Final Note

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Final Notes

Wow, honestly what a journey. I just want to say thank you all so so much to all those who have read this story. At the outset of writing this story, I never expected to get more than maybe 1k reads total but now at the time of writing this I see I almost have 10k??? I hope you all enjoyed the mini epilogue I created that tied everything together and showed a bit of the future, as well as the ending I created. 

I honestly can't believe it, but you all pushed me to write this because I wanted to give you guys regular updates due to your great support. If it wasn't for you I suspect that I'd be motivated purely by my own desire to progress at my own pace and we would still be in Season 3 at the moment. Thank you all so much, I know I've said it a lot but it really means a lot to me. I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. 


If you have any questions regarding this story then do drop me a dm, some of you have already done so and I'd be only too happy to give some information or content or whatever you wish. If you want tips or pointers I also have no issues helping you out. 

Just before we go on to the future I want to give a big thank you to Garekishiroyoshi who inspired me to write this story through reading their works, especially their 'AOT: The Hunters' story which I highly recommend. Their work and advice have been invaluable and once again, make sure you read their stuff if you have not already it's really really good. 

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