Assassin's Bullet

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The welcoming glow of the lights on the ship did little to raise my mood as I landed on the airship, the wind whistling behind my back as the ship slowly moved across the scarred and burning city of Liberio. There was not much activity at the storage space in the front of the airship, the iron door to the control room remained shut and so did the door to my right with little noise apart from the humming of the lightbulbs to keep me company as well as the multiple wooden crates lining the walls. I took several steps forward, leaving the open sliding door behind me as I sought the casualty station, or at the very least someone who could take his body away from my eyes. As I placed my hand on the handle to the door leading to the rest of the ship the cockpit's door flew open and Armin flew out, looking wildly around until he caught sight of me.

Armin: Y/n! What are you doing here? I heard ODM gear so I thought everyone else was back already.

Y/n: Just me...I finished my mission and Eren ate the Warhammer as soon as I left, it won't be long until they return as well, if they're not dead that is.

I said this last part with a mixture of sadness and bitterness that was left within me after the night's events and Armin must have noticed as he walked closer towards me, ignoring the return of a few scouts who had just flown through the open door and were celebrating their victory.

Armin: What's wrong? And...who is that on your shoulder?

Y/n: Charlie's dead, I-I couldn't leave his body behind. He deserves to be buried back in his home with his family.

Armin: No...

Y/n: Do you know where-where the casualty station is? I can't take this much longer.

Armin: I'll take him, give him here. You should go see Erwin, he was with Hange in the main corridor last time I saw him.

I nodded feebly, he took the body from me and slung Charlie's lifeless corpse over his holder before patting me on my shoulder sympathetically.

Armin: I'm sorry for your loss, it's never nice losing someone you care for.

I didn't respond but opened the door for us both to pass through. We walked silently down the ship, passing by increasing amounts of returning scouts who were boisterously laughing and celebrating a successful mission, a few faltered when they saw the body of Charlie but soon continued after we had passed.

Armin: He's through there. should tell Sasha, it was her adoptive brother after all.

Once more I nodded without responding, this time I wiped my eyes to remove any lingering tears and sniffled before raising my head up straight. Armin walked to the side, opening a door to a small well-lit room with a few metallic bunkbed-shaped structures and gently depositing his body on one of them before covering it with a white sheet. He closed the door and turned the lights off, I made to open the door leading to the main hall but froze in a brief moment of panic and turned quickly to Armin who looked questioningly at me.

Y/n: Do you know where Mina put those two boys?

Armin: I don't know anything about two boys coming here but they'll either be in that small holding cell we have or the medical room.

Y/n: Right...hey Armin. Thanks, I don't think I could have you know...put him to rest in there.

Armin: No problem, let's just hope there isn't anymore that needs to go in there tonight. I'm going back to the front, Eren and Mikasa will probably be there with the captain soon. Take care of yourself.

Without another word he turned and walked back up the ship towards the front whilst I opened the door and passed through. The next corridor was well-lit with glowing lights and packed full of people celebrating their triumph, weaving through the crowd in search of Erwin or anyone I knew I passed by the empty sleeping cabins that were supposed to be used for resting and relaxation.

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