Assault on Liberio - Part One

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It was a pleasant and warm evening, the ocean glittered and sparkled in the evening sunlight as one of the last suns this summer would see began to descend over the horizon. Many families swanned around the pier, gazing at the many stalls that were beginning to close or the massive warships docked at the enormous port which loomed over us all. I leaned on a lamppost, eating a slice of pizza I had procured for my dinner and enjoying the last bits of peace I would be able to enjoy before things inevitably exploded tonight.

I stared around at the laughing children and anxious parents who were examining their thinning wallets with amusement. Much of my free time had been spent like this, the week had been filled with festivities in advance of the big performance that Tybur himself was due to deliver tonight and when I was not dealing with the resistance or Eren, I found myself wandering around the zone, taking in the sights and enjoying the relaxed atmosphere.

Of course, that was not all I was doing. I had also spent much of the last week with my newfound family. For example, this morning I spent time with Falco and two of his friends, Udo and Zofia, and even bought them ice cream before sending them on their way to find their friend Gabi. I had grown closer to my family and earned their trust although the two boys still did not know who I really was in relation to them. It was probably better that they found out safe on Paradis...well if they got there.

My happiness turned to brooding as I recalled how my mother and stepfather had stalled in their answer to the point where it was almost certainly too late to evacuate them. They were all in danger whilst they were still here, Falco in particular who I had grown especially fond of was in the warrior cadets and would be expected to attend the performance. I sighed in frustration as I thought of the impending events and how at risk they were. Even if I had not told them of what was to happen they could still gather that they were in danger. How could they not see it?

I waited, looking at my wristwatch before quickly looking back up at the main street which trailed through the heart of the zone to the docks. She had asked to meet me and so I dutifully waited at the place we had arranged despite the shifty looks I was getting from dock workers and the occasional MPS patrol. Finally, I could see her ambling down the street, a shawl wrapped tightly around her head as she made a beeline for me. The crowds were dispersing now, to my dread they were pooling towards the main plaza...where Eren lay in wait.

M/n: Oh thank goodness you're here, I need to talk to you.

Y/n: I thought we said our goodbyes this morning, you know I'm going home tonight.

M/n: That's exactly why we need to talk. But not here.

She beckoned me over to a small side street which separated an abandoned florist shop and a small toy shop. Darkness shrouded our faces as her tone lowered to a whisper, anxiously looking back at the main docks for any signs of alarm.

M/n: We want to go.

Y/n: What?

M/n: There's going to be an attack, I know it. It all makes sense, Tybur being here, the navy, that new field marshal Octavian and the military's top officers. It's the perfect setting for an attack. That's what you've been preparing for, isn't it?

I looked her dead in the eye, my palms sweating as I slowly nodded once in response. Her hands flew to her face in horror and her eyes widened in fear. I stood motionless, unsure as to what to say before she gulped and spoke in a firm voice.

M/n: Then we were right, we want to leave. We don't want to get hurt or any of our boys to be in danger. I just had to know before I said it to you.

I rubbed my face and paced a few steps up and down the alley in frustration, anger and annoyance welled up inside me before I let it out in an angry whisper.

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