The Final Battle - Part Two

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Levi: Come on, hurry it up, brats!

Connie: We're 19 captains; you think you could let up a little on the 'brats'?

Jean: Focus, Connie!

Connie: Okay, okay...

We hurtled down the shaking corridor and rounded yet another corner which featured broken shards of glass on the ground before being dazzled by a bright light. Shielding my eyes, I could see the sunlight penetrate the dark and gloomy hallway from the top of a staircase where the majority of the noise was coming from.

Y/n: Come on, I can see the exit!

Another large crash caused the building to rumble, and the sounds of falling bricks and who knows what else followed. We stumbled up the staircase, aware of the debris that had been scattered upon it and finally emerged on the flat roof of the HQ. Looking around, I could see many scouts standing paralyzed to the spot as a humungous titan lifted himself off of the roof and down onto the street below. Erwin stood alongside Hange and Mikasa by the edge of the roof and was looking up to the sky with great concern, he looked a little rougher than usual without his crisply shaven face and combed hair accompanied with a black eye, but apart from that, he looked to be his usual sharp self.

Jean: Oh no...

Sasha: That's not good.

Y/n: What do you...?

My words trailed off as I followed their vision to the sky. Three large, hulking airships soared menacingly in the sky above Shiganshina. Already the small flashes of light emanating from just below the ships showed that they were already opening fire upon the district, unaware that there was nobody around but soldiers. Many white parachutes were populating the space below these ships like tiny clouds, every one of them holding an elite Marleyan soldier. Three bright flashes of yellow light caused us to shield our vision and the recognisable sounds of titan transformation reverberated around the deserted district.

Y/n: That's not good.

Levi: And some old friends have decided to join us.

He pointed towards the centre of the district, where Eren was now walking with purpose. The armoured titan had made an appearance on Paradis for the 1st time in four years, dominating over the houses with his muscly armoured form now as he did then. Flanking him was the female titan, one who had never set foot in Shiganshina but to the remnants of the original scout regiment, she was still a recognisable figure, one who had struck terror into many with her vicious tendencies.

Jean: I don't think they're here for a friendly visit.

Y/n: Oh really? What makes you say that?

Sasha: Shut up.

Armin: Weren't there three flashes?

Levi: Oh, he's here alright.

Connie: Who?

Y/n: Zeke Yeager.

I saw him as I said this, he was standing on top of the wall above the gatehouse where Eren's hardened titan form still blocked the gate. He winded up just as he had done four years ago and let loose upon the district, wiping out some houses near to where he stood with stones. Eren let out a mighty roar and charged the two on the main street, sending them flying backwards with his hardened fists, but the beast titan continued to focus his bombardment on the houses of the district and not Eren.

Connie: What's he doing?

Armin: He's destroying the buildings so that we can't use our ODM gear.

Y/n: And then...the soldiers they're dropping can just wipe us out! Without the gear, we can't beat them here.

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