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Marco: Calm down! Pull yourself together Daz, we all saw our friends get eaten not just you!

Y/N: Will you stop squirming you snivelling wreck, cant you see we are all in the same boat here!

Marco: That's right just look at Sasha after everything she's still an upstanding soldier.

We had made it back in one piece although everyone was a bit shaken and disturbed about the evacuation. None more so than Daz who was currently being more than a little annoying to anyone who could hear his obscenest yelling.

Sasha: Ahhhh, my stomach hurts! Please, I cant do this just consider me wounded!

Y/N: Sasha you're fine stop trying to dodge service, and besides we might not even go back out there what's the point. The wall hasn't been breached and the citizens are out, its not as if we have lost a great swathe of land.

Daz: That's all I need to hear, I'm out of here! Look, more reinforcements are here. Now I'm definitely not staying it means we're going back out there why else would they be here?!

Marco: Reinforcements....

Y/N: Well...I suppose I was wrong it looks like we are risking our lives again, but why? Unless we have a solution for the hole there's no point.

Officer: All soldiers report to the front gate!

An officer yelled at us as more of the garrison reinforcements poured into the street along with the survivors of the battle who had begun to meander back to the gate of Trost.

Y/N: Well Sasha, let's go see what they want.

Sasha: No, cant we just stay here? Pretend that I am injured I really don't want to go my stomach hurts so bad!

Y/N: That's because you haven't eaten now stand up and lets follow Marco. Look even Daz is following orders, you don't want to be weaker than him right?

Grumbling, with some well-chosen insults aimed at the officers Daz and me, Sasha stood up and followed me as I led our way back to the front gate of Trost. I could see many tired faces, many had clearly been crying. It was understandable, I myself buckled under the pressure and I could only imagine what they went through in losing their long time friends. I was lucky in that regard. Many were shouting in alarm and panic, I could see an officer bellowing threats towards Daz who was panicking as usual and causing a stir.

Y/N: Things are falling apart....

Sasha: Then why are we here let's just go h-


Cannon fire boomed out as everyone was hushed to silence, looking up at the wall where a few figures were standing. One of whom was very familiar to us and the target of my mission.

Commander Pixis: I will now announce the plan to retake Trost! The plan itself is simple, we are going to seal the hole in the wall and gain humanities first real victory against the titans!

I rolled my eyes and scoffed at this, it was clearly just a suicide mission the government had ordered to save face.

Y/N: Yeah easy enough right Sasha?

Sasha wasn't paying attention to me or my sarcastic tone, she was just starting ahead and shivering at the very thought of going out there once more.

Commander Pixis: This is Eren Yeager, a by product of our top science research team in the field of titan's. He is able to transform into a titans body, controlling it at his own will. He will pick up a large boulder from the gates demolition and use it to plug the gap, thus retaking Trost!

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