Infiltration - Part One

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2 Months Later

Y/n: Not far now, just across the bridge.

Floch: And they are waiting for us there?

Y/n: ...To be honest, I don't really know where they are. Just that they're here and that Eren's gotten himself hurt.

I adjusted my white armband to fit further up my arm as we stepped over the smooth black tarmac road and ascended the small incline of the bridge. To my right, Floch pulled his cap so it obscured more of his face upon seeing another group of Marleyan's crossing the bridge just as we were. People stared at us and wrinkled their faces in disgust, most crossed to the other side of the road upon seeing us and one of them even spat at us. I shot them a weary glance before quickly turning to look ahead, towards the wire gates and the looming grey stone walls that encircled the Liberio internment zone. Floch muttered to me under his breath.

Floch: Not much compared to our walls huh?

I widened my eyes as we joined the queue at the MPS post by the gates and turned to him before responding in an angry whisper.

Y/n: Quiet! I told you, the reason I chose you and not one of my friends is that I know you will be purely focused on the mission and not get distracted by another part of the outside world. If you start blowing our cover you'll defeat the reason I brought you in the first place and get us killed. Now get your papers out.

He nodded before withdrawing a small white slip that had been given to us by Erwin and the Anglonic's. A fabricated permission slip to leave the zone, was as good as gold to these people and a way to liberty even if it was only brief. But to us, it was our way in.

The queue started to thin as people were slowly admitted to the zone. One was accosted by a guard before he signaled for two of his members to take her away, she kicked and screamed all the way as they dragged her to a truck and drove out of sight. The chatter stopped as the group descended into an ominous silence.

Y/n: No paper, must have lost it or something.

Floch: Will they turn her titan?

Y/n: If she's lucky.

After a few tense minutes we arrived at the front of the queue, I held my breath as the guard scrutinized the passes. He stood almost a foot taller than me and had a long scar that stretched from his forehead across his nose, he scowled down at me as he looked at the paper and then back at us which caused me to shift nervously on the spot and look away. After what appeared to be an eternity we were finally waved through the gates and we gratefully hurried inside before they were shut with a metallic clang behind us. I stood rooted to the spot, staring through the mesh fence at the wider city of Liberio we had just passed through. More specifically, one spot only a few meters to the right of the guard post.

Floch: Y/n?

I didn't respond, only continued staring at the area. The memories came rushing back, that fateful evening almost 10 years ago when I first met him and started my journey. I felt a wellspring of emotions erupt inside of me, sadness for Bertholdt, fondness for the first meeting of my late friend, and...regret for what I was about to do to his home.

Floch: Are you okay?

His voice snapped me out of my trance-like state and I blinked rapidly before turning on my heel and briskly walking into the zone, trying to shift the thoughts from my mind as I looked around for any sign of my friends. Floch hurried to join me as we pushed through the crowded street.

Y/n: I-I was just looking at the spot. All those years's where I first met Bertholdt. Where I first met an Eldian. And now...

Floch: You are one.

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