilst many struggled Sasha, Connie and I had been able to remain still.

Y/N: I'm fine, but I'm starting to get bored.

Sasha: Yeah me too, how much longer do we have to stay up here?

Unfortunately for Sasha Commandant Shadis at that moment decided to look up from his clipboard where he was writing evaluative notes.

Commandant Shadis: As long as I say Braus! Now stay in that harness or I'll make you run again next Sunday.

Sasha: Y-yes Sir sorry sir!

The minutes passed by as Sasha began to swing in boredom in her harness, not a care in the world or a thought was going through her head as she did so.

Connie: Hey that's pretty cool Sasha, I wanna try.

The next noise I heard was a slam. Connie had managed to flip himself over so his head and collided with the ground before he flipped himself upright again.

Y/N: Nice going genius.

Connie: Ahh man my head... Yeah well I didn't want to do that anyway I thought I'd test myself by flipping myself back up on my own.

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